How to integrate this Api in Flutter? - flutter

I want to make a flutter shows air quality according to users location, i came across this api but I don't know to integrate it into the app.
Api Link


Google Assistant SDK API calls

I keep getting an error that there is a problem with my sample pronunciation. Although, the problem is not clearly highlighted. I am using Google Assistant SDK to integrate it into a raspberrypi and in no way intend to make any commercial use of it. I would like to publish the app only so that I get more than the limited number of API calls using one account.
Could you also tell me the limit to the number of API calls using one account?
Is it necessary to develop and deploy Actions in order to extend the limit on the API calls made using assistant sdk platform?
enter image description here

How to Integrate skrill with flutter?

I know how to Integrate stripe with flutter. But i want to know how to Integrate Skrill payment gateway with my flutter app.
if you want to integrate any platforms or services into your platform, you have to go to the bottom of the official web-site and find the links through the section API or Developer guide. I found this link for your reference.

How to publish carousel & story to Instagram from flutter app?

I am building a flutter app where a user can share/publish media on their Instagram account. The app is already set up using Facebook SDK & publishing a single post (Image/Video) is working using graph API.
Now, I am having trouble with how to publish multiple images i.e Carousel or Story from the flutter app itself.There is no documentation i could get hands-on for integrating this.
Please help me with the implementation of this feature.
Carousels and stories are not available as part of the Content Publishing API
Stories are not supported.
Multi-image posts are not supported.

How to dynamically change content depending on data from Facebook analytics?

Facebook have deprecated their app notifications API so there is no way to push content to a users phone based on segments anymore, correct me if I'm wrong.
The problem is that I want to analyse Facebook analytic data programatically and display different products to my customers based on how they use the app, to do this I need access to Facebook analytics through a PHP SDK or JavaScript SDK. How do I access Facebook analytics programatically? I can't find anything in their PHP SDK which would let me do this.
Furthermore, I want to push notifications to specific segments of users, now that Facebook have deprecated their app notifications API, how can this be accomplished?
Could it be worth switching to Firebase / Google analytics, would these services allow me to accomplish these tasks?
Analytics is primarily about post-event analysis, vs real-time optimization. All of the products you mention focus on post-event analysis and don't support you reading data out for a single individual (i.e. the current user), through an API or otherwise.

Using the Paypal Mobile SDK UI in the REST API

I was trying you the Paypal Rest Api here:
In the third step, a link is given which takes you to the login screen of paypal. The link looks like this:
I saw the login screen in the ios mobile SDK here:, which has a really good UI. Is there some way in which the UI of the Mobile SDK can be used in the REST API?
The example in the first (and second) links are for building a web app on top of the REST SDK. The good news is that the Mobile SDKs are also built on top of the REST API.
However, the examples for mobile are not as complete. But there is a mobile backend example app in the Python SDK. It should play nicely with the payment verification step or capturing an authorization. Authorizations can be created on iOS by setting payment.intent = PayPalPaymentIntentAuthorize.