Implementating spell drawing/casting mechanism in Luau (Roblox) - neural-network

I am coding a spell-casting system where you draw a symbol with your wand (mouse), and it can recognize said symbol.
There are two methods I believe might work; neural networking and an "invisible grid system"
The problem with the neural networking system is that It would be (likely) suboptimal in Roblox Luau, and not be able to match the performance nor speed I wish for. (Although, I may just be lacking in neural networking knowledge. Please let me know whether I should continue to try implementing it this way)
For the invisible grid system, I thought of converting the drawing into 1s and 0s (1 = drawn, 0 = blank), then seeing if it is similar to one of the symbols. I create the symbols by making a dictionary like:
local Symbol = { -- "Answer Key" shape, looks like a tilted square
The problem is that user error will likely cause it to be inaccurate, like this "spell"'s blue boxes, showing user error/inaccuracy. I'm also sure that if I have multiple Symbols, comparing every value in every symbol will surely not be quick.
Do you know an algorithm that could help me do this? Or just some alternative way of doing this I am missing? Thank you for reading my post.
I'm sorry if the format on this is incorrect, this is my first stack-overflow post. I will gladly delete this post if it doesn't abide to one of the rules. ( Let me know if there are any tags I should add )

One possible approach to solving this problem is to use a template matching algorithm. In this approach, you would create a "template" for each symbol that you want to recognize, which would be a grid of 1s and 0s similar to what you described in your question. Then, when the user draws a symbol, you would convert their drawing into a grid of 1s and 0s in the same way.
Next, you would compare the user's drawing to each of the templates using a similarity metric, such as the sum of absolute differences (SAD) or normalized cross-correlation (NCC). The template with the lowest SAD or highest NCC value would be considered the "best match" for the user's drawing, and therefore the recognized symbol.
There are a few advantages to using this approach:
It is relatively simple to implement, compared to a neural network.
It is fast, since you only need to compare the user's drawing to a small number of templates.
It can tolerate some user error, since the templates can be designed to be tolerant of slight variations in the user's drawing.
There are also some potential disadvantages to consider:
It may not be as accurate as a neural network, especially for complex or highly variable symbols.
The templates must be carefully designed to be representative of the expected variations in the user's drawings, which can be time-consuming.
Overall, whether this approach is suitable for your use case will depend on the specific requirements of your spell-casting system, including the number and complexity of the symbols you want to recognize, the accuracy and speed you need, and the resources (e.g. time, compute power) that are available to you.


Feature extraction of crack images/multi dimensional feature vector/crack clustering

I am working on developing a shape descriptor module for crack clustering of binary cracks. Long story short, I have engineered several features. To arrange my feature vector for images that contain several cracks, as the biggest crack normally (not always) defines the crack type, I weigh the features based on the area each crack occupies (the number of pixels) and then, take the average.
Take as an example the below image:
enter image description here
The horizontal one decides that this crack image is a transverse crack and at the same time, I can't ignore the one in the corner.
My question is that what is the best way to deal with this? I feel like my feature vector should be multi-dimensional to be able to cover the multi-crack ones, but I haven't seen a problem like this.
Note 1: refining the images and removing the small ones is not an option cuz in some other types, their presence tells a different story. Example:
enter image description here
Here the little ones define that this crack is a meandering one.
Note 2: From an engineering point of view, the simpler the better.
Note 3: The number of cracks in one image can go up to 18, and at the same time, the majority of my data contain one crack.

checking for convergence in complex hierarchical models JAGS

I have estimated a complex hierarchical model with many random effects, but don't really know what the best approach is to checking for convergend. I have complex longitudinal data from a few hundred individuals and estimate quite a few parameters for every individual. Because of that, I have way to many traceplots to inspect visually. Or should I really spend a day going through all the traceplots? What would be a better way to check for convergence? Do I have to calculate Gelman and Rubin's Rhat for every parameter on the person level? And when can I conclude that the model converged? When absolutely all of the thousends of parameters reached convergence? Is it even sensible to expect that? Or is there something like "overall convergence"? And what does it mean when some person-level parameters did not converge? Does it make sense to use autorun.jags from the R2jags package with such a model or will it just run for ever? I know, these are a lot of question, but I just don't know how to approach that.
The measure I am using for convergence is a potential scale reduction factor (psrf)* using the gelman.diag function from the R package coda.
But nevertheless, I am also quickly visually inspecting all the traceplots, even though I also have tens/hundreds of them. It can be really fast if you put them in PNG files and then quickly go through them using e.g. IrfanView (let me know if you need me to expand on this).
The reason you should inspect the traceplots is pretty well described by an example from Marc Kery (author of great Bayesian books): see "Never blindly trust Rhat for convergence in a Bayesian analysis", here I include a self explanatory image from this email:
This is related to Rhat statistics while I use psrf, but it's pretty likely that psrf suffers from this too... and better to check the chains.
*) Gelman, A. & Rubin, D. B. Inference from iterative simulation using multiple sequences. Stat. Sci. 7, 457–472 (1992).

How to preprocess text for embedding?

In the traditional "one-hot" representation of words as vectors you have a vector of the same dimension as the cardinality of your vocabulary. To reduce dimensionality usually stopwords are removed, as well as applying stemming, lemmatizing, etc. to normalize the features you want to perform some NLP task on.
I'm having trouble understanding whether/how to preprocess text to be embedded (e.g. word2vec). My goal is to use these word embeddings as features for a NN to classify texts into topic A, not topic A, and then perform event extraction on them on documents of topic A (using a second NN).
My first instinct is to preprocess removing stopwords, lemmatizing stemming, etc. But as I learn about NN a bit more I realize that applied to natural language, the CBOW and skip-gram models would in fact require the whole set of words to be present --to be able to predict a word from context one would need to know the actual context, not a reduced form of the context after normalizing... right?). The actual sequence of POS tags seems to be key for a human-feeling prediction of words.
I've found some guidance online but I'm still curious to know what the community here thinks:
Are there any recent commonly accepted best practices regarding punctuation, stemming, lemmatizing, stopwords, numbers, lowercase etc?
If so, what are they? Is it better in general to process as little as possible, or more on the heavier side to normalize the text? Is there a trade-off?
My thoughts:
It is better to remove punctuation (but e.g. in Spanish don't remove the accents because the do convey contextual information), change written numbers to numeric, do not lowercase everything (useful for entity extraction), no stemming, no lemmatizing.
Does this sound right?
I've been working on this problem myself for some time. I totally agree with the other answers, that it really depends on your problem and you must match your input to the output that you expect.
I found that for certain tasks like sentiment analysis it's OK to remove lot's of nuances by preprocessing, but e.g. for text generation, it is quite essential to keep everything.
I'm currently working on generating Latin text and therefore I need to keep quite a lot of structure in the data.
I found a very interesting paper doing some analysis on that topic, but it covers only a small area. However, it might give you some more hints:
On the Role of Text Preprocessing in Neural Network Architectures: An Evaluation Study on Text Categorization and Sentiment Analysis
by Jose Camacho-Collados and Mohammad Taher Pilehvar
Here is a quote from their conclusion:
"Our evaluation highlights the importance of being consistent in the preprocessing strategy employed across training and evaluation data. In general a simple tokenized corpus works equally or better than more complex preprocessing techniques such as lemmatization or multiword grouping, except for a dataset corresponding to a specialized domain, like health, in which sole tokenization performs poorly. Addi- tionally, word embeddings trained on multiword- grouped corpora perform surprisingly well when applied to simple tokenized datasets."
So many questions. The answer to all of them is probably "depends". It needs to be considered the classes you are trying to predict and the kind of documents you have. It's not the same to try to predict authorship (then you definitely need to keep all kinds of punctuation and case so stylometry will work) than sentiment analysis (where you can get rid of almost everything but have to pay special attention to things like negations).
I would say apply the same preprocessing to both ends. The surface forms are your link so you can't normalise in different ways. I do agree with the point Joseph Valls makes, but my impression is that most embeddings are trained in a generic rather than a specific manner. What I mean is that the Google News embeddings perform quite well on various different tasks and I don't think they had some fancy preprocessing. Getting enough data tends to be more important. All that being said -- it still depends :-)

How to remove nodes from TensorFlow graph?

I need to write a program where part of the TensorFlow nodes need to keep being there storing some global information(mainly variables and summaries) while the other part need to be changed/reorganized as program runs.
The way I do now is to reconstruct the whole graph in every iteration. But then, I have to store and load those information manually from/to checkpoint files or numpy arrays in every iteration, which makes my code really messy and error prone.
I wonder if there is a way to remove/modify part of my computation graph instead of reset the whole graph?
Changing the structure of TensorFlow graphs isn't really possible. Specifically, there isn't a clean way to remove nodes from a graph, so removing a subgraph and adding another isn't practical. (I've tried this, and it involves surgery on the internals. Ultimately, it's way more effort than it's worth, and you're asking for maintenance headaches.)
There are some workarounds.
Your reconstruction is one of them. You seem to have a pretty good handle on this method, so I won't harp on it, but for the benefit of anyone else who stumbles upon this, a very similar method is a filtered deep copy of the graph. That is, you iterate over the elements and add them in, predicated on some condition. This is most viable if the graph was given to you (i.e., you don't have the functions that built it in the first place) or if the changes are fairly minor. You still pay the price of rebuilding the graph, but sometimes loading and storing can be transparent. Given your scenario, though, this probably isn't a good match.
Another option is to recast the problem as a superset of all possible graphs you're trying to evaluate and rely on dataflow behavior. In other words, build a graph which includes every type of input you're feeding it and only ask for the outputs you need. Good signs this might work are: your network is parametric (perhaps you're just increasing/decreasing widths or layers), the changes are minor (maybe including/excluding inputs), and your operations can handle variable inputs (reductions across a dimension, for instance). In your case, if you have only a small, finite number of tree structures, this could work well. You'll probably just need to add some aggregation or renormalization for your global information.
A third option is to treat the networks as physically split. So instead of thinking of one network with mutable components, treat the boundaries between fixed and changing pieces are inputs and outputs of two separate networks. This does make some things harder: for instance, backprop across both is now ugly (which it sounds like might be a problem for you). But if you can avoid that, then two networks can work pretty well. It ends up feeling a lot like dealing with a separate pretraining phase, which you many already be comfortable with.
Most of these workarounds have a fairly narrow range of problems that they work for, so they might not help in your case. That said, you don't have to go all-or-nothing. If partially splitting the network or creating a supergraph for just some changes works, then it might be that you only have to worry about save/restore for a few cases, which may ease your troubles.
Hope this helps!

trainning neural network

I have a picture.1200*1175 pixel.I want to train a net(mlp or hopfield) to learn a specific part of it(201*111pixel) to save its weight to use in a new net(with the same previous feature)only without train it to find that specific there are this questions :what kind of nets is useful;mlp or hopfield,if mlp;the number of hidden layers;the trainlm function is unuseful because "out of memory" error.I convert the picture to a binary image,is it useful?
What exactly do you need the solution to do? Find an object with an image (like "Where's Waldo"?). Will the target object always be the same size and orientation? Might it look different because of lighting changes?
If you just need to find a fixed pattern of pixels within a larger image, I suggest using a straightforward correlation measure, such as crosscorrelation to find it efficiently.
If you need to contend with any of the issues mentioned above, then there are two basic solutions: 1. Build a model using examples of the object in different poses, scalings, etc. so that the model will recognize any of them, or 2. Develop a way to normalize the patch of pixels being examined, to minimize the effect of those distortions (like Hu's invariant moments). If nothing else, yuo'll want to perform some sort of data reduction to get the number of inputs down. Technically, you could also try a model which is invariant to rotations, etc., but I don't know how well those work. I suspect that they are more tempermental than traditional approaches.
I found AdaBoost to be helpful in picking out only important bits of an image. That, and resizing the image to something very tiny (like 40x30) using a Gaussian filter will speed it up and put weight on more of an area of the photo rather than on a tiny insignificant pixel.