signingError after deploying node js code into google kubernetes engine - kubernetes

I am using getSignedUrl to get a public authenticated url for a video. It is working fine in my local machine. But after deploying it in GKE, it is not working. I have checked a related question on SigningError with Firebase getSignedUrl(). But I don't see a service account for GKE to configure those roles. I have already assigned full storage and service enabled permissions to the cluster while creating the kubernetes cluester.
Do I have to add any more permissions to get rid of this error or should I do anything else.

This issue got fixed. I have followed this link to fix this issue.
We have to access the service account from the GKE. Google cloud service accounts are not directly accessed by the GKE. I have Followed the below steps to access google cloud service account from GKE.
We have to create service account with the required roles - Storage Object Creator and Service Account Token Creator.
Generate a key and save the json file in your app for one time.
Add volume, volumeMounts, GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable to deployment.yaml
Use kubectl create secret generic [key name] --from-file=key.json=PATH-TO-KEY-FILE.json
Deploy your manifest using kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml.
These steps will provide access to storage and service account which will fix the signingError.


Jenkins cron job to run selenium & k8s

I am working on a project in which I have created a k8s cluster to run selenium grid locally. I want to schedule the tests to run and until now I have tried to create a Jenkins cron job to do so. For that I am using k8s plugin in Jenkins.
However I am not sure about the steps to follow. Where should I be uploading the kube config file? There are a few options here:
Build Environment in Jenkins
Any ideas or suggestions?
Typically, you can choose any option, depending on how you want to manage the system, I believe:
secret text or file option will allow you to copy/paste a secret (with a token) in Jenkins which will be used to access the k8s cluster. Token based access works by adding an HTTP header to your requests to the k8s API server as follows: Authorization: Bearer $YOUR_TOKEN. This authenticates you to the server. This is the programmatic way to access the k8s API.
configure kubectl option will allow you to perhaps specify the config file within Jenkins UI where you can set the kubeconfig. This is the imperative/scriptive way of configuring access to the k8s API. The kubeconfig itself contains set of keypair based credentials that are issued to a username and signed by the API server's CA.
Any way would work fine! Hope this helps!
If Jenkins is running in Kubernetes as well, I'd create a service account, create the necessary Role and RoleBinding to only create CronJobs, and attach your service account to your Jenkins deployment or statefulset, then you can use the token of the service account (by default mounted under /var/run/secrets/ and query your API endpoint to create your CronJobs.
However, if Jenkins is running outside of your Kubernetes cluster, I'd authenticate against your cloud provider in Jenkins using one of the plugins available, using:
Service account (GCP)
Service principal (Azure)
AWS access and secret key or with an instance profile (AWS).
and then would run any of the CLI commands to generate a kubeconfig file:
gcloud container clusters get-credentials
az aks get-credentials
aws eks update-kubeconfig

How can I see which kubernetes user is creating the deployment and what type of authentication is used?

I am trying to see which kubernetes user is creating the deployment and what type of authentication is used (basic auth, token, etc).
I try to do it using this:
kubectl describe deployment/my-workermole
but I am not finding that type of information in there.
Cluster is not managed by me and I am not able to find it in the deployment Jenkinsfile. Where and how can I find that type of information in my kubernetes deployment but after deployment?

Snowplow Collector on K8S does not use service account

It seems that we cannot make the Snowplow container (snowplow/scala-stream-collector-kinesis) use the service account we provide. It always uses the shared-eks-node-role but not the provided service account. The config is set to default for both the accessKey as the secretKey.
This is the service account part we use:
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
name: thijs-service-account
annotations: arn:aws:iam::123:role/thijs-eks-service-account-role-snowplow
And when I inspect the pod I can see the account:
AWS_ROLE_ARN: arn:aws:iam::123:role/thijs-eks-service-account-role-snowplow
The error then shows not the right account.
Exception in thread "main" User: arn:aws:sts::123:assumed-role/shared-eks-node-role/i-123 is not authorized to perform: kinesis:DescribeStream on resource: arn:aws:kinesis:eu-west-1:123:stream/snowplow-good (Service: AmazonKinesis; Status Code: 400; Error Code: AccessDeniedException; Request ID: 123-123-123; Proxy: null)
The collector itself doesn't do any role swapping. It only cares to receive credentials via one of three methods:
the default creds provider chain
a specific IAM role
environment variables.
The most popular deployment is on an EC2 instance, in which case the default EC2 role can be used to access other resources in the account.
It looks like when you are deploying it on EKS things are not as straightforward. The collector seems to work with this assumed role: arn:aws:sts::123:assumed-role/shared-eks-node-role/i-123 but it is not authorised with Kinesis permissions. Do you know what process creates that role? Perhaps you could add the missing Kinesis policies there?
I had the same issue. First make sure you have the IAM role setup correctly according to Make sure the names are consistent and it has the right permissions.
Once you've double-checked that, make sure you are on a recent version of snowplow. An old version might not have the right version of the AWS SDK. You need at least AWS SDK v1.12.128 or for AWS SDK v2, 2.10.11 [link].
Finally set the aws accessKey and secretKey in your snowplow configuration file to default. Redeploy and make sure the pod and service account has been recreated. You should be good at this point.
I have the same issue.
It can't use env for the values, because those are not set. However, the collector is runnning as a container - it should use the default credential chain.
From the notes, it looks like without the the env variables being set, i should use iam - which when I do this, it uses the IAM Instance Profile, which loads the underlying nodes role - not the role specified by the SA.
The SDK supports IRSA (i have updated snowplow collector container image to 1 that has supported SDK of greater than 1.11.704 as per supported versions), and from what I can see from the collector docs, the streams config needs an aws block with either env or iam as values... but I want to use the default credential chain without specifying a method....
If i connect to the container, i can see that the creds are set up as per the SA:
$ env | grep -i aws
But when I run the collector, it still uses the nodes IAM Instance profile, and I don't see any activity under sp-collector-role. Is there a way to use the default credential chain? e.g. with aws CLI in on a container in the same service account, I don't specify any credentials, but when I run aws sts get-caller-identity the SDK resolves the IRSA role correctly.

Kubernetes Cron job invocation from pod

Is it possible to invoke a kubernetes Cron job inside a pod . Like I have to run this job from the application running in pod .
Do I have to use kubectl inside the pod to execute the job .
Appreciate your help
Use the Default Service Account to access the API server. When you
create a pod, if you do not specify a service account, it is
automatically assigned the default service account in the same
namespace. If you get the raw json or yaml for a pod you have created
(for example, kubectl get pods/ -o yaml), you can see the
spec.serviceAccountName field has been automatically set.
You can access the API from inside a pod using automatically mounted
service account credentials, as described in Accessing the Cluster.
The API permissions of the service account depend on the authorization
plugin and policy in use.
In version 1.6+, you can opt out of automounting API credentials for a
service account by setting automountServiceAccountToken: false on the
service account
So the First task is to either grant the permission of doing what you need to create to the default service account of the pod OR create a custom service account and use it inside the pod
Programatically access the API server using that service account to create the job you need
It could be just a simple curl POST to the API server from inside the pod with the json for the job creation
How do I access the Kubernetes api from within a pod container?
you can also use the application specific SDK , for example if you have a python application , you can import kubernetes and run the job.

Terraform Kubernetes provider with EKS fails on configmap

I've followed the instructions to create an EKS cluster in AWS using Terraform.
I've also copied the output for connecting to the cluster to ~/.kube/config-eks. I've verified this successfully works as I've been able to connect to the cluster and manually deploy containers. However, now i'm trying to use the Terraform Kubernetes provider to connect to the cluster but cannot seem to be able to configure the provider properly.
I've configured the provider to use my kubectl configuration but when attempting to push a simple configmap, i get an error stating the following:
configmaps is forbidden: User "system:anonymous" cannot create configmaps in the namespace "kube-system"
I know that the provider is picking up part of the configuration but I cannot seem to get it to authenticate. I suspect this is because EKS uses heptio for authentication and i'm not sure if the K8s Go client used by Terraform can support heptio. However, given that Terraform released their AWS EKS support when EKS went GA, I'd doubt that they wouldn't also update their Terraform provider to work with it.
Is it possible to even do this now? Are there alternatives?
Exec auth was added here:
This is what is utilized for custom authentication plugins and was published Feb 7th.
Right now, Terraform doesn't support the new exec-based authentication provider, but there is an issue open with a workaround:
That said, if I get some free time I will work on a PR.