search for Void-Linux template in github - github

the package manager in Void-Linux is called xbps
To build any application by xbps, you should have a file called template
anyone can create a template that describes how to build a package automatically
some contributors store our template in github
so my question is how can I search for it,
when I try to find the template, that does not in the official repo, like neovide,brave...
like that: neovide path=srcpkgs/*/template , I get nothing, but but this is there files for neovide in github


Link to yml file in workflow description

Trying to find out how nextJS and other repositories add link of the .yml file under the workflow name. Anyone has an idea? Tried google around, however nothing to mention that.

Jira integration in Backstage giving 404 error

I'm currently testing Backstage for my company, and I tried various continuous integration pipelines like Github, Jira, Jenkins, and more. But I'm facing an issue with the Jira plugin. Maybe it's just a bad setup.
In my component, I can see the Jira entity, but every time, it says:
failed to fetch data, status 404: Not Found
When I look in the browser's console (network), I can see this 404, and this is the query used:
Why do I have undefined? Is it because the jira/project-key variable is not at the right place? Actually, it's in the catalog-info.yaml under metadata.
I followed all documentation I could find, but one section is not enough clear for me. It's about the annotations thing. It says `Add annotation to the yaml config file of a component. I created a component yesterday, but I don't see any file for it.
Thanks in advance.
Ok, I found the solution.
In the documentation, the file, called catalog-info.yaml, is not the one at the Backstage repository's root, but to a file in a different repository that will be used as component template in Backstage.
If you create a new repository (ex a fork from Symfony), you will have to add the file catalog-info.yaml with various informations if you want to use this repository as template for your projects.

Is it possible to change a Github package's description either at or after upload through Github Actions or the command line?

I want to upload a nuget package to my Github repo's "Packages". This is to say I want to upload a nuget to Github Packages.
However uploading the package with the "dotnet nuget" command automatically sets the description of the package in Github to the description of the csproj file. The problem is that there is no other information about the package, specifically - release notes. That is why, considering my repo already shares the same description, I find the only way to inform users of what was changed in a given version is to write it in the "description" of the package on Github.
Is there a way to specify the description either when uploading the package or after that through use of Github Actions or a CLI or an API or whatever? Because I want it to be done automatically, rather than by hand for every version.
The documentation is silent on this matter.

How to display a VSTS Build Badge in a file hosted on GitHub?

I have developed a tiny library that I chose to host on GitHub. The code is being built by a VSTS build and published as a NuGet package.
I have written a file and I am trying to include a Build badge on it, as described in the Microsoft documentation. Consequently, I have added the following line in the MD file and replaced the placeholders accordindly:
![Build status](https://{my-organisation}{my-project}/_apis/build/status/{my-build-definition-name}?branch=master)
The problem is that the link is not accessible to anyone that is not logged-in on VSTS and I end up with a 'broken' link on my readme page:
What must be done to make the VSTS Build Badge available to a GitHub repo?
I suppose you must include an authentication token of sorts in order to have at least read-access to the VSTS build from your GitHub page.
Note that the documentation lists also multiple pending issues, including MicrosoftDocs/vsts-docs issue 1499:
Build status badge added to GitHub readme doesn't show up.
So this is still in progress.
On that last issue, it says:
This is due to public vs. private projects.
If you make your project public the image URL will render.
There are other potential workarounds we are looking at for the doc.
See "Change the project visibility, public or private".

Create new vendor application for YII2 in GitHub

I created a very simple plugin for yii2 and added it to Github.
When I add "harlangray/languageswitcher": "*" to the require section and run composer update on my project, it gives me an error.
Problem 1
- The requested package xxxxx could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.
Potential causes:
- A typo in the package name
- The package is not available in a stable-enough version according to your minimum-stability setting
see https:xxxxx for more details.
Read http:yyyyy for further common problems.
I am really new to github and composer. Can someone give me the steps to create a plugin and make it uninstallable via composer?
Thank you
Composer has no idea about github packages, unless you add them as under the repositories as a package.
If you want to be able to install it via the require section you'll need to add your package to Packagist. This is the site composers gets the package meta information from.
Only thing you have to do is register, click the big "Submit Package" button and point it to your github project. Optionally (but advised) you could setup a hook in github to update packagist every time you commit something to github so that you don't have to do it manually.