cq5: Where to find the code of the versioning and Diff in geometrixx-outdoors site? - aem

In the geometrixx-outdoors site I can do some change in the site and then create new version (sidekick -> versioning -> create version). I can also restore old versions and compare with the curretn version.
Can somebody tell me where can I find the functions in the geometrixx-outdoors code, which do that?

Not in geometrixx -- use CRXDE to look under libs: /libs/wcm/core/content/tools/timewarp ../version ../restore etc.


Where can I safely download older TYPO3 releases?

Back then, I was able to download older subversions of TYPO3 CMS on SourceForge which saved me a lot of time and anger.
Now I am facing a problem and I think it is a bug in the current used version. I would like to test it with an other instance, but as it seems it is not being stored anywhere. I will use an vulnerable version for now, but that is not what I actually want.
Maybe I've overseen a link or something. Do you know where I could find a list of all downloadable TYPO3 Versions? I know I can google it, but I don't want to use 3rd party sources ether...
I'd say that TYPO3 on SourceForge should still be updated...
All versions can be downloaded from get.typo3.org directly. Example for a very old 4.5:
wget --content-disposition https://get.typo3.org/4.5.38
You can use https://get.typo3.org/ for this. Simply append the version number to the URL to download the desired version, e.g. https://get.typo3.org/8.7.15 to download version 8.7.15 of TYPO3 (8.7.16 is the latest ATM.)
If you use Composer you can enforce a downgrade with something like this:
composer require typo3/cms 8.7.15
composer require typo3/cms-core:8.7.15 typo3/cms-backend:8.7.15 ...
Notice that this replaces the version constraint in your Composer manifest with a fixed version which should be changed back as soon as possible.

install titanium module from github

i'm having some issues getting modules to work on my app - I keep on getting told that the requested module cannot be found.
It is entirely possible that i'm not installing the modules correctly - so, for the purposes of this question:
Once i've downloaded the zip file from git hub using the green "download" button, what do i do to import the module into my project? Not how do i tell tiapp.xml to use the module - just what do i do to install it?
Can you please run through using the facebook module found at https://github.com/appcelerator-modules/ti.facebook
Inside the zip file of the download you'll see there is a folder called modules. This is the same folder that is in your root of the project.
So, an iOS module should be installed in the /modules/iphone folder. Once added, you can add Facebook to your app like this:
<module platform="iphone">facebook</module>
If you want to specify a version you can do so like this:
<module platform="iphone" version="1.1.0>facebook</module>
note: I made up the version number
You can also add it through the tiapp editor in Appcelerator studio, although it doesn't always seem to find the module. This might be a bug in studio though, usually it works great.
Two main issues here, one directly relating, the other less so.
Issue 1
The link i gave to get the codebase from github is wrong - well, it gets the codebase, but not in a form that can be used as a module. It is, in fact, the uncompiled version.
Versions for download can be found here.
So that takes care of issue one, what about
Issue 2
The latest version for use is a bit broken. Seems someone (from the appcelerator team???) decided to make the latest 6.0.1 release have a minsdk of the (at this time) as-yet-unreleased version 6.0.0, and sets the apiversion to 3.
This breaks the current release of 5.5.1, so for anyone reading this prior to 6.0.0 for appcelerator, you will want to use this release version.

how to put to work Ionic generator?

I have an Ionic app running with the basics of Ionic and running it in the browser by doing ionic serve, but I want some new stuff and run it trough the grunt serve command, also has the feature for JSLint, I am already using this scss this: https://github.com/diegonetto/generator-ionic/ and I see that have everything I want, how do I install that in my project?
Take into account that my project is almost done, I have almost 85 % already done.
Is this the part I need to follow up:
Make sure you've committed (or backed up) your local changes and install the latest version of the generator via npm install -g generator-ionic, then go ahead and re-run yo ionic inside your project's directory.
The handsome devil is smart enough to figure out what files he is attempting to overwrite and prompts you to choose how you would like to proceed. Select Y for overwriting your Gruntfile.js and bower.json to stay up-to-date with the latest workflow goodies and front-end packages.
does this will bring some complications ? is there something else I need to know ?
I use the same generator and enjoy using it. With that said, I would not recommend starting to use a generator until you've made a complete backup of your project.
Even then, I'd recommend creating a brand new project using the generator then migrating your existing code into the newly generated project. While migrating, you should be modifying your code to match the generator conventions as you go. This gives you the most control and will make sure that you learn the conventions of the new project structure. Upgrading instructions are really meant for people who already use the generator and are just upgrading to a new version of the generator. They are not applicable to you.

How to update nuget without changing version

I just published a package to nuget but realize I forgot to include a css file. My versioning is tied to the library I'm packaging (which I don't own) so I can't really increment it.
How do I force a re-push or what's the recommended thing to do in this scenario?
Found out an answer to my own question.
There is apparently no limit on how many version places there are so you can simple append yet another version place.
So for example if the package you're packaging is 0.0.1 you can upload another one

Changing assembly version with reflexil

I was trying out the Reflexil plugin for Reflector v7.4. Everything it promised about code change worked fine. Then I wanted to change some assembly attributes mainly the version and was successful when loading the assembly again in reflector and verifying. But when I saw the assembly in Windows Explorer it still showed the old assembly version. Please go through the images to verify the fact. What in the Thor's name is going on. Somebody please help.
Interesting one ... it has to do with managed vs. non managed worlds coliding. If you check this Stackoverflow answer out it may help you.
If you open your exe in Visual studio (Open->File then choose you .exe), you'll see the unmanaged version information. Reflexil is not changing it ... it is only changing the attribute values in the managed portion of the application.
You can see the detail if you go to scooter software and get beyond compare, compare the patched exe with the non-patched - by default it too shows the non-managed version information. You can however do a hex compare for more information -> go to Session -> Compare files using -> Hex Compare. In the middle of that compare, you'll see the managed .net version differences - but towards the end of the file past the area where the managed code and resources are, you'll see the unmanaged version information ... and it is unchanged after patching the attribute values using Reflexil.
If you have Visual Studio, you can change the versions by just opening the exe, going to the VERSION information and chaninging the values to what you want and clicking save.