How to display a VSTS Build Badge in a file hosted on GitHub? - github

I have developed a tiny library that I chose to host on GitHub. The code is being built by a VSTS build and published as a NuGet package.
I have written a file and I am trying to include a Build badge on it, as described in the Microsoft documentation. Consequently, I have added the following line in the MD file and replaced the placeholders accordindly:
![Build status](https://{my-organisation}{my-project}/_apis/build/status/{my-build-definition-name}?branch=master)
The problem is that the link is not accessible to anyone that is not logged-in on VSTS and I end up with a 'broken' link on my readme page:
What must be done to make the VSTS Build Badge available to a GitHub repo?

I suppose you must include an authentication token of sorts in order to have at least read-access to the VSTS build from your GitHub page.
Note that the documentation lists also multiple pending issues, including MicrosoftDocs/vsts-docs issue 1499:
Build status badge added to GitHub readme doesn't show up.
So this is still in progress.
On that last issue, it says:
This is due to public vs. private projects.
If you make your project public the image URL will render.
There are other potential workarounds we are looking at for the doc.
See "Change the project visibility, public or private".


I get a 400 status code error from a GitHub Pages deployment

During an automated "pages build and deployment" workflow, I get the following error:
Error: Request failed with status code 400
This is just a static site, no jekyll or anything like that (I have a .nojekyll file in the root) and it's worked fine for several years until today.
I've opened a ticket on GitHub support, but in case anyone here can help me in the meantime... Is there anything I can do to try to resolve this?
It could be the side-effect of (from two days ago)
GitHub Pages: using GitHub Actions for builds and deployments for public repositories
Today you will begin to see a new workflow running called pages build and deployment in your public GitHub Pages repositories.
This workflow is automatically triggered when you push to the branch configured for GitHub Pages in your repository.
As the name suggests, it builds and deploys your pages site.
The initial benefit of this change is enabling you to see your build logs and any errors that may occur which has been a long standing issue for Pages users.
However, in the future this will enable us to give you the ability to fully customize your pages build and deployment workflow to use any static site generator you want without having to push the build output to a special branch of the repository.
You may notice this workflow uses some new actions actions/pages-deploy, and actions/jekyll-build-pages.
For now these actions are designed to be used in the generated workflow, however, starting early next year we will introduce some additional changes that will enable you to take advantage of them.
Learn more about GitHub Pages
So Cecilapp/GitHub-Pages-deploy (the GitHub Pages deploy) workflow you might be using) might behave differently in light of those recent changes.

How do you change a GitHub Package Registry description on GitHub?

When you publish a Package on GitHub Package Registry, you can optionally create a description of the Package. Unfortunately, I wrote a description that no longer adequately describes the code in the repo. How do I change the description?
There is no edit option for the published packages? Also, there is no versioning for that file. Every time you need to freshly create and that too only in the GitHub web app?.
Cool, I see an option pops in a week to edit without changing any access.

Can Gitlab expose build and coverage badges to anonymous users?

We are hosting some repository on GitHub, some other on GitLab.
Sometimes, the package is published but not the source code.
We always display build status and code coverage in
Is there a way to have build and coverage badge on GitLab always accessible to anonymous?
Since release 11.4.8 of Gitlab it's not possible to expose project's Badges through a Personnal Access Token anymore. Because of the change "
Restrict Personal Access Tokens to API scope on web requests."
The commit that removed this "workaround" was published as a security fix
An ongoing issue is currently being discussed to find another solution. Let's see how it goes.
That was followed by issue 13324
It includes:
FYI, I have a workaround for this using the GitLab API.
It assumes you have created a token in GitLab for a user (Note: That "user" needn't necessarily be Human - my use case is to display a badge on a dashboard hosted on a different VM).
<img src="https://<gitlab-uri>/<namespace>/<project>/badges/<branch>/build.svg?private_token=<token>
Update Dec. 2018: This is no loger possible through a token (see Paul B.'s answer).
This is because of "Improper Enforcement of Token Scope":
The GitLab web interface was vulnerable to an authorization issue that allowed access to the web-UI as a user using their Personal Access Token (PAT) of any scope.
The issue is now mitigated in the latest release and is assigned CVE-2018-19569.
Updated: 2018-11-28: We have received reports that this change has impacted how repo files and job artifacts are downloaded for some users.
For instructions on how to do so through the API, please see our support issue.
And you also have a current workaround which repeats the API access:
It is possible to add the project avatar to the project repository with a particular filename (logo) and then this file will be used for the avatar. There is an example here:
You'll be able to retrieve the files through the Repository Files API:

Github page using hexo, how to get my theme supported?

I want to host a simple blog on Github pages. Therefore I set up a repository and used Hexo as a compile and deployment tool.
After testing my site locally I run the following command:
hexo deploy --generate
Sadly I, just a few seconds later, get the following message from Github:
The page build failed with the following error:
The hacker theme is not currently supported on GitHub Pages. For more
information, see
For information on troubleshooting Jekyll see:
If you have any questions you can contact us by replying to this
How can I publish my site using the hacker theme? If this is not possible which themes are supported by Github? How do I use them with Hexo?
Bypassing Jekyll on GitHub Pages
It is now possible to completely bypass Jekyll processing on GitHub
Pages by creating a file named .nojekyll in the root of your pages
repo and pushing it to GitHub. This should only be necessary if your
site uses files or directories that start with underscores since
Jekyll considers these to be special resources and does not copy them
to the final site.
[..] I used the repo and deployed directly to master
and it works!

Teamcity build status icon on github: No permission to get data

I try to represent Teamcity build status of project on its Github page.
For this purpose I use TeamCity rest API that exposes status icon at URL
For now I have two Github projects and three TeamCity builds for them (separate builds for two branches).
For all three builds URL built by scheme mentioned above gives me expected image. But Github website replaces original image paths from my TeamCity by own paths from host. And for two from three builds instead of image I expect to see (success or fail) I get image stating 'No permission to get data'. (It doesn't depend on way I insert image into file: with markdown syntax or inline HTML)
Both Github projects are private. TeamCity site requires login in general but status icons don't.
I've checked also that this situation doesn't depend on TeamCity service hook usage.
I'll be glad to hear any idea on subject.
The settings is in
Project -> Build Configuration Settings -> General Settings -> "enable status widget"
See Teamcity build badge on github
I've found the problem. It was not related to Github. It appears that Status Widget was not enabled for builds in question and in such situation status icon requires login. Enabling the widget solves the problem