"Failed to load Azure Repos source specified by this pipeline" Error When another Project Administartor tries to run the Pipeline - azure-devops

When I am running the pipeline there is no error that occurs.
But when another project administrator tries to Run a CI pipeline they get an "Failed to load Azure Repos source specified by this pipeline" Error.
Like below:
I assigned the other users as Project administrators and they too have the same permissions as me. Yet they get this error. How to mitigate this? Is it an organization-related setting or a project-related issue?
The users can still run the CI pipeline by clicking on the run button, just that they cannot select the "branch/tag" and this error keeps popping up.

Failed to load Azure Repos source specified by this pipeline. Please ensure Azure Repos is enabled for this project.
The cause of the issue can be related to the Access Level of the users.
If the access level of the users are Stakeholder, they will have no access to the repos and get the error above even though they are Project admin.
Navigate to Organization Settings -> Users and check the Access Level of the users.
You need to grant Basic Access level to the users and they will have access to see the repo and select the branch when running Pipeline.
Refer to this doc: About access levels in Azure DevOps


Allow AzureDevOps user to only see their own pipelines

I want to give an AzureDevOps user the privilege to create a pipeline from a repository and run it, without having to give them privilege on all the other pipelines in the project. I can't find a way to do this... it seems you can only give permissions to all or nothing.

Azure pipeline to build xcode project can't clone repo

I would like to know if you have any ideas of what happens to the following pipeline I'm developing to build an xcode project.
I'm configuring a pipeline with the xcode build, copy files, and publish artifact tasks.
I have configured the build task, with my xcworkspace path, and set up the scheme
I have all of my repos, in bitbucket, but I have set it up a service connection between my Azure devops, and bitbucket, using an app password, which have all the permissions allowed, I have developed a pipeline to build an Android app, and I don't have problems with that one, just to mention that this one doesn't depends on other separated repos
The thing is that, the developer separated the api client in a repo, from the main repo were the iOS code is, so when Azure tries to clone this repo, it can't be done, due to a host key verification, he told me that this repo is dependency of the main iOS repo.
This is the error
I'm new to Azure devops, but I have searched for solutions, and nothing. I understand that I have to configure an SSH key, but, I'm using a pipeline with a hosted microsoft agent. Should I add a task to actually set up this SSH key to the agent? Or it is only permission problems?
The things I have done, are:
Creating the app password again, with all permissions set
Change my project path, and use the correct scheme, cause I was using the wrong one. But there's no difference
The only thing I have left is to add the user from my Azure devops to a group of admins, who actually have permissions to the repo Azure is trying to clone. But I need to open a ticket with my partner, cause I cannot logged into the mail account.

GitHub Azure Synapse Access issue: You don't have permission to import resource to the repository, please resolve the permissions in GitHub

When I attempt to connect to GitHub repository from Azure Data Factory I have no problem. However, when I try to connet to GitHub from Synapse, see image, I get the error:
You don't have permission to import resource to the repository, please
resolve the permissions in GitHub
I'm not sure why I'm not getting the same permissions error message ADF
Just so you know I have the following permissions configured for Synapse, but it I'm still getting the error:
I connected the GitHub repository from Azure Synapse and Azure Data factory it’s working fine for me.
If you have an Existing resource to the repository in GitHub mentioned in import branch, otherwise make sure to unmark it. Because of that, you are getting the error as seen in the above image.
If you have already connected to GitHub and only granted permission to access a personal account, follow the below steps to grant permissions to an organization
Go to GitHub and open Settings -> Select Applications. In the Authorized OAuth apps tab, you should see Azure Synapse > Select the Azure Synapse and grant the access to your organization

Can someone help me on this error. I can't clone from the Azure Devops to the local one

The Git repository with name or identifier sdsdsd does not exist or you do not have permissions for the operation you are attempting.
fatal: repository 'https://dev.azure.com/azdevopsmar22/Version%20Controlling%20with%20Git%20in%20Azure%20Repos/_git/sdsdsd/'
The error implies there is a security restriction on the Repo you are trying to access. Try one of the following:
On windows, use windows credentials to add git#https://<git-username>#dev.azure.com/<azdevopsmar22>. Refer this blog ,
Azure devops check security
Within the AzureDevOps organization, your project, select settings --> Repository --> Select the repo that you have trouble accessing --> security. Check if read permissions are set on the group you belong to.

Auto complete PR via poweshell script Azure devops

I have created a powershell script to automate a PR creation and completion after there's a commit on a specific branch.
I tested it on 2 test branches after giving Project Collection Build Service (org name)
bypass policy -Allow
Contribute - Allow
It works fine i.e. creates and completes the PR.
I'm trying to use the script on our develop branch with the same script and configuration.
What I see is that the PR is created with autocomplete mode BUT I still get that one of the members of our team needs to approve it AND a working item has to be connected.
I can't find where do I need to remove those restrictions.
Just to clarify, I don't want to enable all users to push content to the develop branch but only to Project Collection Build Service (org name)
Please check your branch policy (if you have any) as it is shown here
You can go the Pull requests UI page to check what was the build service account that created this Pull request. If the pull request was created in a build pipeline. It will show that the Pull request was created by account ProjectName Build Service (OrganizationName). See below:
Then you probably need to give account ProjectName Build Service (OrganizationName) bypass policy -Allow permission too.
If you set the permission on the Repository level. You need to go to develop branch's permission page to make sure the allow permission is not overrode in the branch level.