Rare question about interaction terms, main effects, and mean-centering - mix & match? - linear-regression

This question is not about the longstanding discussion of 'to mean-center, or not mean-center' interaction terms, or what mean-centering the variables in an interaction gets you (or doesn't get you).
The question is if it is reasonable to have a model that includes an uncentered predictor serving to model a main effect (e.g. Education's effect on income), and an interaction term that is computed by multiplying a mean-centered version of that variable with another term (say, gender, to see if the education effect on income is conditional on gender), while leaving the 'standalone' education variable on its original scale.
For the sake of keeping the focus on this rare combination of an uncentered version of a variable with an interaction that is based on a centered version of the same variable in the same model, let's ignore the reasons for doing this (i.e. interpretability vs. collinearity).
Everything I can find about these issues seems to always assume that either all versions of the variables (as an individual variable/main effect, and as a part of the interaction/product term) are either centered or uncentered. Hence the labeling of this as a 'rare question' about mean-centering and interactions.
My instinct is that this (mixing and matching centered and uncentered) is problematic because, despite the linear similarities between the centered and uncentered versions, you end up with a model where one of the components of the interaction is technically absent. But this may also be just because I am not a fan of arguments - still common in a lot of places - that collinearity is the reason to mean-center.
What do people here think?


Implementating spell drawing/casting mechanism in Luau (Roblox)

I am coding a spell-casting system where you draw a symbol with your wand (mouse), and it can recognize said symbol.
There are two methods I believe might work; neural networking and an "invisible grid system"
The problem with the neural networking system is that It would be (likely) suboptimal in Roblox Luau, and not be able to match the performance nor speed I wish for. (Although, I may just be lacking in neural networking knowledge. Please let me know whether I should continue to try implementing it this way)
For the invisible grid system, I thought of converting the drawing into 1s and 0s (1 = drawn, 0 = blank), then seeing if it is similar to one of the symbols. I create the symbols by making a dictionary like:
local Symbol = { -- "Answer Key" shape, looks like a tilted square
The problem is that user error will likely cause it to be inaccurate, like this "spell"'s blue boxes, showing user error/inaccuracy. I'm also sure that if I have multiple Symbols, comparing every value in every symbol will surely not be quick.
Do you know an algorithm that could help me do this? Or just some alternative way of doing this I am missing? Thank you for reading my post.
I'm sorry if the format on this is incorrect, this is my first stack-overflow post. I will gladly delete this post if it doesn't abide to one of the rules. ( Let me know if there are any tags I should add )
One possible approach to solving this problem is to use a template matching algorithm. In this approach, you would create a "template" for each symbol that you want to recognize, which would be a grid of 1s and 0s similar to what you described in your question. Then, when the user draws a symbol, you would convert their drawing into a grid of 1s and 0s in the same way.
Next, you would compare the user's drawing to each of the templates using a similarity metric, such as the sum of absolute differences (SAD) or normalized cross-correlation (NCC). The template with the lowest SAD or highest NCC value would be considered the "best match" for the user's drawing, and therefore the recognized symbol.
There are a few advantages to using this approach:
It is relatively simple to implement, compared to a neural network.
It is fast, since you only need to compare the user's drawing to a small number of templates.
It can tolerate some user error, since the templates can be designed to be tolerant of slight variations in the user's drawing.
There are also some potential disadvantages to consider:
It may not be as accurate as a neural network, especially for complex or highly variable symbols.
The templates must be carefully designed to be representative of the expected variations in the user's drawings, which can be time-consuming.
Overall, whether this approach is suitable for your use case will depend on the specific requirements of your spell-casting system, including the number and complexity of the symbols you want to recognize, the accuracy and speed you need, and the resources (e.g. time, compute power) that are available to you.

integrate Modelica variable without influencing state selection

I want to integrate a Modelica variable over time, just for convenience in plotting and post-processing. The variable I want to integrate over time is the power of a compressor so that I get the total energy. The first idea would be to add these lines:
Modelica.Units.SI.Power P_comp;
Modelica.Units.SI.Energy E_comp;
P_comp = der(E_comp);
Is that the recommended way, or are there (better?) alternatives? Is it expected to influence the selection of dynamic states?
Assuming that those two lines are the only ones using E_comp that should work.
Basically E_comp will be part of its own separate state-selection block and changes there shouldn't influence anything else.
However, state selection consists of a number of algorithms and heuristics so it is difficult to formally guarantee that any change does not influence it.
I could imagine some strange possibilities that would break this, but I don't think anyone has implemented them - and I don't see a use-case for them (except to mess up cases like this).
And if you instead of integrating want to differentiate a signal it is a lot messier.

What are does the gray squares represent in MiniZinc?

In Minizinc while visualising the execution tree (created via Profile search) I obtain a tree containing gray square.
What do they represent ?
The gray squares are back-jumps. They are parts of the tree for which the solver was able to prove no solution would be present.
In a general constraint programming solver, the solver performs a tree search. Whenever you find that one branch doesn't contain any solutions, you go to another branch. Traditionally, there are two branches for every search decision. For example, a value assignment and its negation. But it is also possible to create a branch for every possible value that the variable can take.
In Lazy Clause Generation solvers, search works a bit differently. Whenever you find that search failed, you let the SAT backend generate a reason, generally referred to as a "no-good". This no-good explains why this branch didn't contain any solutions, and can from then on be enforced as a new constraint. If you just revisit your last decision, then this new constraint might still be violated. Instead, these LCG solvers use a back-jump mechanism to jump up to the last decision where the no-good was not yet violated.

Estimating Noise Budget without Secret Key

In the latest version of SEAL, the Simulation class has been removed.
Has it been shifted to some other file?
If it has been completely removed from the library, then how can I estimate noise growth, and choose appropriate parameters for my application?
Simulation class and related tools are indeed removed from the most recent SEAL. There were several reasons for this:
updating them was simply too much work with all the recent API changes;
the parameter selection and noise growth estimation tools worked well only in extremely restricted settings, e.g. very shallow computations;
the design of these tools didn't necessary correspond very well to how we envision parameter selection to happen in the future.
Obviously it's really important to have developer tools in SEAL (e.g. parameter selection, circuit analysis/optimization, etc.) so these will surely be coming back in some form.
Even without explicit tools for parameter selection you can still test different parameters and see how much noise budget you have left after the computation. Repeat this experiment multiple times to account for probabilistic effects and convince yourself that the parameters indeed work.

Implementing reinforcement learning in NetLogo (Learning in multi-agent models)

I am thinking to implement a learning strategy for different types of agents in my model. To be honest, I still do not know what kind of questions should I ask first or where to start.
I have two types of agents which I want them to learn by experience, they have a pool of actions which each has different reward based on specific situations that might happen.
I am new to reinforcement Learning methods, therefore any suggestions on what kind of questions should I ask myself is welcomed :)
Here is how I am going forward to formulate my problem:
Agents have a lifetime and they keep track of a few things that matter for them and these indicators are different for different agents, for example, one agent wants to increase A another wants B more than A.
States are points in an agent's lifetime which they
Have more than one option (I do not have a clear definition for
States as they might happen a few times or not happen at all because
Agents move around and they might never face a situation)
The reward is the an increase or decrease in an indicator that agents can get from an action in a specific State, and agent do not know what would be the gain if he chose another action.
The gain is not constant, the states are not well defined and there is no formal transition of one state into another,
For example agent can decide to share with one of the co-located agent (Action 1) or with all of the agents at the same location(Action 2) If certain conditions hold true Action A will be more rewarding for that agent, while in other conditions Action 2 will have higher reward; my problem is I did not see any example with unknown rewards since sharing in this scenario also depends on the other agent's characteristics (which affects the conditions of reward system) and in different states it will be different.
In my model there is no relationship between the action and the following state,and that makes me wonder if its ok to think about RL in this situation at all.
What I am looking to optimize here is the ability for my agents to reason about current situation in a better way and not only respond to their need which is triggered by their internal states. They have a few personalities which can define their long term goal and can affect their decision making in different situations, but I want them to remember what action in a situation helped them to increase their preferred long term goal.
In my model there is no relationship between the action and the following state,and that makes me wonder if its ok to think about RL in this situation at all.
This seems strange. What do actions do if not change state? Note that agents don't have to necessarily know how their actions will change their state. Similarly, actions could change the state imperfectly (a robots treads could skid out so it doesn't actually move when it tries to). In fact, some algorithms are specifically designed for this uncertainty.
In any case, even if the agents are moving around the state space without having any control, it can still learn the rewards for the different states. Indeed, many RL algorithms involve moving around the state space semi-randomly to figure out what the rewards are.
I do not have a clear definition for States as they might happen a few times or not happen at all because Agents move around and they might never face a situation
You might consider expanding what goes into what you consider to be a "state". For instance, the position seems like it should definitely go into the variables identifying a state. Not all states need to have rewards (although good RL algorithms typically infer a measure of goodness of neutral states).
I would recommend clearly defining the variables that determine an agent's state. For instance, the state space could be current-patch X internal-variable-value X other-agents-present. In the simplest case, the agent can observe all of the variables that make up their state. However, there are algorithms that don't require this. An agent should always be in a state, even if the state has no reward value.
Now, concerning unknown reward. That's actually totally okay. Reward can be a random variable. In that case, a simple way to apply standard RL algorithms would be to use the expected value of the variable when making decisions. If the distribution is unknown, then the algorithm could just use the mean of the rewards observed so far.
Alternatively, you could include the variables that determine the reward in the definition of the state. That way, if the reward changes, then it is literally in a different state. For example, suppose a robot is on top of a building. It needs to get to the top of the building in front of it. If it just moves forward, it falls to ground. Thus, that state has a very low reward. However, if it first places a plank that goes from one building to the other, and then moves forward, the reward changes. To represent this, we could include plank-in-place as a variable so that putting the board in place actually changes the robot's current state and the state that would result from moving forward. Thus, the reward itself has not changed; it's just in a different state.
Hopefully this helps!
UPDATE 2/7/2018: A recent upvote reminded me of the existence of this question. In the years since it was asked, I've actually dived into RL in NetLogo to a much greater extent. In particular, I've made a python extension for NetLogo, primarily to make it easier to integrate machine learning algorithms in with model. One of the demos of the extension trains a collection of agents using deep Q-learning as the model runs.