SQL Server 2000 merge replication – Undo Reinitialize All subscriptions - merge

We currently have one publisher and four subscribers using merge replication. Due to a change in the schema somebody performed a “Reinitialize All subscriptions” action without checking the “Upload the changes at the subscriber before reinitializing” option. When the replication agent for the first server was started, the database was cleaned out. (All tables dropped and recreated) And all of the changes since the last successful synchronization were lost. At this point we decided to disable the replication schedule completely. My question is, is there a way to undo the “Reinitialize All subscriptions” action? Preferably, in such a way, that all of the changes at the subscribers aren’t lost.
Thanks in advance,

We were able to restore a backup of the publisher database prior to the reinitialize action. (This was done after creating a separate backup for the current publisher database.) After this we manually re-applied the changes which had been done since the reinitialize action from the database with the reinitialize action in it to the restored backup. (We used Redgate sql data compare). At this point we were able to start the replication process and everything worked as it should. So apparently the snapshot information is completely stored inside the database to which it applies.
A special thanks to Hilary Cotter for pointing this out.


Records updated in Compass keep reverting

I have a MongoDB instance hosted on AWS DocumentDB. There is only one node in the replica set, and this is MongoDB 4.0.0 Community edition.
Twice now I've updated records in Compass and clicked the "Update" button. I've confirmed that the change was made. A few hours later, the change reverts.
From my research, this is typically caused by a MongoDB rollback. But everything I've read says that rollbacks typically occur when the secondary databases associated with a replica set are out of sync with the primary. But I don't have secondary databases.
Can anyone provide any insight - I'm not sure where else to look or what else to research.
Edit to add: Also, is this likely to be a hosting problem (AWS DocumentDB) or a database problem directly?
All writes on Amazon DocumentDB are durable, write concern majority by default and can't be changed. There's also no rollback mechanism that would cause the database server to revert to a previous state. You must have other client or application that is making other update and changing the document.
Try enabling the profiler, or, probably better, enable change streams and watch the changes to identify what's making the change.

PostgreSQL - Periodically copying data from one database to another

I'm trying to set up an architecture with 2 databases, say preview and live, that have the exact same schemas. The use case is that edits can be made to the preview database and then pushed to the live database after they are vetted and approved. The production application would read from the live database.
What would be the most appropriate way to push all data from the preview database to the live database without bringing the live database down? Ideally the copy from preview to live would be an atomic transaction.
I've worked with this type of setup in MSSQL, but I'm fairly new to Postgres. So I'm open to hearing other ways to architect this (with Schemas perhaps?).
EDIT: The main reason to use separate databases is that I may need more than 1 target database (not just a single "live" database). I also may need to switch target databases on the fly without altering the source database schema.
I think what you're looking for is a "hot standby". This would be a separate instance of Postgresql, possibly on the same server but usually not, which is a near-real-time replica of the primary server.
In broad strokes, this is done by shipping the binary transaction logs from the primary server to the backup server, and then "replaying" them there. The exact mechanism for transmitting the logs may vary depending on your requirements.
Fortunately, the docs on this are excellent:

My Main branch in TFS just disappeared - why?

Our Main branch was apparently just deleted and there's no record of why. (The branch still appears in Source Control Explorer - When I view the history of the branch it's empty). When I get latest on the branch it deletes everything locally. We have numerous children branches that all appear to be fine, but Main is now empty with no record of how/why. Anybody have any idea how we can figure out what happened and recover it? We have a child branch that should be a duplicate so we should be OK, but we'd really like to figure out what happened!
What may have happened
There are a few things I can think of, the most logical in this case is that someone issued a tf destroy $/project/Branch/* /recursive, that would have the observed effect.
It could also be that someone has renamed the branch, that would not be visible in the history per se, unless you turn on the "Show Deleted Items" option in the options of the Team Foundation Source control options.
Your Application Tier's version control cache may have become corrupted, the chance of this happening is very slim, but it may have caused this. Ensure you have a good backup of your databases even if this may seem the case, if it isn't you're going to need the database backup and the older it is, the more unlikely it is data marked for deletion will still be there.
How can you find out what happened?
Check the tbl_command in the Project Collection Database or access the hidden _oi activity log page on the web access server. You may be able to find the command that caused the deletion.
If that doesn't tell you, analyze the transaction logs of the SQL Server (if your server is configured to keep these).
What to do now?!
Make a backup of your TFS server or secure the ones you have if you haven't done so
If the version control cache is the culprit clearing it (on Application Tier machines) may solve your problem, the cache location shows on the TFS Admin Control panel:
Best way to go about this, is to stop the TFS server temporarily and then delete the contents of this folder.
There seem to be a few ways out:
Forget about it, take the contents of the most up-to-date branch and use that to repopulate the missing data. Just add them to the empty folder, check them in and then re-merge all other branches and resolve all conflicts.
Pro: Fast
Con: you loose history, resolving conflicts will be a horrible task.
Restore the project collection database to a previous point in time (warning! may require restore of all project collections to a previous point in time)
Pro: You get all your history back
Con: You loose changes made since the last known good backup, takes alot of work, will impact all projects in the same collection, possibly all projects on the same server.
Restore the whole server to temporary server and restore the collection with the missing data to the last known good configuration. Use a tool like OpsHub or Team Foundation Migration Toolkit to replay the changes since the disaster.
Pro: You get back to the most up to date point in time
Con: Takes a lot of time and expertise in TFS Migration
Restore the collection database and use the transaction logs to replay as much of the changes to the collection , then skip the transactions that perform the destroy. Be careful though, usually the destroy action marks files as deleted, but a job does the actual deletion in the background.
Pro: You get back to the most up to date point in time
Con: Takes a lot of time and expertise in SQL
Contact Microsoft Support and get a Field expert in the house. They may be able to restore the deletion if it was done without immediately triggering the cleanup job.
Pro: You will get back into the best state possible
Con: it will be costly
Whatever you do, make sure you have a backup of your current situation, that allows you to try different tactics, should your first attempts fail.
Consider splitting the project collection to allow other projects to continue working. You will end up in a situation were this one project ends up in an isolated Project Collection on its own, but it will allow you to move forward quickly.
OK - this is one for the record books, because inexplicably the project reappeared later in the day. All of it's history is back as well. I would have thought that perhaps the DBAs here did a database restore, but that's not possible since all of the checkins that have been happening all day are still there.
So if this happens to you in the future, just cross your fingers and wait a few hours!
p.s. I did look in the SQL logs but couldn't find anything. Bizarre!

Liferay deploy backup with changes in database

When I'd modified or create new tables in Liferay 6.1 and deploy in production server. Liferay automatically makes a backup of each table.
This backup takes a long time when a table has more than 10k records. And a century when has 100k. Although this table hasn't been modified.
What can I do for optimice the deployment to the server?
Many thanks in advance,
At the moment I think only two options are available:
(easy way) Set "build.auto.upgrade=false" in /WEB-INF/src/service.properties to avoid any automatic updates, and perform the db changes (if any) manually.
(hard way) Reworite the Liferays ServiceBuilder so that it perform an update only on those tables which were changed. This will require an EXT development as it is a very core change, and for every next Liferay version you will need to carefully review it and upgrade.
Liferay automatically makes a backup? Where to? This is new to me!
Also, you're describing a "no go" operation: You don't modify any tables in the database. Period. That's what the API is there for. If you do, prepare for disaster, sooner (if you're lucky) or later (according to Murphy, when you forgot that you changed manually. Then you'll blame Liferay for the failure that you caused by manipulating the database).
Do you have your own backup routine implemented that runs on every server restart? This is the only thing that I can imagine to happen here - in that case you'll need to modify your backup strategy. Or the database that you use - maybe a transaction log backup makes more sense than duplicating the table content into the same database...

Should I put my faith in SQLite transactions to avoid file corruption?

Short version
If my process is terminated in the middle of a transaction, or while SQLite is committing a transaction, what are the chances that the database file will be corrupted?
Long version
My application uses an SQLite database for storage (directly, not via Core Data). I'm working on a new version of the application which will require an update to the database schema. On launch, the app will check the database and, if it needs updating, execute a series of SQL statements to do so.
Depending on the amount of data in the database, the update may be long running (on the order of seconds), so I need to consider the possibility that the process may be terminated before the update is completed. (For context, this on an iPhone, where the processor is slow and the app may be terminated by an incoming phone call.) I will, of course, wrap the upgrade SQL statements in a transaction. Will that be enough to guarantee that the database will not be corrupted?
I'm assuming that transactions work as advertised, and that if the process is terminated in the middle of the transaction, the file will be OK. But I'm also assuming there is a window of time during the COMMIT where something can go wrong.
To play it safe, I could create a backup copy of the database file before starting the update, but if the transactions are safe then that would be overkill. It would also make the update process take longer, which increases the chance it would be interrupted, and then I'd have to consider that the file copy operation might be interrupted... I'd like to keep the code as simple as possible (but no simpler).
In the course of researching this question I've started reading "Atomic Commit In SQLite", which is more detail than I probably need to know, but is giving me faith that I don't need to second-guess SQLite's ability to protect the database file. But I'd still like to hear from Stack Overflow: is a transaction good enough, or should I be more cautious?
I have read the Atomic Commit in SQLite document. It may not be overkill if you really want to understand what's going on, but in a nutshell, a transaction goes like this:
Lock the database file
Create the rollback journal
Determine what portions of the database file are going to be changing
Write copies of those pages to the journal file
Write the journal file header
Write your intended changes to the database file
Delete the rollback journal (THIS IS THE COMMIT)
When the user is done talking to mom and re-starts your app, when it tries to open the database file, if there is a rollback journal present, it will write the original data back to the datafile using a similarly safe process. Even if you lose your transaction, and lose a rollback, it will eventually be taken care of once mom's nervous breakdown is properly thwarted and he can run the app for more than a couple seconds at a time.
If it were me, I would trust the transactions. With so many users of SQLite, even in embedded apps, I think transaction commit failures would be a very hot topic all over the net if they weren't working properly.
Are you using CoreData with a SQLite backend? If so, I actually find that the best way to handle this problem is to create two separate NSManagedObjectContexts (a read-only and an editing). When the process completes, just save the "editing" context and then the two contexts will be in sync. If something happens during your operation, the editing context won't get saved, so you'll be fine.