More than 10 000 000 sesssions in Universal Analytics - universal-analytics

We have a resource of our client with more than 10 000 000 sessions (not hits) per month. Is it possible that they will contact our client soon and ask him to use a paid account in Universal Analytics (or to reduce the data volume)?

I've had this conversation a while ago and yes, if your clients exceeds the hit quota on an ongoing basis Google reserves the right to contact him an make him either buy the commercial version of Google Analytics, reduce the processing volume by implementing a sample rate limit (which would mean you client does not track all their visitors) or, after a period of non-compliance, terminate the account. FWIW, they assured us that they would never shut down an account without prior notice as long as messages to the e-mail-adresses in the account in question elicit a response.


Microsoft Bing Maps: Billable or non-Billable

I am using Microsoft Bing Maps for my mobile app project. The API which I am using is REST-Imagery Metadata. It shows on my account that it is billable after 25 hits. 490 hits have already occured. If the API is billable, how the billing is happening and what is the criteria for payment? Someone please clarify in detail.
It's buried in the Terms of Service - but you still get a certain number of "billable" transactions for free provided you're making a mobile-app, even a commercial app, if it's available for a non-Microsoft mobile device platform (i.e. Android and iOS). I imagine because it's free advertising for Bing Maps when users would otherwise be using rivals Google Maps or Apple Maps respectively.
(c) Limited website and mobile app use.
If you are using the Services in an Application for commercial, non-commercial (except for Education or Non-profit use) or government use under these TOU, without entering into Standard Terms, then your Application must be available on a website or a mobile app running in a non-Microsoft Windows operating system, and must not exceed (i) 125,000 cumulative Billable Transactions (which will be free of charge) as defined in the Documentation, per calendar year or (ii) 5 queries per second, calculated as the sum of client-side and server-side queries. If your use will exceed these limits, please contact us to license additional transactions
It looks like Microsoft will deactivate your account or block further requests once you hit that limit of 125,000 transactions/year and then you'll have to register for paid access and provide payment method details.
If you are using a basic Bing maps dev account than you will get 125k free transactions per year. Those billable transaction in usage report will be billed from your free limits. You don't have to pay anything until you exhaust the free limits. I found the below text from the Bing maps documentation.
"Only billable transactions count towards the free-use limits for Basic keys, and Enterprise keys are only charged for billable transactions. Non-billable transactions do not incur charges and do not count towards free-use limits. To determine if your application will qualify for free use and for info about licensing and transaction limits, please see the Bing Maps licensing page and review the Bing Maps Terms of Use."
-Bing maps dev center

How are Google Apps Script mail quotas calculated?

The Current Quotas table on the Quotas for Google Services page shows a feature called "Email read/write (excluding send)," which is limited to 50,000 / day for G Suite Business customers.
I have several Google Apps Scripts that use MailApp to send emails, and today users of my scripts started getting the error: "Service invoked too many times for one day: email"
When I ran MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota() it showed -1, confirming that the quota had been exceeded.
When I checked Google Vault to see how many messages my account had sent between yesterday and today, it showed about 3,294.
When I reached out to G Suite Support to ask about this, they directed me to the G Suite Admin Email sending limits page, which shows that G Suite accounts are limited to sending 2,000 messages per rolling 24-hour period.
3,294 is greater than 2,000, but both are well below 50,000, so I'm wondering what actually counts against the 50,000 quota.
What mail-related operation does "read/write" pertain to?
We also use gsuite and Google script to send lots of mails. And also have lots of questions about quotas. The results of my observation is that limits applied with some lag. I can send over limit mails (some amount), before limitation will apply. Amount is vary and bit unpredictable, but almost always if I do sime pause before sending over limit mails - I got quota errors :(
I can't comment, thats why updating answer. Just try to add few mails into bcc :) and check metrics

Facebook Marketing API Rate Limit

I know that fb have made available some documentation about the requests limits to the api,
but it is not clear how each api call is calculated...
i.e, If I want to get stats for ~10,000 adsets, how can I evenly space the time between the calls ?
The best answer i could find for this question from another SO thread -
"After some testing and discussion with the Facebook platform team, there is no official limit I'm aware of or can find in the documentation. However, I've found 600 calls per 600 seconds, per token & per IP to be about where they stop you. I've also seen some application based rate limiting but don't have any numbers.
As a general rule, one call per second should not get rate limited. On the surface this seems very restrictive but remember you can batch certain calls and use the subscription API to get changes."
Source - What's the Facebook's Graph API call limit?
Official Doc-:
Rate limits are imposed on each app. The rate limiting tool gives you information about how close your app is to being throttled. Click on any sample to get more detail on the types of utilization.
Your app can make 200 calls per hour per user in aggregate. As an example, if your app has 100 users, this means that your app can make 20,000 calls. This isn't a per-user limit, so one user could make 19,000 of those calls and another could make 1,000. This limit is calculated based on the number of calls made in the previous hour.
Heavily rate-limited per ad account. For development only. Not for production apps running for live advertisers.

Does a Facebook notification 17% CTR limit apply to an app that **was** over 50 000 notifications, but soon dropped under?

I have an app that used to send more than 50 000 notifications weekly and dropped below 17% CTR. When Facebook blocked the app, we edited and limited the notifications to below 40 000 weekly which increased the CTR to about 20%. FB unblocked the app and DAU skyrocketed.
Today the charts look like FB blocked us again. While our CTR indeed dropped a wee below 17%, we do not exceed the 50 000 notification limit.
Is it possible that once you exceed 50 000 notifications for the first time, the 17% limit "sticks" and haunts you even if you drop below 50 000?
We just got an answer from a FB developer:
No, the limit does not stick once you've gone over 50k for the first time. If you go back down to 40k per week afterwards you should have no difficulties. We look at both click through rate and spam rate when it comes to apps that use notifications, and for more information, if your app is restricted I would recommend submitting an appeal at If your app doesn't appear there, or if there is no notice of restriction on your app dashboard, that means it has not been restricted by us, and there may be something else affecting your notifications.
If you do submit an appeal I'll make sure our team takes a look and we can give you a better explanation. Make sure you keep an eye on the contact email address of your app for our response; you can find this in the Settings tab of your app dashboard if you need to update it.
For more information on notifications in general, I strongly recommend checking out our developer docs, particularly here - There's some great tips on how to optimize notifications. We allow apps to send under 50k notifications per week with no CTR requirement because we want to give developers the opportunity to test new notifications before rolling them out to wider audience. We really believe that developers can actually get much higher CTR, usually up in the mid 20's, with careful targeting and thoughtful creative work.
If you're getting that high CTR, that also means you can send notifications to a lot more people who are using your app. So not only are more people getting your notifications, but a higher percentage of people are clicking on them too.

What is the best way to update a big number of accounts

I need your expert advice on this one.
I have been asked to analyse a potential Facebook application.
This application is a parental monitoring for kids accounts. Basically it will search a kid status message for specific keywords amongst others things. And this application will alert the parents when it finds something.
Of course this application will have a valid token to access the kid's data. This is not a tool to spy on the kid.
I am using the Graph API coupled with the 'since' keyword to get the last updates. It's working fine with a single user.
My question is about scalability.
How should I get updates of a huge number of kids to monitor? (between 10,000 and 100,000 accounts)
And for each kids I have to monitor status messages, videos, images, friend, friends' status messages...
Here are some numbers:
~2.1M requests each day to get hourly updates of 10,000 kids' account.
~57.8M requests each day to get hourly updates of 10,000 kids'account plus their friends', with an average of 40 friends each.
And as I read here, it would be limited.
So what do you reckon?
ps: Maybe with real-time updates I won't have this problem or would it be worse?
Yes I would subscribe to real-time updates so as an account gets updated you get a callback and then you get the latest updates. This would avoid the overhead of constantly polling accounts for updates. You will need to get an offline_access token for this to work as well.