I am creating a line chart with multiple lines. I am trying to disable the tooltip that pops up over one of the lines. Is it possible to disable the tool top for one of the lines, but not all of them?
This can be done by setting pointRadius and pointHitRadius to 0.
datasets:[{ data:[...], pointRadius: 0, pointHitRadius:0 }]
I have set this: "editor.cursorSurroundingLines": 10, but, I'm getting a view like this, line 3 is just at the extreme bottom of the screen.
Is there any way to put some fixed space/padding below the current cursor position? In simple I don't want my cursor at the extreme bottom of the screen.
If this happens only for the last line of your file, try adding this setting to your settings.json:
"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine": false
I want to implement Line Spacing options (single,double, exactly ,line per inch) in react-draft-wysiwyg editor but currently i don't think that it is support Custom line spacing , Open Issue , problem statement is i want to apply different line spacing on different paragraphs as per user input how i should be able to implement this feature ?
By changing line height of editor it will apply line height on whole editor but i want to be specific on user selected paragraphs
The solution is to set blockData and in render via blockstylefn set the correct style to block.
Take a look at these:
I have created several markers on a resource on validating it.These markers are logged in Eclipse Markers View. Double click on any marker will navigate the focus on a particular line in the Editor associated with the resource(say for example text editor) because of which the marker has been created.
In the line in focus, is it possible to highlight only a specific portion of the line as the marker would be the result of the validation of a specific pattern in the line.
I tried using MarkerUtilities.setCharStart(marker, startpost);
MarkerUtilities.setCharEnd(marker, endPos);
But the problem is then it doesn't go to the actual line even after setting the line number for that marker.Any help is appreciated.
I am trying to add new or second line in tab-strip.
Once the space is exhausted in first line ,I want another line to display tabs.
Can I get a sample code?
Note : Tabs are generated dynamically on click of button.
The sap.m.IconTabBar only supports a single row of IconTabBarFilters and uses horizontal scroll when there is not room to display them all in one line.
In order to achieve your goal you need to define several IconTabBars and determine the number of IconTabBarFilters you want in each row. Once a IconTabBar is "full", add the next IconTabFilter to the next row's IconTabBar (and make it visible).
I need to remove the animation when someone clicks on a cluster.
I would like to remove the line drawing in particular.
An example can be found here: http://leaflet.github.io/Leaflet.markercluster/example/marker-clustering-realworld.388.html
To see the spiderfy click on those cluster in sequence: 239, 18 (on top left), 10
What if you edit leaflet.markercluster-src.js in line 17 from
spiderfyOnMaxZoom: true
spiderfyOnMaxZoom: false
I'm looking for the same thing: a way to spiderfy but without the SVG animation (it is throwing some anoying message to the browser console at the moment).
What I did was to add "continue" on the lines 1939 (animation starts) and then in the line 2025 (animation ends). And that worked like a charm.
I am not aware of a way how to completely remove the lines but you hide them with spiderLegPolylineOptions.
spiderLegPolylineOptions: {opacity: 0}