How to combine SUMMARIZE table with ORIGINAL table in DAX? - group-by

Please see attached screenshot. I have an OG table (left). I then can use a SUMMARIZE function to create the middle table, which shows the AvgNumHours. I would like to combine the results to my OG table. My goal is to get to the table on the right exactly as shown with the blank spaces too. Is there a function or expression I can use to get to that table? Thanks!


How to add formatted row automatically to a table Word

I would like to know:
How to add automatically a formatted end row to all tables in a Word document?
I mean I have a Word document with a lot of tables. Some of them are spread over two or more pages. When a table is spread over several pages, I want to add **automatically ** a formatted end row like : "continued..." to each part of the table
I provide a example in attachment.enter image description here
If anyone can help me.
I want to add automatically a formatted end row like : "continued..." to each part of the table

How to split data into rows

Hi I want to split one data columns by ";" and add it into rows. I believe in tableau this is called pivoting. But it wont work for me.
I have no issues splitting the data by delimiter, but it add's as column and not row. I don't get the option of pivoting afterwards, it could be due its a 'caulculated' field?
This one is not so easy, but let's get through this:
This is my sample data:
ID is still a number, I convert it to a dimension later.
Now, instead of creating a calculated field you do a custom split on your data, just like shown below. In the window that opens up you insert your seperator, which is ";" and the number of columns you need, which seems to be 10 in your case. I choose 3.
Then you create a table like this one:
and go on to create a crosstable like this:
then you klick on data and then paste. You'll now get a crosstable in a new sheet.
Now proceed by right-clicking on the newly created data source,
select the three Country-Split-columns, choose one to click on the arrow and click pivot. No you can delete the Country-Split-columns and you get this:
I think this might be what you want.

How to Keep First Row and Second Row of Ms. Word Table in one page in BI Publisher Report?

My institution is using BI Publisher (Ms.Word add on) with Peoplesoft.
Now, I'm doing a report that will print a name and it's description in table format repeatedly. In some cases, the first and second row of the table will be separated in different page. I already tried to check the "Keep Lines Together" and deselect "allow row to break across pages" setting, but only worked with static table, not with table contains BI Publisher fields.
This is the screen shot (look at the red arrow).
First and second row of table are separated in different page
Anyone able to solve this issue? Thanks.
it was done..just create 1x1 table and set it to not allow break across pages. Then, put the the main table into that 1x1 table. Place the repeating tags outside the 1x1 table.
I solve this problem by this way.
Insert any filed into the bottom of the table,then change the filed property as

Display Records Horizontally Instead of Vertical in Cells, SSRS

I'm trying to display multiple values for one drive by adding a column for each additional record assigned to a drive. For example, a drive ID is unique but can have multiple promotional incentives assigned to it.
For example, if we go to a university on 1/23/2015, that will a unique event or record in the DriveMaster table, but if we are giving away T-Shirts and Pizza, those two records will be assigned to the drive in the EquipmentDetail table.
In SSRS, I'm trying to create a sub-report that will display the promotional items on one line instead of adding additional lines for each promotional item. See screenshot below.
What I'd like to have happen is have the each drive only account for 1 row, and each promotional item listed in a new column to the right. See mockup in Excel.
Is there a way to handle this? I know there is in Crytal Reports, but I can't figure this out in SSRS. I've tried using a Matrix, but I can't see to get the columns to grow if there are multiple incentives.
I added a column group on the Description field, and it looks like that it is close, but that the grouping will create blank spaces (cells) in it.
You have to set a Column Group for your promotional item in your Matrix.
Hope that helps.
It looks like there are some areas that contain no data (because of your groupings)
We can do something like the following:
In your query you can use the 'over'
Select DriveID, PromotionItem, ... ,
ROW_NUMBER() Over(Partition by Select DriveID, PromotionItem, ... Order by PromotionItem)
AS ColumnGroupNumber
Then in the Promotion Item group that you have change the field it groups on to the ColumnGroupNumber (or whatever you are going to call it). Just don't change the field in the detail row, or you will not see the details.
I have used this solution before. I found it here.

SSRS Report Group

I want to get a tabular result like below
My query is returning the result like below
Can anyone suggest me a way to do this using SSRS?
I have tried grouping, but couldn't get the expected output. I am new to ssrs reporting. Please provide a detailed solution for this
Set up a Tablix, grouped by Doctor Code, and add a Group Header row based on this group. Display all fields in this row except Product Sampled.
In the Product Sampled Textbox, insert a Tablix directly into the Textbox. Set this Tablix up to show only one detail row, set to display Product Sampled.
What this achieves is that you have one row per Doctor Code, but within each of these group rows you will have a table embedded to display each of the Product Sampled rows. Because the Product Sampled Tablix is embedded in a Group scope, it will display the Product Sampled details for each Doctor Code as required.
Edit after comment:
I will demonstrate with a simplified example. First generate some sample data:
Next, set up a table with a group based on DoctorCode, which will look something like this:
Note we haven't filled in ProductSampled yet.
Next, go to Toolbox and drag a table object into the blank ProductSampled cell. Remove the header and all but one of the columns, then set the column in the table to the ProductSampled field. It should look something like this:
When you run this report with the sample data, it works as required: