How to develop bluemix CAM - ibm-cloud

Is there any github source where IBM Cloud automation manager source code is there? Can I extend CAM's functionalities? Or should I extend terraform's capabilties instead?

IBM Cloud Automation Manager running on ICP platform has the ability to deploy bluemix templates built in. Use the "IBM Cloud" connection type to build your connection data, and then you can use the already included.
For details on the connection see
For details on what the IBM Cloud terraform provider can do check it's github here:


Unable to add a service to IBM Watson Studio

I cannot create a project in IBM Watson Studio for an online course (sponsored by IBM by the way). I keep getting this error:
"You can only have one instance of a Lite plan per service. To create a new instance, either delete your existing Lite plan instance or select a paid plan".
I am performing the following steps:
1.Watson Studio
2.Create (Lite Plan Option)
3.Get Started
4.Create Project
5.Create Empty Project
6.Select Storage Service --> Here I get the error message
I need to create a Jupyter Notebook in IBM Watson Studio in order to complete the course.
I've deleted the Watson instance and started from scratch several times. I have also created a new account and tried the solutions posted on this forum for similar cases, without success.
Thank you in advance for your help
Looks like you have Lite account on IBM Cloud and here's the limitation with the account type
You can provision one instance of any service in the IBM Cloud catalog
that has a Lite plan.
You can check What's available with your Lite account of IBM Cloud here.
You may have to delete the other service provisioned under Lite plan before creating the Cloud Object Storage service or you can choose the Standard plan of Cloud Object storage service.
To check the Lite services which you already created in your account, navigate to Resource list. You may have to delete

How to access SAP Cloud Integration tool?

I know the very basics such as it is a tool to integrate different cloud and/or on-premise systems, but what I don't understand is that where is this Integrator (hci/sci)?
I already have an S-User, I can acces Sap Cloud Platform Cockpit (we spend most of our times in the webide creating Fiori applications).
In Sap CP Cockpit there is a service called Cloud Integration, and it is enabled but I get a 503 – Service Unavailable page when I click on "Configure Cloud integration".
I also heard about tool, but I'm not familiar with it yet.
So my question is, if I have a job to integrate (e.g SuccesFactor with an ERP system on-premise) where do I go? Which platform is where I can configure the integration, etc?
Bonus question: Is Sap Cloud Integration and Hana Cloud Integration the same thing?
"Hana Cloud Integration" and "SAP Cloud Integration" are outdated terms for what is now called: "SAP Cloud Platform Integration" "SAP Integration Suite".
You can find the corresponding docu here:
On the very right side of this page is a “Contact Us” link for further help.

Can't find Blockchain Cloud Foundry app

I followed the instructions on IoT Asset Tracking on a Hyperledger Blockchain . BUILD and DEPLOY finished successfully, but I can't find the composer-rest-server- app under Cloud Foundry Applications.
I can use the CF Blockchain services, enter the Monitor and open the Swagger UI. The question is, where can I find the application-specific APIs mentioned in the tutorial:
If everything deployed correctly, you can find the app in the IBM Cloud dashboard at If you have many apps and services deployed, make sure to filter correctly or to be aware of paging.
If you suspect that something got wrong during build and deploy, go to the toolchain and check the logs. The toolchains can also be reached from the dashboard.

deploy BNA file on ibm bluemix blockchain service

I am trying to deploy a BNA file on the IBM bluemix blockchain service. I have obtained the BNA file from the composer playground and i could not find a way to push that file on bluemix blockchain service. I have tried this tutorial but they are trying to make a chaincode and then deploying it on the blockchain service of bluemix. Why do i have to create a chaincode for deploying? can't i just push the models and javascript transaction processor functions and then use it via a REST API from the bluemix blockchain service. A step by step process for deploying the BNA file(obtained from composer playground) on the bluemix blockchain service would be much appreciated. Regards
The link you provide is for Go Lang chaincode, not a Composer Business Network (BNA). I would suggest the following link, Fabric composer integration with Bluemix blockchain service.
You're supposed to deploy a chaincode, to IBM-Blockchain, not a .bna file. To link your .bna file with the deployed code, you'd need to download the connections settings of your blockchain (which can be found at Overview/Connection Profile) and put it at the same directory of your .bna file.
The image below says where you can find the connections settings:

Why does IBM API Connect run differently in Bluemix than locally?

I just set up my local environment to use IBM API Connect and it gives me "extra options" to make the database. Now i'm using IBM API Connect inside IBM Bluemix and it doesn't have those "extra options" :/ I'd like to use it from IBM Bluemix to start migrating to the cloud, thanks in advance.
(I said this in a comment, but it should be an answer...)
The APIC Designer, which you run locally, helps define your models and connections, you then deploy that to Bluemix. You don't edit it on Bluemix itself.
The Local Developer toolkit gets installed on your computer for modeling and creating the api's through Strongloop or Kitura. After you have created your api's to run and publish them, bluemix publix cloud is used where you get a free developer portal and Node.js runtime environment for running your applications/micro-services.