How to enable json import in OpenSCAD - openscad

I am trying to get the catchnhole library to work. Its github page mentions that json import has to be enabled, which is only available in nightly builds. I installed a nightly snapshot, but I cannot find any reference on how to enable theis json import. Thanks.

Edit -> Preferences -> Features -> ✓ import-function


Unable to import 'azure.functions' pylint(import-error) [3,1] and Unable to import '__app__modules.library_finder' pylint(import-error) [4,1]

I'm trying to test out a serverless Python Chatbot API in Microsoft Azure, but when I follow online guide
it gives these error :
Unable to import 'azure.functions' pylint(import-error) [3,1]
Unable to import '__app__modules.library_finder' pylint(import-error) [4,1]
any idea how to resolve this?
This error is coming from pylint. It seems that the linter is not pointed to the .env and therefore cannot validate the azure package! To solve it, you can try this:
In Visual Studio Code:
Locate the Python version in the status bar and click on it
Select the Azure workspace where your project resides
A list of Python versions show up for you. Pick the one that starts with ./.venv/ (In my case, it is: ./.venv/bin/python)
You might then get a popup saying the Linter pylint is not installed.
Click on Install button to install it and you should be good to go
Hope this helps

How do I load plugins in tinymce-react?

So I recently purchased the self-hosted version of the PowerPaste plugin. I downloaded it, unzipped it and copied it into the node-modules/#tinymce folder. But when I tried to load it it's still trying to fetch the powerpaste plugin from the cloud, instead of reading it locally.
From what I've read online tinymce-react only seems to support the cloud version of TinyMCE, not the self-hosted version. So what are my options for loading this plugin?
You could try something like this:
import tinymce from 'tinymce/tinymce'
import 'tinymce/plugins/powerpaste' // or wherever your purchased plugin is
import { Editor } from '#tinymce/tinymce-react'
plugins: 'powerpaste'
It's worth noting though that you would no longer be getting Tinymce from the cloud with this approach and would need to add it to your package.json. As mentioned above, the tinymce-react component will check the cloud first, but including it globally this way should work. You may have to add your other plugins this way as well since it won't be coming from the cloud anymore. ex:
import 'tinymce/plugins/image'
import 'tinymce/plugins/imagetools'
import 'tinymce/plugins/table'
import 'tinymce/plugins/hr'
import 'tinymce/plugins/link'
tinymce-react will load from the Cloud if it does not find a local installation of Tiny.
From the official documentation on GitHub (emphasis mine):
The Editor component needs TinyMCE to be globally available to work,
but to make it as easy as possible it will automatically load TinyMCE
Cloud if it can't find TinyMCE available when the component is
If you don't want TinyMCE loading from the cloud, you have to make TinyMCE globally available yourself. This can be done either by hosting Tiny on your own webserver and adding a script tag to you HTML or, if you are using a module loader, installing TinyMCE with npm. For info on how to get TinyMCE working with module loaders check out this page in the documentation.
Also if you have purchased PowerPaste, then you likely have access to Tiny's Official Support channel. If you continue to need assistance, you can submit a ticket here.

Swift 4.0 No such module 'libxmlKanna'?
I use Manual Installation
Ive tried multiple variations of this, but none of them seem to work. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
I was facing the same problem, but I followed the instructions given here:
And it works for me!
I am on Xcode 9.4.1. My project uses swift 4.1.
Make sure you give proper path
in the target Build settings to the Swift Compiler - Search Paths > Import Paths field.
Once this is done, remove the following import statement from your file:
import Kanna
From the github link you shared, it seems the easiest way is to add pod 'Kanna' to your podfile, run pod install in your terminal, build your project cmd + b and then add import Kanna in your project. You said import libxmlKanna ?? Just try import Kanna

STS unable to find certification

I have downloaded the latest version of spring tool suite (STS 3.6.2), when I tried to import spring getting started content, it return as below error:
Get started Guide
SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
I have setup the proxy to visit internet, but I don't know how to import certifications in STS.
Please help.
I encountered the same problem and tried this:
Window -> Preferences -> Network Connections Change mode to Manual
It works fine now.
Go to the Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Network Connection
select the Active Provider option: Manual
then Click on Apply Button
It will be work
Find the file named “openssl.cnf”. Just delete it or rename it.
If you're using Ubuntu you can run the following command in the terminal:
sudo update-ca-certificates -f
Source: Ubuntu Manpage
If still not getting. Then remove s from It should look like Click here
The above image is referred from spring tool suite official website. When you install a new sts it automatically adds secure connection. Hence we can access to that website currently with out secure only.
The default url i had was:
When i removed the 's' -->
Then it worked.
I guess it is to do with my network settings

cq5: Where to find the code of the versioning and Diff in geometrixx-outdoors site?

In the geometrixx-outdoors site I can do some change in the site and then create new version (sidekick -> versioning -> create version). I can also restore old versions and compare with the curretn version.
Can somebody tell me where can I find the functions in the geometrixx-outdoors code, which do that?
Not in geometrixx -- use CRXDE to look under libs: /libs/wcm/core/content/tools/timewarp ../version ../restore etc.