GitHub Azure Synapse Access issue: You don't have permission to import resource to the repository, please resolve the permissions in GitHub - github

When I attempt to connect to GitHub repository from Azure Data Factory I have no problem. However, when I try to connet to GitHub from Synapse, see image, I get the error:
You don't have permission to import resource to the repository, please
resolve the permissions in GitHub
I'm not sure why I'm not getting the same permissions error message ADF
Just so you know I have the following permissions configured for Synapse, but it I'm still getting the error:

I connected the GitHub repository from Azure Synapse and Azure Data factory it’s working fine for me.
If you have an Existing resource to the repository in GitHub mentioned in import branch, otherwise make sure to unmark it. Because of that, you are getting the error as seen in the above image.
If you have already connected to GitHub and only granted permission to access a personal account, follow the below steps to grant permissions to an organization
Go to GitHub and open Settings -> Select Applications. In the Authorized OAuth apps tab, you should see Azure Synapse > Select the Azure Synapse and grant the access to your organization


"Failed to load Azure Repos source specified by this pipeline" Error When another Project Administartor tries to run the Pipeline

When I am running the pipeline there is no error that occurs.
But when another project administrator tries to Run a CI pipeline they get an "Failed to load Azure Repos source specified by this pipeline" Error.
Like below:
I assigned the other users as Project administrators and they too have the same permissions as me. Yet they get this error. How to mitigate this? Is it an organization-related setting or a project-related issue?
The users can still run the CI pipeline by clicking on the run button, just that they cannot select the "branch/tag" and this error keeps popping up.
Failed to load Azure Repos source specified by this pipeline. Please ensure Azure Repos is enabled for this project.
The cause of the issue can be related to the Access Level of the users.
If the access level of the users are Stakeholder, they will have no access to the repos and get the error above even though they are Project admin.
Navigate to Organization Settings -> Users and check the Access Level of the users.
You need to grant Basic Access level to the users and they will have access to see the repo and select the branch when running Pipeline.
Refer to this doc: About access levels in Azure DevOps

Can someone help me on this error. I can't clone from the Azure Devops to the local one

The Git repository with name or identifier sdsdsd does not exist or you do not have permissions for the operation you are attempting.
fatal: repository ''
The error implies there is a security restriction on the Repo you are trying to access. Try one of the following:
On windows, use windows credentials to add git#https://<git-username><azdevopsmar22>. Refer this blog ,
Azure devops check security
Within the AzureDevOps organization, your project, select settings --> Repository --> Select the repo that you have trouble accessing --> security. Check if read permissions are set on the group you belong to.

Cannot access Git Organization/repository from AzureDevOps (Build Pipeline)

I have created an organization inside GitHub and moved my personal repo to the organization repo. Then I have added service connection with Git and also did GitHub connection inside azure DevOps. Now I would like to access my organization repo from azure build pipeline but it is not listing my organization repo and it only shows personal accounts repos.
It is saying "This setting is required". But I have added git connection and also service connection.
Accepting your help and suggestion.
Please check whether the selected service connection is to a GitHub-InstallationToken. When I choose this type of service connection, I reproduce this problem.
In addition , you can try to create a new service connection authorized with GitHub personal access token to see if this problem still exists.

Azure analytics in PowerBI

I tried to get data from Azure analytics into PowerBI. So I selected Azure DevOps Server(Boards Only), connected to the server, but when trying to select the data, PowerBI gives the following message error:
The following project does not exist.
I made sure that the collection URL and Team Project are correct. The connection to the server established fine and I can see all the project from the given location. Just when clicking on a specific project I get the error above.
Do you have an idea of what the cause might be ?
You can check if the Personal Access Token used to connect to the azure devops sever have the access permission. If the Personal access token generated from a user account who doesnot have the access permission to that project. The project will not be able to accessed from PowerBi
If it is because of the lack of permission, you need to get someone who can access to that project to generate a new Personnal Access Token for you.
You can also have the project administrator of that Project to add the user (from whom the original Personal access token was generated) to the project.

I cannot link toolchain to different github organization

I have a github account:
and am a member of several github organizations
I have added all organizations to the Bluemix DevOps Third Party applications authorizations.
But I cannot change the default github organization to a different organization when I enable the Toolchain on Bluemix, so that I can create/edit the source code to the repo in a different than default Github organization?
The integration could not be set up. Check the settings and try again.
Reason: Unable to update the git integration. An error occurred while cloning the git repository. Error details: Unable to read the repository on: User is not authorized, or repository does not exist.
When you authorized with GitHub you probably did not explicitly grant access to the eventquarry organization.
To fix this, first you need to revoke your token by logging into, then click settings > Authorized applications > Revoke "IBM Bluemix Toolchains". Now go back to Bluemix, and when you click on the GitHub tool you will see an “Authorize” button. Upon clicking, you will be taken to GitHub, and here you need to click "Grant Access" next to eventquarry (and all orgs you would like to grant access to) before clicking "Authorize application".
Now you should be able to fork/clone/link with the private repositories in the eventquarry organization.
The devops git folks responded with this:
Right now, we don't support the ability to create new organization repositories through the toolchain UI. Any new repos are created under the personal account of the user. It is possible to link to existing organization repos by typing in the repo URL in the field. (Org repos won't show up in the dropdown, but the URL can be entered manually.) Note that the user needs admin privileges on the repo they're linking to in order to have a fully functioning integration though. It's possible to link to a repo without admin privileges, but we can't create a webhook on the repo, so there's no way for us to be notified of commit events. Pipelines will only run manually if the user doesn't have admin privileges on the repo.
Let me know if this is helpful...