Where should you run intensive reports on MongoDB from - mongodb

We have a production system that uses MongoDB as it's data storage and writes a lot of the actions it completes there.
I'd like to run some reports to see what is going on and if this was a MSSQL DB I'd have a replicated server setup so I didn't cause any locks that might effect the live system.
Is this necessary in MongoDB?
I was considering adding a Hidden server that could be used to run queries from, but I haven't investigated that in any detail.

Obviously any queries you run for reporting are going to add load to the server. Depending on what types of queries your reports are running will affect how big of an impact this will have. It is definitely possible to set up a dedicated secondary for the sole purpose of reporting. You could then make a direct connection to that secondary and do slaveOk queries to run your reports. This page has information on how to set up a hidden replica set member: http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Replica+Set+Configuration#ReplicaSetConfiguration-Memberoptions.


Cloud SQL Mysql - Stuck in failover operation in progress

My Cloud SQL Mysql 5.7.37 Highly available instance is stuck in a "Failover operation in progress. This may take a few minutes. While this operation is running, you may continue to view information about the instance" process. It is a fairly small database and it has been stuck like this for 5 hours and the failover is not available so no DB queries can be executed, hence our system is currently down.
No commands on the DB can be executed since it is in an updating process, the error log is empty and the operations log only contain this update and successfull backups.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I am not paying for Google Support so I cant get support directly from them (which I think is terrible since this a fully managed service).

How to connect Postgres ReadRepica for Reads without affecting the application source code

I have an application which has read and write inline queries in the code, I am facing a challenge while pointing the read and write queries to respective Databases. Is there any best of doing it for Go application?
My thought is to have two ORMs up with Read and Write databases and select appropriate based on the operation. e.g: ReadDbMap.Select("query"); WriteDbMap.Update("query");
But this change effects entire application, that is the concern I have
I am afraid that there is no simpler way.
Streaming replication is not primarily a load balancing feature. For one, you'll have to be aware that a change you made on the primary server is not immediately visible on the standby, so your application will have to deal with these temporary inconsistencies.

PostgreSQL - Periodically copying data from one database to another

I'm trying to set up an architecture with 2 databases, say preview and live, that have the exact same schemas. The use case is that edits can be made to the preview database and then pushed to the live database after they are vetted and approved. The production application would read from the live database.
What would be the most appropriate way to push all data from the preview database to the live database without bringing the live database down? Ideally the copy from preview to live would be an atomic transaction.
I've worked with this type of setup in MSSQL, but I'm fairly new to Postgres. So I'm open to hearing other ways to architect this (with Schemas perhaps?).
EDIT: The main reason to use separate databases is that I may need more than 1 target database (not just a single "live" database). I also may need to switch target databases on the fly without altering the source database schema.
I think what you're looking for is a "hot standby". This would be a separate instance of Postgresql, possibly on the same server but usually not, which is a near-real-time replica of the primary server.
In broad strokes, this is done by shipping the binary transaction logs from the primary server to the backup server, and then "replaying" them there. The exact mechanism for transmitting the logs may vary depending on your requirements.
Fortunately, the docs on this are excellent:

Share a MongoDB instance between Meteor apps without lag in reactivity?

This question has been asked multiple times, here and here, and the answer to get this working is fairly straight forward: add an environmental variable to your bash_profile and all Meteor instances on your localhost will share that MONGO_URL.
What I've noticed however is that while this may be the case, there's quite a bit of latency in the "reactivity" of Meteor. I've tested this with two very lean Meteor apps, with empty collections. Inserting a document to a collection from one Meteor app, where my second app is querying that same collection and printing out a field from the documents does work, but there's a noticeable lag before it updates. I've ruled out the possibility of the collection insertion being the source of the lag (simple console.log callback on the client of the first app, logging the id of the newly inserted document).
My purpose for having multiple apps (two to be precise) sharing the same MongoDB is to separate an admin panel from a mobile app without going crazy regarding name-spacing and bloat. This configuration works, but I'm not sure it's the "proper" way of accomplishing the task, and it certainly seems to be causing a performance hit.
Any insight into this matter would be appreciated. Thank you!
EDIT: To clarify, the db URL I'm using is on my localhost, and isn't something hosted online.
When you use an external database, by default meteor will use periodic polling (every few seconds) in order to observe any changes. The delay you are experiencing is a result of this polling process. You can remove the delay and reduce your app's CPU usage by taking advantage of meteor's oplog tailing feature. In order to use it you will:
Get access to a mongodb instance with the oplog turned on.
Set the environment variable MONGO_OPLOG_URL so your app(s) can read the oplog.
Personally, I'd recommend compose.io for this. They provide exactly this as part of their basic elastic deployment. See this post for detailed instructions.
For users who wish to connect to the oplog created locally for you, you can obtain the URL via:
It should end up looking something like mongodb://

How to link MemCached server together?

I'm looking into using MemCached for a web application I am developing and after researching MemCached over the past few days, I have come across a question I could not find the answer to.
How do you link Memcached server together or how do you replicate data between MemCached server?
Additionally: Is this functionality controlled by the servers or the clients and how?
when you set several servers, the client libraries use a first hash to pick one where to store each key/data pair. that means that there's no replication, and also that every client has to use the same set of servers.
almost zero overhead, storage and bandwidth grow linearly.
server code is kept simple and reliable.
any change in the set of servers (one goes down, or you add a new one) suddenly invalidates (almost) the whole cache.
you have to be sure to use the same algorithm on every client.
if you have control to the client's code, you can simply store each key/data pair twice on two servers. just be sure to search on the same places when reading from a different client.
I've used BeITMemcached and in that you create an instance of MemcacheClient and set the servers you want to use, just as strings.
At that point the client itself determines which of the servers it has available to put different items into. You never know which an item will be in.
Check here to see how the servers handle failover.
The easiest thing is to have a repopulate mechanism. In my case, I store several hundred objects in memcache which come out of a database. I can just call repopulate and put them all back in there. Whenever I add, update or delete them to the database, I make those same calls to memcache.
Also, the PHP PECL memcache client can replicate data to multiple servers, see memcache.redundancy.
It sounds like you wish to have caches that can cope with machines rebooting etc if so…
In a lot of case (assuming you are not writing Facebook) a RDMS is fast enough for caching. Just create a table that has a key and a blob column. If the RDBS server has enough ram, all the data will be in RAM and just saved to disk so as to allow recovery.
Remember this could be a separate server(s) from your main database server.
If you wish to get more fancy and are using a high-end RDMS, you may be able to set up change notifications on the queries that are used to build the “cached data” that delete out-of-date rows from the cache.
Someone you can set up triggers to clear invalid rows from the cache, however this can be very complex very quickly.
Memcached does not provide replication property. To do that, you need to add the server to memcached client server list and then hit the DB for the data to be stored in that particular server.
You should seriously consider CouchBase. It uses the memcached protocol, provides nearly the same speed, and delivers the automatic replication you're looking for. It also persists to disk so your cache will never be cold.