I need to remove the animation when someone clicks on a cluster.
I would like to remove the line drawing in particular.
An example can be found here: http://leaflet.github.io/Leaflet.markercluster/example/marker-clustering-realworld.388.html
To see the spiderfy click on those cluster in sequence: 239, 18 (on top left), 10
What if you edit leaflet.markercluster-src.js in line 17 from
spiderfyOnMaxZoom: true
spiderfyOnMaxZoom: false
I'm looking for the same thing: a way to spiderfy but without the SVG animation (it is throwing some anoying message to the browser console at the moment).
What I did was to add "continue" on the lines 1939 (animation starts) and then in the line 2025 (animation ends). And that worked like a charm.
I am not aware of a way how to completely remove the lines but you hide them with spiderLegPolylineOptions.
spiderLegPolylineOptions: {opacity: 0}
How can I disable these orange & blue lines that are under my code on line 3 & 4? It's a mess when there is a lot of code.
This is most probably "editor.guides.bracketPairsHorizontal".
See if this setting exists in your settings.json; if it's there, it's probably set to true.
You can set it to "active" to only show up for the scope where your caret is or to false to never show at all.
I am creating a line chart with multiple lines. I am trying to disable the tooltip that pops up over one of the lines. Is it possible to disable the tool top for one of the lines, but not all of them?
This can be done by setting pointRadius and pointHitRadius to 0.
datasets:[{ data:[...], pointRadius: 0, pointHitRadius:0 }]
I have set this: "editor.cursorSurroundingLines": 10, but, I'm getting a view like this, line 3 is just at the extreme bottom of the screen.
Is there any way to put some fixed space/padding below the current cursor position? In simple I don't want my cursor at the extreme bottom of the screen.
If this happens only for the last line of your file, try adding this setting to your settings.json:
"editor.scrollBeyondLastLine": false
See https://youtu.be/mJDg4WnrsUo
When I move a block of code down it does this odd indenting whereby each move down a line also does an indent. When I move it up it doesn't show this behavior.
I can format the entire file afterwards, but is there a way to avoid this behavior?
Incidentally, I use vim bindings but I also tried disabling them and it didn't change this behavior.
This is caused by auto-indent. To disable it, set:
"editor.autoIndent": "keep"
From OP: Here's the screen where you do that, it is in 'settings' from the main menu:
However what you show should never happen so please file a bug report for your case
when i move the cursor upwards or downwards and it reach the first/last line of the view (the part of the file that is been showed) it "jumps" so it shows the before/next half page of the view instead of just showing the before/next line (like in vi).
So how can i just show the next line?
There are a few different ways of controlling this. Have a look at the documentation for variables scroll-step and scroll-conservatively. Also the manual here.
Something like:
M-x set-variable<RET> scroll-conservatively<RET> 3<RET>
Or more permanently:
M-x customize-variable<RET> scroll-conservatively<RET>