How to publish carousel & story to Instagram from flutter app? - flutter

I am building a flutter app where a user can share/publish media on their Instagram account. The app is already set up using Facebook SDK & publishing a single post (Image/Video) is working using graph API.
Now, I am having trouble with how to publish multiple images i.e Carousel or Story from the flutter app itself.There is no documentation i could get hands-on for integrating this.
Please help me with the implementation of this feature.

Carousels and stories are not available as part of the Content Publishing API
Stories are not supported.
Multi-image posts are not supported.


How to integrate this Api in Flutter?

I want to make a flutter shows air quality according to users location, i came across this api but I don't know to integrate it into the app.
Api Link

In a Flutter app, is there a way to share images & text to a Facebook group?

We currently have a Flutter based app. Today, my boss asked me is there a way to share images & text to a Facebook group (or groups)? I tested several plugins, none of them can do this.
So if you know a way to do this, please tell me how to do it or what package I should use.
You will have to use Facebook Graph API's to post text & images to Facebook group or a Facebook page.

Facebook Chat bot not working for public

I have a chat bot working fine for a single page.
My app is currently live and available to the public.
I generated page tokens using Facebook Login.
But I want to integrate same chat bot with other pages also.
I follow below guidelines to subscribe other page in my app.
But other pages are not hitting my webhook.
Screenshot of may app and messenger review are below.
Second image of messenger review
Please suggest me how i integrate my app for multiple pages.
Am I missing any step?
Thanks in Advance

Codename One - Facebook Marketing API

I was looking for a way to integrate my CodenameOne app with Facebook. Particularly to collect data aimed to improve the adds shown on Facebook to users who have, for example, installed the app. What I found for integration with Facebook on CN1 is (mainly) this
This seems useful for publishing photos or posts to Facebook as a user, but not for gathering data as I need it. Is there a way to access this part of the Facebook SDK in CN1? If there isnĀ“t is this planned for the future?
The connect API is designed for authorization and authentication which need to be native. From that point on you can use the token against the standard Facebook Graph API.
I'm not really familiar with the marketing API but does it require functionality from the native SDK which isn't available in the current SDK?

Facebook integration into the iphone app

I want to integrate facebook into my iphone app and can i find who are all online in the facebook programmatically using the facebook SDK
Please let me know your comments.
The Facebook iOS SDK ( cannot use chat out of the box from what I can tell.
Here are instructions for getting the SDK working in your iPhone app:
Perhaps you could write a PHP (or language of your choice) script to interface with the web APIs that do allow you to get the list of users who are online. There is some PHP source code at the bottom of the following URL to do what you are trying to achieve.