We have 2 namespaces as part of Azure SDK i.e. Microsoft.Azure.Management and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.
1. How do we differentiate or which one to use when?
2. Is Microsoft.Azure.Management won't support all services?
3. I could able to create a classic storage account using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management and so is it only supports classic and not supports to create a storage account under a Resource Group?
Any light here would be appreciated?
How do we differentiate or which one to use when?
As far as I know, the Microsoft.Azure.Management is used to create the new arm azure resources.
The Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management(you could see the last updated date is 2014/9/16) is used created the classic asm resources.
The difference between arm and asm, you could refer to this article.
I suggest you could choose Microsoft.Azure.Management to create new arm resources in azure. Like web app, VM and so on.
Because, multiple service now only support arm(e.g web app).
Is Microsoft.Azure.Management won't support all services?
Not all services is supported in Microsoft.Azure.Management, but it is still updating.
About the library supported service, you could refer to this.
I could able to create a classic storage account using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management and so is it only supports classic and not supports to create a storage account under a Resource Group?
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management doesn't support created the storage account under a resource group.
I have a service fabric application that hosts api’s with app insights enabled. The api services are .Net framework 4.8 webapi projects and they are native fabric stateless and stateful services. I don’t use the app insights service fabric specific packages, but do have the standard app insights for webapi packages. I have always been in Azure commercial and logs have worked just fine there.
Now that we are in azure gov, the only way to point a .Net Framework app to the gov app insights endpoints is by modifying the ApplicationInsights.config file.
So I’ve modified the file as per msdn, verified it is deployed with the fabric deploy package and its there next to the rest of the dlls on the vms. Yet my services still won’t log to azure gov app insight instances. Nothing is coming through. We set the instrumentation key programmatically, not in applicationinsights.config, could that be an issue? I noticed some of the msdn examples showed instrumentationkey being included in the config file, but would think that is optional.
Had anyone had experience pointing .net 4.8 fabric services to gov app insights?
When using a government cloud, you need to use a connection string instead of an instrumentation key.
Sovereign clouds, such as Azure Government, require the use of the
Application Insights connection string
(APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING) instead of the instrumentation
More info here and here.
This ended up being an issue with my gov configuration file. The MSDN document wasn't very clear on where the new config sections go. It made it look like they are all nested under the top level node of the config file. Turns out the TelementyChannel override has to go inside the default TelemenySinks node. I contacted microsoft on github about clarifying this in their docs.
Link to the unclear documentation
Link to github issue to get it fixed
I cannot create a project in IBM Watson Studio for an online course (sponsored by IBM by the way). I keep getting this error:
"You can only have one instance of a Lite plan per service. To create a new instance, either delete your existing Lite plan instance or select a paid plan".
I am performing the following steps:
1.Watson Studio
2.Create (Lite Plan Option)
3.Get Started
4.Create Project
5.Create Empty Project
6.Select Storage Service --> Here I get the error message
I need to create a Jupyter Notebook in IBM Watson Studio in order to complete the course.
I've deleted the Watson instance and started from scratch several times. I have also created a new account and tried the solutions posted on this forum for similar cases, without success.
Thank you in advance for your help
Looks like you have Lite account on IBM Cloud and here's the limitation with the account type
You can provision one instance of any service in the IBM Cloud catalog
that has a Lite plan.
You can check What's available with your Lite account of IBM Cloud here.
You may have to delete the other service provisioned under Lite plan before creating the Cloud Object Storage service or you can choose the Standard plan of Cloud Object storage service.
To check the Lite services which you already created in your account, navigate to Resource list. You may have to delete
I am currently provisioning a new resource group using Azure Arm template and Powershell
The resource group template defines all the resources.
A couple of different app service resources are provisioned as part of this resource group. Each app service resource has app settings.
The resource group gets provisioned sucessfully including its app service but from time to time, the app settings are missing on the newly provisioned app service. I am required to teardown and re-create the resource group and it works fine.
When the custom app settings are missing then, in the portal, there is only one app setting visible: WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION
Any pointers for how I can troubleshoot this so the environment provisioning process is consistent?
Are you using the -DeploymentDebugLogLevel parameter in the PowerShell command you are using for the deployment? There are different values for that parameter that control how much debugging information you get. I have used it in the past to help troubleshoot IaaS deployments using ARM templates. More information is here: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/debugging-arm-template-deployments/
Does the app have slots? If yes, are the appsettings tied to specific slots? When we perform a swap slot, then the appsettings can disappear, if the settings are slot specific. Also, are you performing an Incremental upgrade or Complete? As Tom commented, sharing the template will help in understanding whats going on.
I have a Webapp hosted on Google compute engine. I am trying to list it on Microsoft AppSource. One of the mandatory conditions for listing is enabling Azure Active Directory federated Single Sign-on (AAD federated SSO) for the app.
Google Cloud platform supports SAML 2.0-based SSO. Hence technically this should be possible. Has anybody tried it and any has experiences to share. Thanks in advance.
In order for an application to integrate with Azure Active Directory - it is not required that you have an Azure Subscription, or even Azure Active Directory (specially if your application is a multi-tenant application) - you can host your application anywhere.
For AppSource, as long as your app integrates with Azure Active Directory, then you are able to list your app on AppSource - which means that the application does not need to be hosted in Azure. AppSource also requires Open Id Connect - SAML would not qualify. For more details please see this article.
To make it easier to test the Azure AD integration in your application, you can create/ use a test tenant with a Microsoft personal account (MSA), as well as use this MSA account to register your application for OAUTH2 flow.
You probably don't want to use GCP's SSO. This is really designed to allow your developers to use your organization's auth system while working on GCP. This is different than allowing your users to use their organization's AD while working within your web app.
Instead, I suggest you look to see if anyone has built AD or SAML integration for the framework your webapp is built with, or look to implementing it yourself. This allows the SSO auth to be used for the app itself, instead of in accessing GCP APIs.
How exactly would someone define BlueMix to an engineering major with little to no knowledge in Comp. Sci?
Bluemix is a fully managed cloud service so all of the operations activities such as maintenance, availability, upgrades are part of the Bluemix service, so users don't have to worry about setting up their own infrastructure or installing software.
Bluemix makes it easy for application developers to write applications as it is a polygot environment that supports many different languages and runtimes.
Applications in Bluemix can easily be scaled as needed leveraging the elasticity of the cloud. There are over 100 services available in Bluemix (both IBM and 3rd party services) which can be tied together to make robust applications and also to implement a microservices architecture.
Bluemix cloud services are available as part of the public multi-tenant cloud offering which runs on softlayer. There are also dedicated and local Bluemix cloud offerings available for users who don't want to use the public cloud or want to combine the different offerings to create a hybrid cloud.
it is a platform that lets you build, run, deploy applications via cloud. moreover, it handles multiple languages
Check Bluemix Overview topic in the docs: https://www.ng.bluemix.net/docs/overview/index.html