Receive an email sent by me in Google Grups - google-groups

I use Google groups to manage a mailing list and when some member send an email, he/she (as the sender) does not receive it nor has evidence of the effective sending, while other members subscribed to the group get the message. The sender is one of the members of the group. Is there any way to configure the sender member to receive his/her own sent mail?


Email delivery logs for members of Group

I currently do not have admin access to G Suite, but I am interested in knowing whether Email Log Search would allow me to track email delivery for an email sent to a Groups address. The email was forwarded to a set of recipients, but one is claiming not to be receiving it.
All references I've found state that you should put the Groups address in the TO field, but would that return information about delivery status to individual recipients in the group? If the Groups address were to be set as the FROM, would I be able to track delivery to group members?
I have also seen that there's a status check for group members in the group itself, but that seems to be a general tag and cannot be narrowed down to a specific email.
Thank you in advance.
When an email is sent to a group email address, the email will be forwarded to all the individual emails that are members of that group. So if you set the groups email on the TO field it will not return the delivery status to the individual recipients.
Note that if you are the domain primary admin it is also possible to see the individual addresses by clicking the Expand Results to All Recipients button.
But if you set the group email as the FROM, it will show the forwarded emails to the individual member emails.
For more information on Email Log Search, please refer to

How to access sent by property of gmail via app script?

There is a group mailbox which is used by few users via delegated access. The emails that are sent from this group mailbox displays that email is from the group mailbox and sent by property shows the email address of the individual who has sent this email via delegated access.
In Google Apps Script how to get the value of the "Sent By" from the emails sent from this gmail account?
App Script has a class for Gmail API called GmailMessage. GmailMessage class has the getFrom() method which gets the sender of the message.
var thread = GmailApp.getInboxThreads(0,1)[0]; // get first thread in inbox
var message = thread.getMessages()[0]; // get first message
Logger.log(message.getFrom()); // log from address of the message

invite gtalk user via xmpphp

I have set up a basic install of XMPPHP and to test it I tried sending a message from one of my gtalk (GoogleTalk) accounts to another gTalk account. The receiving account did not show the message, or the normal "user * has sent you a message: accept/block"
I then sent my receiving account a chat message from within the Google interface, and it prompted me (as expected) to add my account to the list of approved chat people.
Once my sending account was on the "approved" list, i was able successfully to send messages with xmpphp with no problem.
My question: Using xmpphp, how do i send an INVITATION to chat? I can send messages fine once the recipient accepts my incoming chats, but the first message sent does not trigger the chat program to prompt me to accept the messages.
As a there a way to find out if the recipient has accepted the request? ANy way to know that the messages are being delivered (or not)?
I had the same problem and the solution is to send a "subscribe" request before the message.
So just call
$conn->message('', 'This is a test message!');

How can I send email to someone's address without it landing in the "Other Messages" folder?

Facebook filters many messages to the Other Messages folder (
Does anyone know how they filter incoming mail to email addresses? Can non-friends email users at #facebook? Can apps?
If the user replies to an e-mail in the Other messages folder, that e-mail address is then whitelisted, and subsequent e-mails will end up in the Messages folder.
I read somewhere that you only have to move a message from Other messages to Messages to whitelist the sender of that message, but that doesn't seem to work.
According to this facebook help center post:
You'll see mostly messages from friends and people you may know (ex: friends of friends) in your inbox. Typically, messages from other people will go to your Other folder, and you won't receive a notification about them.
You may sometimes get messages in your inbox from people you're not connected to. Some examples of when these messages may go to your inbox are:
A friend of a friend includes you in a message along with some of your mutual friends
A member of a group you're in messages you or includes you in a message
A friend who isn't on Facebook uses your contact info to send you a message from the Facebook Messenger app.
Additionally, someone you're not connected to on Facebook may pay to ensure their message is routed to your inbox instead of your Other folder.

In Google Talk, how to send a message to person that is not in my friend list?

In Google Talk, how to send a message to person that is not in my friend list?
I work on an application that notify customers of a bank about change of their accounts. When I send a message to a person not in my list, no error is created, but the message isn't delivered to the recipient.
Because of design issues it is not suitable to send an invitation to customers and store information about their responses to it.
You can message a user directly using XMPP without an active presence subscription (the requirement for an item to appear in your roster), but most clients (Google Talk clients included AFAIK) will discard the message upon reception, if the from header does not match a bare JID in their roster.