Records updated in Compass keep reverting - mongodb

I have a MongoDB instance hosted on AWS DocumentDB. There is only one node in the replica set, and this is MongoDB 4.0.0 Community edition.
Twice now I've updated records in Compass and clicked the "Update" button. I've confirmed that the change was made. A few hours later, the change reverts.
From my research, this is typically caused by a MongoDB rollback. But everything I've read says that rollbacks typically occur when the secondary databases associated with a replica set are out of sync with the primary. But I don't have secondary databases.
Can anyone provide any insight - I'm not sure where else to look or what else to research.
Edit to add: Also, is this likely to be a hosting problem (AWS DocumentDB) or a database problem directly?

All writes on Amazon DocumentDB are durable, write concern majority by default and can't be changed. There's also no rollback mechanism that would cause the database server to revert to a previous state. You must have other client or application that is making other update and changing the document.
Try enabling the profiler, or, probably better, enable change streams and watch the changes to identify what's making the change.


Why is my mongodb collection deleted automatically?

I have a MongoDB client in three EC2 instances and I have created a replica set. Last time I had a problem, of space constraint which stopped my mongod process, thereby halting the application and now in an instance couple of days back, some of my tables were gone from database, so I set logging and all to my database just to catch if anything like that happens again. In a fresh incident this morning I was unable to login to my system and that's when I found out that whole database was empty. I checked other SO question like this which suggest setting up a TTL.Which I haven't done at all.
Now how do I debug this situation and do a proper root cause analysis? I can't even find anything in my debug logs as well. The tables just vanished. How do I set up proper logging mechanism and how do I ensure that all my tables are never ever deleted again?
Today I got a mail from Amazon that I was probably running an unsecured version of MongoDB and that may have caused this issue. So who ever is facing this issue please go through the Security Checklist Provided by MongoDB. There are some points that are absolutely necessary in there.
1. Enable Access Control and Enforce Authentication
2. Encrypt Communication
3. Limit Network Exposure
These three are the core and depending upon how many people access your database you can Configure Role-Based Access Control.
These are all the things I have done. Before this incident I had not taken security that seriously but after I was hit by it. I made sure I have all the necessary precautions in place.
Hope this helps someone.

PostgreSQL - Periodically copying data from one database to another

I'm trying to set up an architecture with 2 databases, say preview and live, that have the exact same schemas. The use case is that edits can be made to the preview database and then pushed to the live database after they are vetted and approved. The production application would read from the live database.
What would be the most appropriate way to push all data from the preview database to the live database without bringing the live database down? Ideally the copy from preview to live would be an atomic transaction.
I've worked with this type of setup in MSSQL, but I'm fairly new to Postgres. So I'm open to hearing other ways to architect this (with Schemas perhaps?).
EDIT: The main reason to use separate databases is that I may need more than 1 target database (not just a single "live" database). I also may need to switch target databases on the fly without altering the source database schema.
I think what you're looking for is a "hot standby". This would be a separate instance of Postgresql, possibly on the same server but usually not, which is a near-real-time replica of the primary server.
In broad strokes, this is done by shipping the binary transaction logs from the primary server to the backup server, and then "replaying" them there. The exact mechanism for transmitting the logs may vary depending on your requirements.
Fortunately, the docs on this are excellent:

How could meteor know MongoDB changes instantly?

I had been wondering about knowing mongoDB changes instantly for a while and best solution that I have ever seen, is tailing mongoDb logs and I just had given wondering up till met Meteor.
When there is a changes on mongoDB somehow(through Meteor or directly), Meteor understands the changes instantly and apply them. We could see it on publishing changes or observing(observe or observeChange) changes.
I guess that, Meteor could understand it by tailing mongoDB logs as the best solution that I have ever seen suggests. But this assumption also make me ask that, Meteor can run with a mongoDB running on different host and if the way that meteor knows MongoDB changes instantly is tailing logs, how could Meteor tails logs of mongoDB running on different machine(different host) and handle changes? Tailing on different host requires painful things and I think Meteor does not follow this way.
I think tailing logs is not my answer because of this question.
I am curious about this knowledge. Cause, I think that, if I have it, I could use it on my other works without Meteor.
So, how could really Meteor knows mongoDB changes instantly? And I wanna ask once again; what would be the best way to know about mongoDB changes instantly?
Thank You!
Yes you are right this is from new new oplog tailing functionality. Meteor pretends that it is mongodb in a replica set and it tails mongodb's operation logs for collections it is monitoring.
Usually databases need multiple servers so that they can stay up in case one fails. MongoDB has this functionality in a replica set.
So this is where meteor comes in. Meteor pretends to be a mongodb replica database so when any data changes on this operations log for other copies to see, Meteor knows that data has changed and can push this new data down to the client instantly.
Usage in production
You can use a different mongo database with this new functionality as you set MONGO_OPLOG_URL. You will need to set mongodb as a replica set first so that the operations log is enabled
This was a very recent introduction put in just last week in version 0.7 you can see the blog post about it below
More links about it:

SQL Server 2000 merge replication – Undo Reinitialize All subscriptions

We currently have one publisher and four subscribers using merge replication. Due to a change in the schema somebody performed a “Reinitialize All subscriptions” action without checking the “Upload the changes at the subscriber before reinitializing” option. When the replication agent for the first server was started, the database was cleaned out. (All tables dropped and recreated) And all of the changes since the last successful synchronization were lost. At this point we decided to disable the replication schedule completely. My question is, is there a way to undo the “Reinitialize All subscriptions” action? Preferably, in such a way, that all of the changes at the subscribers aren’t lost.
Thanks in advance,
We were able to restore a backup of the publisher database prior to the reinitialize action. (This was done after creating a separate backup for the current publisher database.) After this we manually re-applied the changes which had been done since the reinitialize action from the database with the reinitialize action in it to the restored backup. (We used Redgate sql data compare). At this point we were able to start the replication process and everything worked as it should. So apparently the snapshot information is completely stored inside the database to which it applies.
A special thanks to Hilary Cotter for pointing this out.

Where should you run intensive reports on MongoDB from

We have a production system that uses MongoDB as it's data storage and writes a lot of the actions it completes there.
I'd like to run some reports to see what is going on and if this was a MSSQL DB I'd have a replicated server setup so I didn't cause any locks that might effect the live system.
Is this necessary in MongoDB?
I was considering adding a Hidden server that could be used to run queries from, but I haven't investigated that in any detail.
Obviously any queries you run for reporting are going to add load to the server. Depending on what types of queries your reports are running will affect how big of an impact this will have. It is definitely possible to set up a dedicated secondary for the sole purpose of reporting. You could then make a direct connection to that secondary and do slaveOk queries to run your reports. This page has information on how to set up a hidden replica set member: