Cannot access Git Organization/repository from AzureDevOps (Build Pipeline) - github

I have created an organization inside GitHub and moved my personal repo to the organization repo. Then I have added service connection with Git and also did GitHub connection inside azure DevOps. Now I would like to access my organization repo from azure build pipeline but it is not listing my organization repo and it only shows personal accounts repos.
It is saying "This setting is required". But I have added git connection and also service connection.
Accepting your help and suggestion.

Please check whether the selected service connection is to a GitHub-InstallationToken. When I choose this type of service connection, I reproduce this problem.
In addition , you can try to create a new service connection authorized with GitHub personal access token to see if this problem still exists.


Azure Visual Studio 2019 failed to push to Azure DevOps Git

I have an Azure Synapse SQL server which have some tables and stored procedures. Visual Studio 2019 (VS2019) is connected to the SQL server using Active Directory Interactive Authentication with use name being a Service Account Email.
I have built a Azure DevOps Demo, with following setups (Organization, Project, Git Repository).
I have added the Service Account Email to the Azure DevOps project and repository level, with contributor access.
I am trying to synchronize the stored procedures with my Azure DevOps Repository.
I am able to use VS2019 > Team Explorer > Manage Connections, and set the Service Account Email as the "hosted repositories for", and see my Repositories appear in the list.
It turned out that when I try to push Git Changes, by Team Explorer > New Repository > Existing remote, where I entered the full URL of my repository https//, following error turned up: Git failed with a fatal error. unable to access 'above URL': SSL certificate problem, unable to get local issuer certificate. How can I resolve this error?
How to push all of my existing stored procedures to my Repository?
Faced the same issue, requesting you to go through the link. Hope this will resolve the issue:
Authentication failed for

Heroku doesn't see an repository that I don't own, but I have write access

I want to connect to GitHub using Heroku, and I want to connect to repository, which I don't own, but I have write access to.
But only my repositories are shown, and I can pick only my name!
So the question is:
Is it possible and how to connect to GitHub repository, which I don't own, but have write access to, to Heroku?
Assuming you want to enable automatic deployment, write access is not sufficient:
GitHub repo admin access is required for you to configure automatic GitHub deploys. This is because Heroku has to register a service hook on the GitHub repo, and this action requires admin access. For GitHub organisations, your GitHub account will also need to be a member of the organisation and not an outside collaborator.
Do you have admin-level access to the repository?
Is this repository an organizational repository? If so, are you a member of the organization, or an outside collaborator?

GitHub Could not create service hooks subscription Unable to configure a service on the selected GitHub... Resource not accessible by integration

When I try to update the environment variables on an Azure DevOps release pipeline, I get the error below.
GitHub Could not create service hooks subscription Unable to configure a service on the selected GitHub repository. GitHub returned the error 'Resource not accessible by integration'.
I am an admin on the GitHub repo.
In Get sources, it is currently configured for a GitHub OAuth Service Connection. Another user is able to update the environment variables. I am using GitHub (not enterprise).
Is this an Azure DevOps permission that I do not have?
Is this an Azure DevOps permission that I do not have?
This error message usually comes with GitHub App installation token service connection.
Go Project Settings => Service Connections to check the details of the specific service connection. If your service connection is GitHub App installation token based service connection, then it's expected behavior to meet that issue. Our team are working on adding that support so far, please check this ticket.
1.Create a new service connection with OAuth/PAT method and use it in your pipeline. Since you're admin of the github repo, a Github PAT is more recommended.
2.If you have permission to the service connections and to the pipeline, this issue won't occur. Ask your Azure Devops project admin to via manage security.
After working with ADO tech support, it was discovered that we needed to remove the artifact and trigger definition from the release pipeline, and then re-add it. It is believed that there was cached service connection, and this updated the pointer to the correct service connection.
I was facing a similar issue when attempting to enable CI for a build and found this article and after digging in deeper I discovered that the issue was the actual PAT we created for the automation. What we missed originally was enabling the admin:repo_hook for the repository. This took longer to uncover than it should have, but just wanted to add that, as removing and re-adding things didn't really do anything for us.

Can I configure a Bluemix Continuous Delivery toolchain to use a private Github repository?

I have a private Github repository in a private Github organisation, and I'd like to configure Bluemix's "Continuous Integration" service to use that repository so that I can load source code from it to build in a delivery pipeline in that toolchain.
The "View docs" link for the GitHub tile in the toolchain points to a documentation page for the older DevOps Services, which doesn't give any information on configuring a GitHub repository in a toolchain.
When I try entering the URL for my repo, it comes up with this error:
The integration could not be set up. Check the settings and try again.
Reason: An error occurred while cloning the git repository. Error details: Unable to read the repository on: (URL removed). User is not authorized, or repository does not exist.
I'd expect to be given the option to authorise Bluemix against my account, but I'm not.
How can I access this repository?
It is possible to set up an integration with a private GitHub repository as long as you have authorized Bluemix with your GitHub account and have granted Bluemix permission in the org that owns the repo.
The first time you attempt to create a GitHub integration, you will be prompted to authorize with GitHub. On the GitHub authorization page, you have the option to select the orgs that you want to give Bluemix access to before you click the "Authorize" button.
It sounds like you've already gone through the initial authorization step and may have missed adding the org authorization. You can update the org authorization on GitHub's authorized applications page ( Click the "IBM Bluemix Toolchains" application. On that page, under "Organization Access", grant access to the organization that owns the repo you want to integrate with. That should allow you to set up the integration.

Jenkins giving Permission denied (publickey) on adding github repo

I am using Jenkins Github plugin and was using public/private key for one repo, which was working alright. But I got problem when I added another repo, because github doesn't allow sharing public key across multiple repos.
So i integrated jenkins using github token (in Jenkins > manage > configure system and service in github) and removed private/public keys in jenkins server and github. Now when I add repo, I get Permission denied (publickey) error (image attached)
How do i integrate multiple github repos with my jenkins server?
Found the problem. There is key attached to account of user who's token was added to jenkins. My assumption was it should not have mattered as token was added. But that's not correct.
Added private keys of user who's token was used, in jenkins server and everything returns to normal
Got hint from Authenticate Jenkins CI for Github private repository