Google Maps GMSGroundOverlay shape of state or country - swift

I would like to place an image on google maps so that it fits the shape of the country or state that it is placed in. I've been looking in to the GMSGroundOverlay as a potential way of accomplishing this, but I can't figure out an easy way to make the overlay take on the shape of a state/country. I was hoping someone might have a suggestion on how to do this?
Thanks in advance


Represent current speed and direction on a leaflet map

I'm trying to represent sea current speed and direction on a leaflet map, I found a plugin that represents it in an animated way like this example:
but what I want to achieve is something else, I want to represent it using arrows just like they did here:
or this
so if anyone can give me a hint on how to achieve it, it will be very nice.
My personal effort result in the use of leaflet-arrowheads plugin to achieve it but I will need a lot of customization.

how to detect colors from asset in flutter

i have design like below.
i need to put number widget in the path above and change the color of number based on some logic
provided with path asset like this (it's too long to be shown here)
while thinking how to achieve this, it's impossible to draw path from scratch because it's too complex (is it?),, i think if there's a way to detect list of coordinates of color from path provided above would be helpful, or maybe any other suggestion to achieve this? thank you..
===== edit
the requirement is so similar with map in game development like this
i wonder how they could accurately put the number widget in such position. hardcoding x and y coordinate wouldn't work in terms of responsiveness i think

How to change vector tile data in mapbox?

Use MapBox on the web. When I first load the vector tile I want to make him reload other vector tiles is still using this layer id.
It looks like geojson's setData and image of updateImage
Unfortunately, I didn't find a way to change the data in the vector.
So, I want to ask
How do I change the request path in the vector and have the MapBox request the resource again and render it to the map.
Or I can change the resource source file, let the MapBox request again, and get new data to render on the map.
But I don't know how to implement it, how to get it done.
Or you have a better way, please help me. Thank you
In the end, the effect I want to achieve is a weather carousel.
I will render the thunderstorm weather on the map.
Similar to
If you have seen a similar case or website, please leave a message and let me know.
If you can provide code to help, then I will be very grateful.
I see
so terrible to me.

OpenStreetMap static overlay over an area of GPS points

I am writing an Android programm where you can fill out parking tickets automatically.
Moreover, this programm has an OSM built in, where your current location is marked.
Now, I want to show all zones where a parking ticket is being needed!
I have all the coordinates for it, however, marking everything on the fly would be very time consuming. That`s why I would like to do it in a static way, but I do not know whether that is possible or not?
Maybe, someone could give me a hint how to solve this problem?
Thank you very much in advance!

Draw color on country (Mapkit) when it is selected

I want to color the country on selection of the country from a tableView. Can you help me please?
Considering your case, let me give you a heads up that this would require edge detection (so if you haven't done that before, it will take a LONG time), though not lots of it and the following is just one way of approaching this problem:
1) Take out an image context from the map you have.
2) Apply relevant edge detection algorithms in the area you want and use a bright color to differentiate. Note that this way, the inside would not be colored and I can't tell you for sure if that's possible or not.
3) Add that context as a subView on top of the map.
Also take a look at the Quartz 2D programming guide for more tips.
I would suggest something different, though. Keep pre-stored images for all the possibilities and just put a UIImageView with that as its image in front of the map - this will save you a lot of headache.