I am implementing a list of items and I want to have two styles for its list view. One style is to show it with a name and ID, and the other should be like a card with an image and other details.
I need a button to change between these two styles. How can I implement it?
You can use the same logic discribed here in this Answer to change the color of Container abon tapping to implement the logic of your senario.
If you needed further assistant, don't hesitate to ask in the comments here.
I am not sure how to describe this scenarios, below is the screenshot about this, I want to user tap one of the card, and then highlight this card, in the meantime, two actions in the screen's bottom which user can do some actions, any help are appriciate!
Please refer to what I've answered, it's quite similar to your case
I wanted to implement a onboarding sequence for my app, and I ended up using Paper Onboardinghttps://github.com/Ramotion/paper-onboarding.
Im still kinda new to programming and I am trying to do something as simple as removing the bottom slider icons on the last screen as i instead want my own buttons to appear to ask for Location Services permission:
You can see the page indicator I want to remove under my buttons
The framework has little documentation and the developers are not answering any questions on their github page so I am wondering how to go about this. Preferably in a general way so I can apply this to other frameworks.
I found that i could use the following function to manipulate image, header and text, but not what seems to be called the pageView
func onboardingConfigurationItem(_ item: OnboardingContentViewItem, index: Int) {
//item.imageView?.alpha = 0
The autocomplete just lets me access these three:
Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to remove the pageIndicator?
What are my options here? Do I have to change the framework? Is this standard procedure to do?
I ended up just setting the color of the page indicators equal to the background color.
I wanna customize cells in MonoTouch.Dialog.
For example make custom background in BoolElement and make custom image for this small bool thing that can be on or off, sorry forgot the name, or make custom disclosure indicator image in StringElement.
Is there simple way to do this without making own custom elements?
In some cases you'll need to create custom Element-derived types to customize cells. In other cases you will be able to add some custom code inside your application. FWIW I think it's cleaner to create your own everytime.
You can find a lot of examples in the Sample application that is available on github along with MonoTouch.Dialog (that includes having a custom background and totally owner-drawn elements).
There are also several questions (with answers) about common MonoTouch.Dialog customizations here on stackoverflow. Click on the monotouch.dialog tag and read them.
If you get stuck on a particular customization then don't hesitate to ask for help.
Can anybody please tell me how they have implemented the below thing whick looks to me like a TabBar but has something different from a simple tabbar.
The thing having "Offer" and "Wall", when each one is clicked, presents a different view.
Any sample code will be appreciated
Its a custom UIButton.
EDIT: What UI element might this be? (Custom tab-bar?). I had asked the same question a few weeks ago. There are two good answers there.
And google up for custom UIButton. You can find a few samples on your search
Its a custom view. You can always implement this kind of thing by using images. Say you have 2 different images. In one image offer is selected, and in another wall is selected. And you are using an image view to show them. An invisible button is placed in proper place. After tapping the button you can set the right image. And also if the images are not overlapping then you can use custom button.
I am wondering how to achieve selection menu like tap tap revenge 3 have.Do I need to make a whole custom class or any help which class should I drive my subclass.I tried to modify UIPickerView but I cant change background image and frame(both is private).
Mrigank Gupta
Here is the link of image(not having reputation to post image)
Making a custom control class will be easier than trying to shoehorn one of the existing ones.
Tapbots put together a little article on their work.
You should be able to use a few images, a button, graphics transforms and touch event handling to pull it off.