Spinnaker server group labelling - kubernetes

I am creating a server group and I want to add a label to the deployment. I don't find any option in the spinnaker UI to add one. Any help on this?

The current version of the Kubernetes cloud provider (v1) does not support configuring labels on Server Groups.
The new Kubernetes Provider (v2), which is manifest-based, allows you to configure labels. This version, however, is still in alpha.


Not getting Kubernetes cluster option in Create Server Group of Spinnaker

I am using Spinnaker version 1.26.6 which is deployed using Halyard.
I have added multiple Kubernetes account with provider version V2 following here https://spinnaker.io/docs/setup/install/providers/kubernetes-v2/ and the service account has entire cluster access.
While clicking on Create Server Group in UI, I don't get option to select my kubernetes accounts added. I get something like this
This account has empty dropdown list.
Is there any way by which instead of this prompt I get to choose my kubernetes accounts which I have added and deployed applications to?
We skipped this manual step of user grants.
After adding this, it took sometime to sync and we are able to get the required results.

How to configure Helm to deploy multiple microservices(payment,order) into different environments(dev,QA) using AKS?

I'm quite new to Helm. I'm learning to automate the microservices deployment using helm and azure kubernetes service. I need to deploy multiple microservices(payment,order) into different environments(dev,QA).
As per my analysis I hope we achieve this by following steps
Create separate clusters for different environments
Create multiple variable files based on environments.
we can pass only cluster name and variable file based on our deployment. so it will deploy according to our inputs.
I'm trying to implement the same, but I'm not sure how to configure the above scenarios in helm part in real time.
Shall we achieve this completely using helm alone or shall we use Ansible for orchestration along with helm ?
Anyone could you please advise me on this and suggest me any other best practices if we have?
Reference :
Thanks in advance :)
Helm cannot control which cluster it's deploying to, this is being decided by the kubeconfig file on the machine used to invoke the helm command.
If your kubeconfig file is configured to access multiple clusters, you can just set the right context before each helm install command, and it will target the command at the cluster of your choice.

Rotate Kubernetes Certificates with Rancher 2.1.7

How to rotate the certificates of a K8s cluster when Rancher version does not provide this option? I have Rancher 2.1.7 and I don't find anything about that. Do you know an API or command line doing the job?
I tried API with action=rotateCertificates but it returns InvalidAction.
I can't update Rancher.
It looks very clear 🔮 on how to do it on the docs:
Available as of v2.0.14 and v2.1.9
Rancher launched Kubernetes clusters have the ability to rotate the
auto-generated certificates through the API.
In the Global view, navigate to the cluster that you want to rotate
Select the ⋮ > View in API.
Click on RotateCertificates.
Click on Show Request.
Click on Send Request.

Using Terraform to deploy Kubernetes apps

I know that using Terraform to deploy your Infra and Kubernetes Cluster is the way to go. However, does it make any sense to use Terraform to also deploy applications on kubernetes cluster? Is this also the way to go?
Thank you
Though it's not devoid of it's complexities, a better pipeline is Jenkins + Helm + Spinnaker combo.
Jenkins - CI
Helm - templating and chart build
Spinnaker - deploy
Spinnaker is an excellent tool for deployment to kubernetis.
It can be made aware of multiple environment ,so cloud pipeline are
easier to build.
Natively integrates with most of the cloud providers like AWS,Azure,PCF etc
On the flip side it's a little heavy tool as it is comprised of a
bunch of microservices and configuration can get under your skin.
As David Maze mentioned, you can combine terraform with helm.
You can find more information abut terraform provider here
and here
As per terraform documentation
"install_tiller" - (Optional) Install Tiller if it is not already installed. Defaults to true.
You can use also ansible with helm packages manager here:
Please take a lookk for othe automated tools described shortly here and here. like jenkins mentioned by Shirine.
Please take a lookk for othe automated tools described shortly here like jenkins mentioned bye #Shirine
There are different solutions. Depending on your needs you should consider factors like: paid/free solutions, for developers/teams, preferred platform, other factors like security, increasing transparency, collaboration and availability.
Hope this help
I maintain the Kustomization provider as an alternative integration of Kubernetes manifests into Terraform.
It has three main advantages over alternative options:
Every K8s resource is tracked individually in the Terraform state. This gives you a preview of changes in the plan phase. And also enables destroy-and-recreate plans in case of changes to immutable fields.
The provider allows you to use native Kubernetes YAML unchanged. No need to translate everything into HCL like with the Kubernetes provider.
Being based on Kustomize, it allows you to use Kustomize's overlay approach. But by defining the overlay in Terraform, you can use Terraform variables, module outputs and so on, to patch the Kubernetes resources.
You can of course use the provider's data sources and resources directly, but the most convenient way is probably via this module:
module "example_manifests" {
source = "kbst.xyz/catalog/custom-manifests/kustomization"
version = "0.1.0"
configuration_base_key = "default"
configuration = {
default = {
resources = [
# list of paths to K8s YAML files

Customizing kubernetes dashboard with company name and environment

Problem statement:
Currently we are running k8s in multiple environments e.g. dev, uat,staging.
It becomes very difficult to identify for us just by looking at k8s dashboard UI.
Do we have any facility to customize k8s dashboard indicating somewhere in header or footer cluster or environment we are using?
Since K8S is open source, you should have the ability to do whatever you want. You will ofcourse need to play with the code and build you own custom dashboard image.
You can start off from here
This feature was released back in 2017, with the introduction of the settings ConfigMap. You just need to set the values of the kubernetes-dashboard-settings ConfigMap in kubernetes-dashboard namespace. You don't even need to restart the dashboard service/deployment.