Using the Paypal Mobile SDK UI in the REST API - paypal

I was trying you the Paypal Rest Api here:
In the third step, a link is given which takes you to the login screen of paypal. The link looks like this:
I saw the login screen in the ios mobile SDK here:, which has a really good UI. Is there some way in which the UI of the Mobile SDK can be used in the REST API?

The example in the first (and second) links are for building a web app on top of the REST SDK. The good news is that the Mobile SDKs are also built on top of the REST API.
However, the examples for mobile are not as complete. But there is a mobile backend example app in the Python SDK. It should play nicely with the payment verification step or capturing an authorization. Authorizations can be created on iOS by setting payment.intent = PayPalPaymentIntentAuthorize.


How to integrate API amember pro into ionic 5 application

Currently I am developing a new application using API amember pro for an already website. I want to integrate the API into my app (ionic 5) and I am really new about this.
For now, I have developed in half way progress and I am using the list of API under Remote API Permissions. The problem is, all the API used are needed to be login again in app just like opening website in application. May I ask about how to identify the suitable API in amember pro to be used in Application?
Hopefully there will be someone who have experienced this and willingly to share this with me huhu. Thank you.
The docs for API amember is here;

Codename One - Facebook Marketing API

I was looking for a way to integrate my CodenameOne app with Facebook. Particularly to collect data aimed to improve the adds shown on Facebook to users who have, for example, installed the app. What I found for integration with Facebook on CN1 is (mainly) this
This seems useful for publishing photos or posts to Facebook as a user, but not for gathering data as I need it. Is there a way to access this part of the Facebook SDK in CN1? If there isn´t is this planned for the future?
The connect API is designed for authorization and authentication which need to be native. From that point on you can use the token against the standard Facebook Graph API.
I'm not really familiar with the marketing API but does it require functionality from the native SDK which isn't available in the current SDK?

Phonegap/Cordova Facebook plugin rejected by Facebook

Facebook rejects the implementation of the official Phonegap Facebook plugin.
Did it by the book, login, posting works. Explained it's Phonegap (v3.0), and it's using their native SDK, but got rejected two times without any explanation except the info below.
Your Android app must use the native Login dialog that comes with Facebook's SDKs instead of custom web views. Ensure you have successfully tested your Facebook Login integration for Single Sign On or remove this integration as a listed platform in the developer app.
Here are the full details
Please advise. Thx!

Facebook login integration with phonegap

I'm new using facebook for developers, I want to use Facebook Login for my app developed in phonegap, where I want that when users want to login, it opens facebook standard page for them to continue with the process and return data to my app. But the first thing I found was that there were many solutions:
The Login Flow for iOS
The Login Flow for Android
The Login Flow for Web (without JavaScript SDK)
But none for what I want. I also found facebook github's solutions but, it seems to be only for Android or iOs, but not both of them:
So I have some doubts:
¿What solution should I use for phonegap integration?
I know that I need an app-id that I can find it at facebook's developers page , but if that key is locally saved, at the devices, would it be safe?

Twitter SDK on iOS with standard UI

I am looking for the SDK to integrate Twitter into my iOS App. I have done research, and seem that MGTwitterEngine is what most people recommend. However, MGTwitterEngine only provides access to the Twitter API, but not the UI.
I also looked a few iPhone app with Twitter integration, such as SCVNGR, FriendsAroundMe, Hashable, they all have the same login page. However, I couldn't find out what SDK these apps use.
I wonder whether there is any SDK release (from Twitter would be the best), which includes both the SDK with standard UI implementation, and some demo code.
Thanks for your advice.
The login UI for these apps is probably a UIWebView. I say probably because I haven't seen those apps that you've mentioned. The login for Twitter is usually handled in a UIWebView, because Twitter requires OAuth. Since the login is done in a UIWebView, Twitter actually provides that UI.
I would recommend ShareKit for basic Twitter interactions, like posting. ShareKit handles the UIWebView for you. edit: ShareKit (0.2.1) seems to have some memory leak issues. Use at your own risk.
I have a project that builds oAuth and streaming on top of MGTE. The project includes a demo that does authentication in a web view, and streams tweets to a table view.
You can integrate Twitter via Twitter API which requires OAuth. And OAuth requires web-browser in any form. All the other parts can be done without web-browser, but authentication requires it.
You can hack those OAuth web pages in background via UIWebView's JavaScript interface, but the log-in page changes often. And your users will experience log-in trouble until you update hacking algorithm.
In fact, Twitter offers another authentication method called xAuth. You can authenticate completely in background without browser with this protocol, but you have to be approved about using of this protocol from Twitter company via direct contact. I don't think regular startup service can acquire the approval.
I don't think OAuth offer any better security or protection, but this is the only card which I can use without trust from Twitter.
The official Twitter Kit SDK support was discontinued in 2018.
As an alternative solution for displaying Tweets in your app without Twitter Kit, you can render Embedded Tweets and Timelines within webviews using Twitter for Websites.
Check out this link: