How to establish the connection to SAP Solution Manager using Azure data factory - azure-data-factory

I have a requirement to extract the data SAP solution manager to azure blob using ADF as ETL tool.
I do not find any direct connector to create a linked services on source(SAP SOLUTION MANAGER).
Please advice me how to create linked services to SAP solution manager using ADF. Appreciate your effort.
Rajesh K

Here is a list of supported data stores and formats in Azure Data Factory
How to create linked services to SAP solution manager using ADF
You can follow this official documentation to Create a linked service to an SAP table using UI


Selecting appropriate tool for replacement of IBM DataStage ETL tool

we are looking for replacement of existing IBM DataStage platform . it has had around 1500 + mappings/datastage jobs on-premise . these mapping have also some complex transformations and mappings.
It is a complete ETL architecture on-premise. If it needs to get replace (Datastage) with microsoft platform (SSIS or Azure data factory) , what are the options to get replace with SSIS ETL tool .
if SSIS ETL tool selected , it needs to re-write all datastage scrips (with etl transformation) to SSIS
and then SSIS packege can be run through Azure Data factory. this will also incur new license cost for SSIS.
Can we re-write all ETL datastage jobs/scripts in Azure Data factory , would it be recommended as
Azure Data factory is orchestration tool and mainly used for Data driven movement. Azure data factory is not a traditional ETL tool
if anyone can through some lights on DataStage ETL architecture and its rich in build transformation.
and advised which would best option for datastage replacement.
Sorry to hear you're looking for a DataStage replacement. If you're still interested, come take a look at what we're building in our new DataStage SaaS product. Here, you'll get a true subscription pay-as-you-go model (if pricing was the issue)
Happy to chat with you. Let me know if you'd like me to email you.
Best wishes with your data integration endeavors.
Kevin Wei - Product Manager, IBM

Unable to add a service to IBM Watson Studio

I cannot create a project in IBM Watson Studio for an online course (sponsored by IBM by the way). I keep getting this error:
"You can only have one instance of a Lite plan per service. To create a new instance, either delete your existing Lite plan instance or select a paid plan".
I am performing the following steps:
1.Watson Studio
2.Create (Lite Plan Option)
3.Get Started
4.Create Project
5.Create Empty Project
6.Select Storage Service --> Here I get the error message
I need to create a Jupyter Notebook in IBM Watson Studio in order to complete the course.
I've deleted the Watson instance and started from scratch several times. I have also created a new account and tried the solutions posted on this forum for similar cases, without success.
Thank you in advance for your help
Looks like you have Lite account on IBM Cloud and here's the limitation with the account type
You can provision one instance of any service in the IBM Cloud catalog
that has a Lite plan.
You can check What's available with your Lite account of IBM Cloud here.
You may have to delete the other service provisioned under Lite plan before creating the Cloud Object Storage service or you can choose the Standard plan of Cloud Object storage service.
To check the Lite services which you already created in your account, navigate to Resource list. You may have to delete

Differentiating Azure SDK Namespaces Microsoft.Azure.Management and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management

We have 2 namespaces as part of Azure SDK i.e. Microsoft.Azure.Management and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.
1. How do we differentiate or which one to use when?
2. Is Microsoft.Azure.Management won't support all services?
3. I could able to create a classic storage account using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management and so is it only supports classic and not supports to create a storage account under a Resource Group?
Any light here would be appreciated?
How do we differentiate or which one to use when?
As far as I know, the Microsoft.Azure.Management is used to create the new arm azure resources.
The Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management(you could see the last updated date is 2014/9/16) is used created the classic asm resources.
The difference between arm and asm, you could refer to this article.
I suggest you could choose Microsoft.Azure.Management to create new arm resources in azure. Like web app, VM and so on.
Because, multiple service now only support arm(e.g web app).
Is Microsoft.Azure.Management won't support all services?
Not all services is supported in Microsoft.Azure.Management, but it is still updating.
About the library supported service, you could refer to this.
I could able to create a classic storage account using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management and so is it only supports classic and not supports to create a storage account under a Resource Group?
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management doesn't support created the storage account under a resource group.

How to create multiple endpoints through powershell for New AzureML WebServices

I have created a ML WebService on I wish to create multiple endpoints programmitically for this webservice using Powershell.
However all the cmdlets available (Add-AmlWebServiceEndpoint) involve using the Old or Classic WebServices.
Is there anyway to achieve this for New Azure ML WebServices
What version of PowerShell are you using, and have you imported the Azure-RM module? See here.
You can see updated documentation for all the cmdlets that can be used with ARM-based Azure Machine Learning web services here.

How to develop bluemix CAM

Is there any github source where IBM Cloud automation manager source code is there? Can I extend CAM's functionalities? Or should I extend terraform's capabilties instead?
IBM Cloud Automation Manager running on ICP platform has the ability to deploy bluemix templates built in. Use the "IBM Cloud" connection type to build your connection data, and then you can use the already included.
For details on the connection see
For details on what the IBM Cloud terraform provider can do check it's github here: