Curvy animated polyline in flutter google maps - flutter

Is there a way one can achieve a curvy polyline connecting two points in flutter google maps with an animation just as in the image above. I tried using the maps_curved_line package but the curve wasn't smooth. I have been looking around to see if i can get something as close as this but to no avail. If there are any materials out there that can help or anyone can assist me in achieving this, i will be really glad. Thank you.


Is there a way to capture panaroma image in Flutter?

i want to capture a vertical panorama image with the camera. I was looking around and couldnt find anything. Any kind of help is appreciated :)

How can i crop face outline using flutter firebase_ml_vision? any other way to achieve this? Thank you

I am trying to make a flutter application that crops face from an image. I am using the firebase_ml_vision package to do this. Is there any method that by which I can crop only the face outline (not bounding box)?
Thank you, sorry if the question too silly I'm new to flutter.

How can I add physics animations to a Flutter app

I’m trying to add an effect on a series of containers where they constantly move around a phone screen. This is similar to what is shown below, however they need to be able to bounce off each other too.
Has anyone tried something like this before and can point me on the right direction please? Worth noting that I need the containers to be widgets and so can’t just use a video.
Thanks a lot!

Google Maps GMSGroundOverlay shape of state or country

I would like to place an image on google maps so that it fits the shape of the country or state that it is placed in. I've been looking in to the GMSGroundOverlay as a potential way of accomplishing this, but I can't figure out an easy way to make the overlay take on the shape of a state/country. I was hoping someone might have a suggestion on how to do this?
Thanks in advance

How to draw a piechart in iPhone

I want to draw a piechart in my application. Do anyone know any code or tutorial to help me out. I found some in the following link
but if there is any other more efficient way to do it, I want to learn it.
I'm not sure if you know how to do pie charts on other platforms, but there really are some basic techniques that you should be aware of and understand, before embarking on creating pie charts on ANY platform.
See here for a pretty good discussion. There are many more out there, if you want to learn more.
Applying that to the iPhone isn't going to be child's play, but it's not too hard either. If you are looking for a library to do the work for you, look around and you'd probably find something to give you a head start.
KeepEdge offers an iPhone charting/graphing API:
You can also check the source code of AppMobile, which has a pie chart embedded inside it:
I will recommend you to look at the "Animating Pie Slices Using a Custom CALayer" page!.
there is new, nice Pie Chart 3D library. 3D charts which you can rotate and scale with fingers + protocol for getting information about tapped slice