Not getting Kubernetes cluster option in Create Server Group of Spinnaker - kubernetes

I am using Spinnaker version 1.26.6 which is deployed using Halyard.
I have added multiple Kubernetes account with provider version V2 following here and the service account has entire cluster access.
While clicking on Create Server Group in UI, I don't get option to select my kubernetes accounts added. I get something like this
This account has empty dropdown list.
Is there any way by which instead of this prompt I get to choose my kubernetes accounts which I have added and deployed applications to?

We skipped this manual step of user grants.
After adding this, it took sometime to sync and we are able to get the required results.


Rename the EKS creator's IAM user name via aws cli

If we have a role change in the team, I read that EKS creator can NOT be transferred. Can we instead rename the creator's IAM user name via aws cli? Will that break EKS?
I only find ways to add new user using configmap but this configmap doesn't have the root user in there.
$ kubectl edit configmap aws-auth --namespace kube-system
There is no way to transfer the root user of an EKS cluster to another IAM user. The only way to do this would be to delete the cluster and recreate it with the new IAM user as the root user.
Can we instead rename the creator's IAM user name via aws cli? Will that break EKS?
The creator record is immutable and managed within EKS. This record is simply not accessible using CLI and not amendable (including DELETE).
How do we know a cluster was created by IAM roles or IAM users?
If you cannot find the identity (userIdentity.arn) in CloudTrail that invoked CreateCluster (eventName) for the cluster (responseElements.clusterName) in last 90 days, you need to raise it to the AWS Support to obtain the identity.
is it safe to delete the creator IAM user?
Typically, you start with deactivate the IAM user account (creator) if you are not sure of any side effect. You can proceed to delete the account later when you are confident to do so.
As already mentioned in the answer by Muhammad, it is not possible to transfer the root/creator role to another IAM user.
To avoid getting into the situation that you describe, or any other situation where the creator of the cluster should not stay root, it is recommended to not create clusters with IAM users but with assumed IAM roles instead.
This leads to the IAM role becoming the "creator", meaning that you can use IAM access management to control who can actually assume the given role und thus act as root.
You can either have dedicated roles for each cluster or one role for multiple clusters, depending on how you plan to do access management. The limits will however apply later, meaning that you can not switch the creator role afterwards, so this must be properly planned in advance.

Best practice for sanity test a K8s cluster? (ideally all from command line)

I am new here, I tried to search for the topic before I post here, this may have been discussed before, please let me know before being to hash on me :)
In my project, after performing some changes on either the DevOps tool sets or infrastructures, we always do some manual sanity test, this normally includes:
Building a new image and update the helm chart
Push the image to Artifactory and perform a "helm update", and see it it runs.
I want to automate the whole thing, and try to get advice from the community, here's some requirement:
Validate Jenkins agent being able to talk to cluster ( I can do this with kubectl get all -n <some_namespace_jenkins_user_has_access_to)
Validate the cluster has access to Github (let's say I am using Argo CD to sync yamls)
Validate the cluster has access to Artifactory and able to pull image ( I don't want to build a new image with new tag and update helm chart, so that to force to cluster to pull new image)
All of the above can be done in command line (so that I can implement using Jenkins groovy)
Any suggestion is welcome.
Thanks guys
Your best bet is probably a combination of custom Jenkins scripts (i.e. running kubectl in Jenkins) and some in-cluster checks (e.g. using kuberhealthy).
So, when your Jenkins pipeline is triggered, it could do the following:
Check connectivity to the cluster
Build and push an image, etc.
Trigger in-cluster checks for testing if the cluster has access to GitHub and Artifactory, e.g. by launching a custom Job in the cluster, or creating a KuberhealthyCheck custom resource if you use kuberhealthy
During all this, the Jenkins pipeline writes the results of its test as metrics to a Pushgateway which is scraped by your Prometheus. The in-cluster checks also push their results as metrics to the Pushgateway, or expose them via kuberhealthy, if you decide to use it. In the end, you should have the results of all checks in the same Prometheus instance where you can react on them, e.g. creating Prometheus alerts or Grafana dashboards.

signingError after deploying node js code into google kubernetes engine

I am using getSignedUrl to get a public authenticated url for a video. It is working fine in my local machine. But after deploying it in GKE, it is not working. I have checked a related question on SigningError with Firebase getSignedUrl(). But I don't see a service account for GKE to configure those roles. I have already assigned full storage and service enabled permissions to the cluster while creating the kubernetes cluester.
Do I have to add any more permissions to get rid of this error or should I do anything else.
This issue got fixed. I have followed this link to fix this issue.
We have to access the service account from the GKE. Google cloud service accounts are not directly accessed by the GKE. I have Followed the below steps to access google cloud service account from GKE.
We have to create service account with the required roles - Storage Object Creator and Service Account Token Creator.
Generate a key and save the json file in your app for one time.
Add volume, volumeMounts, GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable to deployment.yaml
Use kubectl create secret generic [key name] --from-file=key.json=PATH-TO-KEY-FILE.json
Deploy your manifest using kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml.
These steps will provide access to storage and service account which will fix the signingError.

Terraform Kubernetes provider with EKS fails on configmap

I've followed the instructions to create an EKS cluster in AWS using Terraform.
I've also copied the output for connecting to the cluster to ~/.kube/config-eks. I've verified this successfully works as I've been able to connect to the cluster and manually deploy containers. However, now i'm trying to use the Terraform Kubernetes provider to connect to the cluster but cannot seem to be able to configure the provider properly.
I've configured the provider to use my kubectl configuration but when attempting to push a simple configmap, i get an error stating the following:
configmaps is forbidden: User "system:anonymous" cannot create configmaps in the namespace "kube-system"
I know that the provider is picking up part of the configuration but I cannot seem to get it to authenticate. I suspect this is because EKS uses heptio for authentication and i'm not sure if the K8s Go client used by Terraform can support heptio. However, given that Terraform released their AWS EKS support when EKS went GA, I'd doubt that they wouldn't also update their Terraform provider to work with it.
Is it possible to even do this now? Are there alternatives?
Exec auth was added here:
This is what is utilized for custom authentication plugins and was published Feb 7th.
Right now, Terraform doesn't support the new exec-based authentication provider, but there is an issue open with a workaround:
That said, if I get some free time I will work on a PR.

Spinnaker server group labelling

I am creating a server group and I want to add a label to the deployment. I don't find any option in the spinnaker UI to add one. Any help on this?
The current version of the Kubernetes cloud provider (v1) does not support configuring labels on Server Groups.
The new Kubernetes Provider (v2), which is manifest-based, allows you to configure labels. This version, however, is still in alpha.