Dispatching store actions via utility files (RTK-Query) - redux-toolkit

I am currently implementing our websocket engine to our Redux-Toolkit store. Our websocket connection/reconnect & event handling logic is held in it's own utility file, because each RTK-Query endpoint uses the same websocket, and passes individual handlers to the util file.
This works quite nicely for our purposes, but I would also like to set the websocket connection state in store once the open close & error events trigger, for displaying loading states throughout the App.
Is it possible to trigger store dispatch events without using the useDispatch hook?

Sure, you can just import store in the file where you need it and call store.dispatch - you just should not be doing that in React components.


How to receive data from an api without any user interaction

I'm trying to receive some data from an API call and do some task based on the received data.
Let's say I have my flutter app opened and in that opened state without any click or any interaction I get some data or do any function when I send something through the API.
I used Firebase FCM to do such task - When I send something through the API the firebase notification captures that data and doing the tasks I want on the flutter app.
But I want to do without Firebase. How can I do that. Any solution/suggestions would be great. Thanks!
At first, let's put Flutter aside. Your problem is to pull data from API and do a specific task OR your API should notify the app through API.
For the first problem, a simple data polling should work: when the app is opened, you just start some kind of timer and periodically pull data from the API and do something. However, this method is not perfect, it drains the battery and in general, there are better ways to achieve the same thing, for instance using sockets or push notifications (as some of the answers already state that).
For your second problem - "or do any function when I send something through the API" - you need some kind of mechanism to notify your app for it to react and process the data. This one could be handled using the same mechanism as for the first problem.
So, probably you need to use some kind of push notification service (for instance OneSignal or Pusher, or any other similar service) or web sockets (https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/networking/web-sockets).
Your question is little bit unclear. Whatever if you want to do some network call even without any interaction by user you can call network in your onInit method. This method runs at the very beginning for individual screen. Then do your task based on the response
You need stream API for this,look into socket programming
You can use webs socket or pusher for this. When web socket is connected with your server that time you received some data and you can do your task.

ObjectBox Dart/Flutter multi-isolate access

Creating a separate thread for a question stated in a comment...
How does ObjectBox handle concurrent(by different threads/isolates) write requests? example of my use case: FCM "onBackgroundmessage" call runs in a different isolate, the same time multiple write requests might happen. "Hive" is failing in this case completely. Is there any inbuild solution in ObjectBox?
ObjectBox for dart is based on a native ObjectBox core library that handles concurrency using Transactions. Let me pick out few points relevant to the question:
Transactions manage multi-threading; e.g. a transaction is tied to a thread and vice versa.
Read(-only) transactions never get blocked or block a write transaction.
There can only be a single write transaction at any time; they run strictly one after the other (sequential).
As for the isolates in Dart/Flutter - yes, they can safely access the same store, you just need to make sure it really is the same native store instance. To do so, you do the following steps:
Create a Store() instance in your main isolate, as you normally would.
Get ByteData store.reference which contains the information about the native store.
Send this reference to another isolate, via a SendPort.
In another isolate, receive the reference and open a local Store instance, using Store.fromReference(getObjectBoxModel(), msg as ByteData).
Now both isolates have their own Dart Store instances which internally use the same underlying native store. Therefore, their transactions are synchronized, they both see the same data and get notifications on data changes. 🎉
You can see the code I've just described this test case: https://github.com/objectbox/objectbox-dart/blob/461a948439dcc42f3956b7d21b232eb9c2bc26e1/objectbox/test/isolates_test.dart#L50
Make sure you don't close the store while another isolate is still using it. Better not close it at all - that's best practice in normal applications without huge amounts of background work.

Play 2.0 - Push current state of execution to page

So I currently have an application independent of Play which may take a long time in its execution.
I want to put a UI on top of it using Play where the application may be invoked and to display some of the details of the execution inside of the application to the user. I would like the page to be updated automatically as the execution proceeds e.g. if a variable in the application increments this would be reflected on the page.
I'm not sure where to begin with this - do I need to split the application up into models + controllers ? Or do I just need to have code in a controller to instantiate the classes I have already coded and call the methods I need ?
What about constantly showing the execution state on the page?
Any resources I should know about/read ? Code examples?
You may have already done so, but a good starting point is to create a skeleton Play application using the play new command, while referring the creating a new application section. You will have "views" (HTML template pages) and one controller (in Application.scala). You could add more controllers, but as you will have just a single page that should suffice.
You can add jars from your app (if it's a JVM app) to the lib directory of your Play application. From this: "Or do I just need to have code in a controller to instantiate the classes I have already coded and call the methods I need?" it sounds like you would be happy to have your app run in the process of the Jetty + Play server. Check out the Global object for starting your app at process startup.
Check out the section on comet sockets for sending updates from the Play app to the browser. You'll need a bit of Javascript in the web page.
Do you want to have this application running outside of play, perhaps on another server? Can you modify the application, or is this 3rd party software?
If so, you have to have some way to send data back and forth between your play front end and your application. You can either have your application expose a websocket, and then your play front end and your application can push data back and forth to each other. You can then have your client page have a websocket open to you play front end, and then play can push the updates to the client. If your application can't support a websocket, you could also expose some URLs on your front end for the application to POST to. You can then use some sort of message bus or database mechanism (RabbitMQ, redis, Mongo capped collection, or even just a shared Queue object) so that the front end websocket can get those updates and send them to the client.

REST API and iPhone App Architecture and Code Structure

I am in the early stages of an an iPhone App and REST WebService product. Basically, I have a database on the a server and have written some REST APIs to access this database. I have a companion iphone app that will consume these REST APIs.
What is the best approach to place the code for accessing the REST Apis? Should I create a separate subclass of NSObject and place the interface and implementation details there? I would like to reduce the amount of code duplication throughout the application in the various ViewControllers that would interact with the REST API.
For Example:
My app would start up and make a REST API call to determine the current state of local information on the device by comparing the value returned from the API vs local. Then I would initiate an update request from the API to refresh the local datastore.
Now if I have all of this logic in the start-up ViewController I have multiple calls using NSURLConnection which only has on delegate. I don't know how to make these separate calls in the same ViewController.
What are some approaches to solving this problem?
I generally create custom objects which use ASIHTTPRequest (using composition, not subclassing) which can be initialised with any required parameters, and use that to manage requests to the RESTful service. The custom object will provide a delegate protocol for handling success, failure and other custom notifications so that I can use this feedback to update the application UI while the request is performed asynchronously.
If you need to parse large amount of data returned from a request, make sure you launch a separate thread to do this, rather than doing it in your HTTP request success callback, otherwise this will keep the network activity spinner active longer than it actually should be.
If you need to manage multiple requests of the same type, you could add a "tag" property to your custom request, so that when your success/failure delegate response is called, you can easily identify which request it belongs to without having to keep an instance variable to the original request.

message queue for iOS / iPad - something like MSMQ?

I have an iPad app that works both on and offline but when I am offline there are web service calls that will need to be made once online availability is an option again.
A new client is added to the app, this needs to be sent to the web service but since we are offline we dont want to slow the user down so we let them add locally and keep going but we need to remember that that call needs to be made to the web service when we can. Same thing for placing orders and such.
Is there some sort of queue that can be setup that will fire once we have connectivity?
I don't think the overhead of a heavyweight tool like MSMQ is needed for a simple action. You can use Core Data, persist managed objects with the data needed to call the web service, and only delete each managed object after a successful post. There might or might not be a way to capture an event when connectivity starts, but you can certainly create a repeating NSTimer when the first message is queued and stop it when there are no messages in the queue.
This library handles offline persistent message queueing for situations like you describe. It says alpha from a year ago, but I have confirmed it is used in production apps: