IBM Watson Reached Processing limit - ibm-cloud

I was using a free IBM Watson account and it says I have reached my monthly processing limit. How long do I have to wait till I can use again ?
Thank you


Google Assistant and Dialogflow requests Quotas

According to this documentation Google Assistant requests to the Dialogflow (Standard Edition) have the following limits: 180 requests per minute.
I'm developing a Google Assistant action which is a quite interactive. For a single user it may take calling up to 10 Intents (requests) / per minute. Are we really saying that based on that limits my Assistant action won't be able to handle more than 18 users' sessions per minute? Really?
What if you have more than 10 000 daily active users? How about 100 000 or even more DAU?
The Google Assistant Conversational Actions documentation is silent about it. It would be great if somebody from Google Assistant team could clarify it.
Thank you
I posted similar question about request quotas for Action Builder on reddit.
According to the reply, there is no such thing as quota for Assistant Actions built with Actions Builder and the only limitation is your backend capacity e.g. Firebase or another implementation.
Also, I found a comment about 400k users by month in this thread.
It would be great if someone from Google Assistant representatives can confirm this or add a section to the official documentation. Because this would help to invest in developing new google actions on enterprise level without a fear to bump into request limitations.

Microsoft Bing Maps: Billable or non-Billable

I am using Microsoft Bing Maps for my mobile app project. The API which I am using is REST-Imagery Metadata. It shows on my account that it is billable after 25 hits. 490 hits have already occured. If the API is billable, how the billing is happening and what is the criteria for payment? Someone please clarify in detail.
It's buried in the Terms of Service - but you still get a certain number of "billable" transactions for free provided you're making a mobile-app, even a commercial app, if it's available for a non-Microsoft mobile device platform (i.e. Android and iOS). I imagine because it's free advertising for Bing Maps when users would otherwise be using rivals Google Maps or Apple Maps respectively.
(c) Limited website and mobile app use.
If you are using the Services in an Application for commercial, non-commercial (except for Education or Non-profit use) or government use under these TOU, without entering into Standard Terms, then your Application must be available on a website or a mobile app running in a non-Microsoft Windows operating system, and must not exceed (i) 125,000 cumulative Billable Transactions (which will be free of charge) as defined in the Documentation, per calendar year or (ii) 5 queries per second, calculated as the sum of client-side and server-side queries. If your use will exceed these limits, please contact us to license additional transactions
It looks like Microsoft will deactivate your account or block further requests once you hit that limit of 125,000 transactions/year and then you'll have to register for paid access and provide payment method details.
If you are using a basic Bing maps dev account than you will get 125k free transactions per year. Those billable transaction in usage report will be billed from your free limits. You don't have to pay anything until you exhaust the free limits. I found the below text from the Bing maps documentation.
"Only billable transactions count towards the free-use limits for Basic keys, and Enterprise keys are only charged for billable transactions. Non-billable transactions do not incur charges and do not count towards free-use limits. To determine if your application will qualify for free use and for info about licensing and transaction limits, please see the Bing Maps licensing page and review the Bing Maps Terms of Use."
-Bing maps dev center

More than 10 000 000 sesssions in Universal Analytics

We have a resource of our client with more than 10 000 000 sessions (not hits) per month. Is it possible that they will contact our client soon and ask him to use a paid account in Universal Analytics (or to reduce the data volume)?
I've had this conversation a while ago and yes, if your clients exceeds the hit quota on an ongoing basis Google reserves the right to contact him an make him either buy the commercial version of Google Analytics, reduce the processing volume by implementing a sample rate limit (which would mean you client does not track all their visitors) or, after a period of non-compliance, terminate the account. FWIW, they assured us that they would never shut down an account without prior notice as long as messages to the e-mail-adresses in the account in question elicit a response.

Does Watson Analytics has a limit on the number of records it can import from dashDB?

I have a account in IBM Watson Analytics (
I also have an account in IBM Public Bluemix. I provisioned a dashDB instance and inserted 10,000 records into a dashDB table. In Bluemix dashDB, I verified (via SQLs etc.) that the 10,000 records do exist in the dashDB table.
I configured a connection in Watson Analytics to connect to my Bluemix dashDB instance. But, when I try to view the data, Watson Analytics shows / allows for upload (when I click 'shape before upload') only 1000 records from the dashDB table.
Is this a limit enforced on Watson Analytics accounts ?
In Watson Analytics, in my account settings/info page, for subscription it says "BACC-IBM WA Professional" and for total space it says that I have used only 97 MB out of available 100 GB. Also, it says that maximum upload size is 10 GB and the maximum number of columns allowed in your data asset is 500 columns. The data I have uploaded into dashDB was in total 1 GB for all of 10,000 records.
So, I do not understand why Watson Analytics is not able to show /allow for upload more than 1000 records from dashDB. Please help.
Your account type will allow you to upload up to 10 million rows of data in a single data set. The "shape before upload" view is just a preview of the data. It does not allow you to page through the entire data set. But it will upload your entire table. You can confirm this by doing the following:
Complete the upload of your table from dashDB.
Click on the new data tile. This opens a new discovery set.
At the top where it says "Ask a question about your data", just type "count rows".
Select the first visualization it suggests.
This will show the number of rows in a simple text visualization.

Anyone knows Facebook chatbot sending limit?

If a merchant needs to send Facebook messages via mobile numbers (chatbot), what is the rate limit?
This is a link on this topic but it does not talk about the actual limit:
This is graph api rate limit:
There are two major types of rate limits that can be encountered by your app, application-level rate limiting and page-level rate limiting.
At Application level limit is:
200 calls/person/hour
which will give you error code:4
At Page level limit is:
4800 calls/person/24-hours
which will give you error code:32
Great description Available Here in this reference.
The updated documentation from Facebook clearly lists out 250 calls per second as a safe limit for the Send API.
The Send API does not have a fixed rate limit, but you can safely send 250 requests per second.
More info here: