How to split data into rows - tableau-api

Hi I want to split one data columns by ";" and add it into rows. I believe in tableau this is called pivoting. But it wont work for me.
I have no issues splitting the data by delimiter, but it add's as column and not row. I don't get the option of pivoting afterwards, it could be due its a 'caulculated' field?

This one is not so easy, but let's get through this:
This is my sample data:
ID is still a number, I convert it to a dimension later.
Now, instead of creating a calculated field you do a custom split on your data, just like shown below. In the window that opens up you insert your seperator, which is ";" and the number of columns you need, which seems to be 10 in your case. I choose 3.
Then you create a table like this one:
and go on to create a crosstable like this:
then you klick on data and then paste. You'll now get a crosstable in a new sheet.
Now proceed by right-clicking on the newly created data source,
select the three Country-Split-columns, choose one to click on the arrow and click pivot. No you can delete the Country-Split-columns and you get this:
I think this might be what you want.


How Do I generate Line Graph in PowerBI for the following Data

The Data I have looked like the Image below:
I want to create a line Graph,
The x-axis will have the Months (January to June), Y-Axis will have the Tot_QtY.
Considering that the date information is not in a single column but is spread out to multiple columns, How do I make a line chart.
Output I am getting is shown below:
The Output I need would look like this:
your input data is not correct, you need to model it so you get one column with rows of data. Click Edit Queries, this opens query editor.
Click tab Transform, select your columns and click unpivot.
My expectation is that you still need to work a bit more on your data because how the system knows from a column: MayDATE. that you talk about May. The best base data you can have is a column date and a colum value with data.

Difference between two measure totals in Tableau

Using the sample-Superstore data, I am trying to do a table calculation on the row totals, Sum(Sales) -Sum(Profit). I can get the result using this formula
But it will also show the value under Ship date 2016/2017,(I only need the total). Any ideas on how to remove the highlighted portion or an alternate way to achieve this?
Try one of two:
1) Try right-clicking the column where your red box is, TOTAL(SUM(SALES))... and then un-check 'show headers'. That will remove the column from your viz, however the calculations and sorting will still be there.
2) Adding the measure-names manually, rather than with the 'measure names' blue-box in the columns. Then, right click the column you wish to hide, and uncheck 'show headers'. That will remove the column from your viz, however the calculations and sorting will still be there. .

Group by first two characters of column, in Tableau?

I'm using Tableau Desktop v9.0. I have data that looks like this:
I want to create a bar chart of the items grouped by the first two characters of the code field.
So effectively a chart that shows this underlying data:
Is it possible to do this within Tableau? Or do I need to group the data manually myself first?
You can definitely do this within Tableau.
Make sure that your code column is a string. If it's not, right click on it in the dimensions section and choose Change Data Type.
Then, create a calculated field (Analysis -> Create Calculated Field) and enter the expression LEFT([Code], 2), which will take the first two characters of the code field.
Drag your new_code field to the Rows shelf and Items to the Columns shelf and voila, you have your desired data. You can of course change the type of the chart, make it a table, etc. from here.

SSRS cannot linked text box with field

I group my table by 3 attributes, and set page break on every group, and now i want to display that three attribute outside the table. I want to place them on the top of the report, and when i type the expression and i go in run view it's display only the first value, when i go to the next page nothing change
I tried to drag field from table, from data set, and nothing working.
In expression i type
Also if some of that three attributes i placed in table it normally displays values, but when i try to move it somewhere it stops displaying.
The issue is that a table is associated with a dataset but a text box is not.
You can reference a field from a text box using the Dataset field ( =Sum(Fields!AMOUNT.Value, "Dataset1") ) but you need to use an aggregate function like First, Last, or SUM.
It sounds like you don't want to use an aggregate since you are grouping by these fields, though.
display the three attribute outside the table
If your trying to display the current grouping in the table at the top of each page, add a new Row in your matrix above your header row and add your group fields there.

In SSRS 2008, is there any way to add all dataset fields to a table at once?

I'm working with SSRS for the first time. When adding a table to a report, is there any way to add all fields of a dataset to it at once or does it have to be done individually? Drag & drop, insert column -> right is a pain when there are a lot of fields that are being displayed.
It's a bit of a workaround, but the "Add new report" wizard automatically creates a table with the specified columns and groups from your given dataset. I don't believe there's a way to trigger this functionality from within an existing report, but you could create a "sacrificial" report to get what you're looking for - run through the wizard, generate the table, and copy / paste it into your original report. As long as your datasets are the same, it should work just fine...
Hope this helps.
I have a similar problem as the op and am new to SSRS/BIDS. And, I am updating a previously created report which (for me) is too complex to just quickly re-create using the "wizard generation" as the datasource is a web service (with code-generated web service parameters, lots of calc'd datasource fields, etc). It is faster to just copy the .rdl, delete all, and create the table manually.
I thought I would add that (only a little better than op's method, but nonetheless it is time-saving) you can just drag and drop to populate columns w/o the "right click > insert column > right". Just drag the dataset field to the place you want it in the table and BIDS/SSRS will automatically insert a new column. It also helps to drag the latter columns first (i.e. always inserting a previous column) so you don't have to scroll to the right all the time.
I was looking for the similar thing and I have figured this out. Open your report in Report Builder 3.0 which is a free BI tool by Microsoft. Go to Insert > Table wizzard. Then just follow the wizard steps to generate auto columns. Save and reopen the file in your visual studio, file will refresh itself.
#Kevin Fisher actually there is no need a workaround. There is way to do this out of the box of Report Builder 3. Open your existing favorite report template. on the tool bar, click on INSERT tab, look for TABLE icon, click on the down-ward arrow at the bottom of the TABLE icon, then choose TABLE WIZARD. Then I guess you know what to do from here. -hope this help.
I agree that there is no way to bring all of the columns over from the data set to a table easily. But I came up with a method that helped me:
Insert a blank table (this usually gives you 3 columns). Then insert columns to the right of the table (right click, Insert Column, To the Right), as many times as you need in order for it to equal the number of columns in your data set.
Once you have all the blank columns created in your table, click inside a table cell box and use the drop-down to select the field. This has the added benefit of allowing you to get the fields in the correct order, since I've noticed that the field names in the dataset don't always appear in the same order as the SQL stored proc output.