Powershell passing multiple parameters from one script to another [duplicate] - powershell

I've seen the # symbol used in PowerShell to initialise arrays.
What exactly does the # symbol denote and where can I read more about it?

In PowerShell V2, # is also the Splat operator.
PS> # First use it to create a hashtable of parameters:
PS> $params = #{path = "c:\temp"; Recurse= $true}
PS> # Then use it to SPLAT the parameters - which is to say to expand a hash table
PS> # into a set of command line parameters.
PS> dir #params
PS> # That was the equivalent of:
PS> dir -Path c:\temp -Recurse:$true

PowerShell will actually treat any comma-separated list as an array:
So the # is optional in those cases. However, for associative arrays, the # is required:
Officially, # is the "array operator." You can read more about it in the documentation that installed along with PowerShell, or in a book like "Windows PowerShell: TFM," which I co-authored.

While the above responses provide most of the answer it is useful--even this late to the question--to provide the full answer, to wit:
Array sub-expression (see about_arrays)
Forces the value to be an array, even if a singleton or a null, e.g. $a = #(ps | where name -like 'foo')
Hash initializer (see about_hash_tables)
Initializes a hash table with key-value pairs, e.g.
$HashArguments = #{ Path = "test.txt"; Destination = "test2.txt"; WhatIf = $true }
Splatting (see about_splatting)
Let's you invoke a cmdlet with parameters from an array or a hash-table rather than the more customary individually enumerated parameters, e.g. using the hash table just above, Copy-Item #HashArguments
Here strings (see about_quoting_rules)
Let's you create strings with easily embedded quotes, typically used for multi-line strings, e.g.:
$data = #"
line one
line two
something "quoted" here
Because this type of question (what does 'x' notation mean in PowerShell?) is so common here on StackOverflow as well as in many reader comments, I put together a lexicon of PowerShell punctuation, just published on Simple-Talk.com. Read all about # as well as % and # and $_ and ? and more at The Complete Guide to PowerShell Punctuation. Attached to the article is this wallchart that gives you everything on a single sheet:

You can also wrap the output of a cmdlet (or pipeline) in #() to ensure that what you get back is an array rather than a single item.
For instance, dir usually returns a list, but depending on the options, it might return a single object. If you are planning on iterating through the results with a foreach-object, you need to make sure you get a list back. Here's a contrived example:
$results = #( dir c:\autoexec.bat)
One more thing... an empty array (like to initialize a variable) is denoted #().

The Splatting Operator
To create an array, we create a variable and assign the array. Arrays are noted by the "#" symbol. Let's take the discussion above and use an array to connect to multiple remote computers:
$strComputers = #("Server1", "Server2", "Server3")<enter>
They are used for arrays and hashes.
PowerShell Tutorial 7: Accumulate, Recall, and Modify Data
Array Literals In PowerShell

I hope this helps to understand it a bit better.
You can store "values" within a key and return that value to do something.
In this case I have just provided #{a="";b="";c="";} and if not in the options i.e "keys" (a, b or c) then don't return a value
$array = #{
a = "test1";
b = "test2";
c = "test3"
foreach($elem in $array.GetEnumerator()){
if ($elem.key -eq "a"){
$key = $elem.key
$value = $elem.value
elseif ($elem.key -eq "b"){
$key = $elem.key
$value = $elem.value
elseif ($elem.key -eq "c"){
$key = $elem.key
$value = $elem.value
Write-Host "No other value"
Write-Host "Key: " $key "Value: " $value


Powershell: storing variables to a file [duplicate]

I would like to write out a hash table to a file with an array as one of the hash table items. My array item is written out, but it contains files=System.Object[]
Note - Once this works, I will want to reverse the process and read the hash table back in again.
$files = Get-ChildItem *.txt
Remove-Item $resumeFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$resumeParms.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {"{0}={1}" -f $_.Name,$_.Value} | Set-Content $resumeFile
write-host "Contents of $resumefile"
get-content $resumeFile
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[] System.Array
Contents of c:\users\paul\resume.log
The immediate fix is to create your own array representation, by enumerating the elements and separating them with ,, enclosing string values in '...':
# Sample input hashtable. [ordered] preserves the entry order.
$resumeParms = [ordered] #{ foo = 42; bar = 'baz'; arr = (Get-ChildItem *.txt) }
$resumeParms.GetEnumerator() |
ForEach-Object {
"{0}={1}" -f $_.Name, (
(("'{0}'" -f ($_ -replace "'", "''")), $_)[$_.GetType().IsPrimitive]
}) -join ','
Not that this represents all non-primitive .NET types as strings, by their .ToString() representation, which may or may not be good enough.
The above outputs something like:
See the bottom section for a variation that creates a *.psd1 file that can later be read back into a hashtable instance with Import-PowerShellDataFile.
Alternatives for saving settings / configuration data in text files:
If you don't mind taking on a dependency on a third-party module:
Consider using the PSIni module, which uses the Windows initialization file (*.ini) file format; see this answer for a usage example.
Adding support for initialization files to PowerShell itself (not present as of 7.0) is being proposed in GitHub issue #9035.
Consider using YAML as the file format; e.g., via the FXPSYaml module.
Adding support for YAML files to PowerShell itself (not present as of 7.0) is being proposed in GitHub issue #3607.
The Configuration module provides commands to write to and read from *.psd1 files, based on persisted PowerShell hashtable literals, as you would declare them in source code.
Alternatively, you could modify the output format in the code at the top to produce such files yourself, which allows you to read them back in via
Import-PowerShellDataFile, as shown in the bottom section.
As of PowerShell 7.0 there's no built-in support for writing such as representation; that is, there is no complementary Export-PowerShellDataFile cmdlet.
However, adding this ability is being proposed in GitHub issue #11300.
If creating a (mostly) plain-text file is not a must:
The solution that provides the most flexibility with respect to the data types it supports is the XML-based CLIXML format that Export-Clixml creates, as Lee Dailey suggests, whose output can later be read with Import-Clixml.
However, this format too has limitations with respect to type fidelity, as explained in this answer.
Saving a JSON representation of the data, as Lee also suggests, via ConvertTo-Json / ConvertFrom-Json, is another option, which makes for human-friendlier output than XML, but is still not as friendly as a plain-text representation; notably, all \ chars. in file paths must be escaped as \\ in JSON.
Writing a *.psd1 file that can be read with Import-PowerShellDataFile
Within the stated constraints regarding data types - in essence, anything that isn't a number or a string becomes a string - it is fairly easy to modify the code at the top to write a PowerShell hashtable-literal representation to a *.psd1 file so that it can be read back in as a [hashtable] instance via Import-PowerShellDataFile:
As noted, if you don't mind installing a module, consider the Configuration module, which has this functionality built int.
# Sample input hashtable.
$resumeParms = [ordered] #{ foo = 42; bar = 'baz'; arr = (Get-ChildItem *.txt) }
# Create a hashtable-literal representation and save it to file settings.psd1
($resumeParms.GetEnumerator() |
ForEach-Object {
" {0}={1}" -f $_.Name, (
(("'{0}'" -f ($_ -replace "'", "''")), $_)[$_.GetType().IsPrimitive]
}) -join ','
) -join "`n"
"# > settings.psd1
If you read settings.psd1 with Import-PowerShellDataFile settings.psd1 later, you'll get a [hashtable] instance whose entries you an access as usual and which produces the following display output:
Name Value
---- -----
bar baz
arr {C:\Users\jdoe\file1.txt, C:\Users\jdoe\file1.txt, C:\Users\jdoe\file1.txt}
foo 42
Note how the order of entries (keys) was not preserved, because hashtable entries are inherently unordered.
On writing the *.psd1 file you can preserve the key(-creation) order by declaring the input hashtable (System.Collections.Hashtable) as [ordered], as shown above (which creates a System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary instance), but the order is, unfortunately, lost on reading the *.psd1 file.
As of PowerShell 7.0, even if you place [ordered] before the opening #{ in the *.psd1 file, Import-PowerShellDataFile quietly ignores it and creates an unordered hashtable nonetheless.
This is a problem I deal with all the time and it drives me mad. I really think that there should be a function specifically for this action... so I wrote one.
function ConvertHashTo-CSV
Param (
$hastableAverage = $NULL #This will only work for hashtables where each entry is consistent. This checks for consistency.
foreach ($hashtabl in $hashtable)
$hastableAverage = $hastableAverage + $hashtabl.count #Counts the amount of headings.
$Paritycheck = $hastableAverage / $hashtable.count #Gets the average amount of headings
if ( ($parity = $Paritycheck -is [int]) -eq $False) #if the average is not an int the hashtable is not consistent
write-host "Error. Hashtable is inconsistent" -ForegroundColor red
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
$HashTableHeadings = $hashtable[0].GetEnumerator().name #Get the hashtable headings
$HashTableCount = ($hashtable[0].GetEnumerator().name).count #Count the headings
$HashTableString = $null # Strange to hold the CSV
foreach ($HashTableHeading in $HashTableHeadings) #Creates the first row containing the column headings
$HashTableString += $HashTableHeading
$HashTableString += ", "
$HashTableString = $HashTableString -replace ".{2}$" #Removed the last , added by the above loop in error
$HashTableString += "`n"
foreach ($hashtabl in $hashtable) #Adds the data
for($i=0;$i -lt $HashTableCount;$i++)
$HashTableString += $hashtabl[$i]
if ($i -lt ($HashTableCount - 1))
$HashTableString += ", "
$HashTableString += "`n"
$HashTableString | Out-File -FilePath $OutputFileLocation #writes the CSV to a file
To use this copy the function into your script, run it, and then
ConvertHashTo-CSV -$hashtable $Hasharray -$OutputFileLocation c:\temp\data.CSV
The code is annotated but a brief explanation of what it does. Steps through the arrays and hashtables and adds them to a string adding the required formatting to make the string a CSV file, then outputs that to a file.
The main limitation of this is that the Hashtabes in the array all have to contain the same amount of fields. To get around this if a hashtable has a field that doesnt contain data ensure it contains at least a space.
More on this can be found here : https://grumpy.tech/powershell-convert-hashtable-to-csv/

Concatenate two strings to form an existing variable

I have a folder with multiple PDFs I need to print to different printers. I've created variables for each shared printer and depending on the first 2 letters of the PDF the printing will go to the matching printer.
I'm having trouble concatenating 2 strings to form an existing variable to use it later in the printing call.
This is what I have now (all PDFs in the dir starts with 01 for now):
# SumatraPDF path
$SumatraExe = "C:\Users\Administrador.WIN-FPFTEJASDVR\AppData\Local\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe"
# PDFs to print path
$PDF = "C:\Program Files (x86)\CarrascocreditosPrueba2\CarrascocreditosPrueba2\DTE\BOL"
# Shared printers list
$01 = '\\\epson'
$02 = '\\\EPSON1050'
cd $PDF
While ($true) {
Get-ChildItem | Where {!$_.PsIsContainer} | Select-Object Name | %{
$Boleta = $_.Name
$CodSucursal = $Boleta.Substring(0,2)
$CodImpresora = '$' + $CodSucursal
Write-Host $CodImpresora -> This shows literal $01 on PS ISE
Write-Host $01 -> This show the shared printer path
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
# Actual PDF printing...
#& $SumatraExe -print-to $CodImpresora $PDF
So basically I need to call an existing variable based on 2 strings. Probably this could be achieved with a Switch but that will be too extensive.
concatenating 2 strings to form an existing variable
That won't work in PowerShell, variable tokens are always treated literally.
I'd suggest you use a hashtable instead:
# Shared printers table
$Impresoras = #{
'01' = '\\\epson'
'02' = '\\\EPSON1050'
Then inside the loop:
$Boleta = $_.Name
$CodSucursal = $Boleta.Substring(0,2)
$Impresora = $Impresoras[$CodSucursal]
Although the language syntax don't support variable variable names, you can resolve variables by name using either the Get-Variable cmdlet:
# Returns a PSVariable object describing the variable $01
Get-Variable '01'
# Returns the raw value currently assigned to $01
Get-Variable '01' -ValueOnly
... or by querying the Variable: PSDrive:
# Same effect as `Get-Variable 01`
Get-Item Variable:\01
While these alternatives exist, I'd strongly suggest staying clear of using them in scripts - they're slow, makes the code more complicated to read, and I don't think I've ever encountered a situation in which using a hashtable or an array wasn't ultimately easier :)

What is '#{}' meaning in PowerShell

I have line of scripts for review here, I noticed variable declaration with a value:
function readConfig {
$config = #{}
Get-Content $fileName | Where-Object {
$_ -like '*=*'
} | ForEach-Object {
$key, $value = $_ -split '\s*=\s*', 2
$config[$key] = $value
return $config
I wonder what #{} means in $config = #{}?
#{} in PowerShell defines a hashtable, a data structure for mapping unique keys to values (in other languages this data structure is called "dictionary" or "associative array").
#{} on its own defines an empty hashtable, that can then be filled with values, e.g. like this:
$h = #{}
$h['a'] = 'foo'
$h['b'] = 'bar'
Hashtables can also be defined with their content already present:
$h = #{
'a' = 'foo'
'b' = 'bar'
Note, however, that when you see similar notation in PowerShell output, e.g. like this:
abc: 23
def: #{"a"="foo";"b"="bar"}
that is usually not a hashtable, but the string representation of a custom object.
The meaning of the #{}
can be seen in diffrent ways.
If the #{} is empty, an empty hash table is defined.
But if there is something between the curly brackets it can be used in a contex of an splatting operation.
Hash Table
I think there is no need in explaining what an hash table is.
Splatting is a method of passing a collection of parameter values to a command as unit.
$prints = #{
Name = "John Doe"
Age = 18
Haircolor = "Red"
Write-Host #prints
Hope it helps! BR
Regarding the updated code from the questioner the answer is
It defines an empty hash table.
Be aware that Get-Content has its own parameters!

Creating a reference to a hash table element

So, I'm trying to create a tree-type variable that I could use for data navigation. I've ran into an issue while trying to use reference variables on hash tables in PowerShell. Consider the following code:
$Tree = #{ TextValue = "main"; Children = #() }
$Item = #{ TextValue = "sub"; Children = #() }
$Pointer = [ref] $Tree.Children
$Pointer.Value += $Item
When checking reference variable $Pointer, it shows appropriate values, but main variable $Tree is not affected. Is there no way to create references to a hash table element in PowerShell, and I'll have to switch to a 2-dimensional array?
Edit with more info:
I've accepted Mathias' answer, as using List looks like exactly what I need, but there's a little more clarity needed on how arrays and references interact. Try this code:
$Tree1 = #()
$Pointer = $Tree1
$Pointer += 1
Write-Host "tree1 is " $Tree1
$Tree2 = #()
$Pointer = [ref] $Tree2
$Pointer.Value += 1
Write-Host "tree2 is " $Tree2
As you can see from the output, it is possible to get a reference to an array and then modify the size of the array via that reference. I thought it would also work if an array is an element of another array or a hash table, but it does not. PowerShell seems to handle those differently.
I suspect this to be an unfortunate side-effect of the way += works on arrays.
When you use += on a fixed-size array, PowerShell replaces the original array with a new (and bigger) array. We can verify that $Pointer.Value no longer references the same array with GetHashCode():
PS C:\> $Tree = #{ Children = #() }
PS C:\> $Pointer = [ref]$Tree.Children
PS C:\> $Tree.Children.GetHashCode() -eq $Pointer.Value.GetHashCode()
PS C:\> $Pointer.Value += "Anything"
PS C:\> $Tree.Children.GetHashCode() -eq $Pointer.Value.GetHashCode()
One way of going about this is to avoid using #() and +=.
You could use a List type instead:
$Tree = #{ TextValue = "main"; Children = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject] }
$Item = #{ TextValue = "sub"; Children = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject] }
$Pointer = [ref] $Tree.Children
To complement Mathias R. Jessen's helpful answer:
Indeed, any array is of fixed size and cannot be extended in place (#() creates an empty [object[]] array).
+= in PowerShell quietly creates a new array, with a copy of all the original elements plus the new one(s), and assigns that to the LHS.
Your use of [ref] is pointless, because $Pointer = $Tree.Children alone is sufficient to copy the reference to the array stored in $Tree.Children.
See bottom section for a discussion of appropriate uses of [ref].
Thus, both $Tree.Children and $Pointer would then contain a reference to the same array, just as $Pointer.Value does in your [ref]-based approach.
Because += creates a new array, however, whatever is on the LHS - be it $Pointer.Value or, without [ref], just $Pointer - simply receives a new reference to the new array, whereas $Tree.Children still points to the old one.
You can verify this by using the direct way to determine whether two variables or expressions "point" to the same instance of a reference type (which all collections are):
PS> [object]::ReferenceEquals($Pointer.Value, $Tree.Children)
Note that [object]::ReferenceEquals() is only applicable to reference types, not value types - variables containing the latter store values directly instead of referencing data stored elsewhere.
Mathias' approach solves your problem by using a [List`1] instance instead of an array, which can be extended in place with its .Add() method, so that the reference stored in $Pointer[.Value] never needs to change and continues to refer to the same list as $Tree.Children.
Regarding your follow-up question: appropriate uses of [ref]:
$Tree2 = #()
$Pointer = [ref] $Tree2
In this case, because [ref] is applied to a variable - as designed - it creates an effective variable alias: $Pointer.Value keeps pointing to whatever $Tree2 contains even if different data is assigned to $Tree2 later (irrespective of whether that data is a value-type or reference-type instance):
PS> $Tree2 = 'Now I am a string.'; $Pointer.Value
Now I am a string.
Also note that the typical [ref] use case is to pass variables to functions to .NET API methods that have ref or out parameters; while you can use it with PowerShell scripts and functions too in order to pass by-reference parameters, as shown in the following example, this is best avoided:
# Works, but best avoided in PowerShell code.
PS> function foo { param([ref] $vRef) ++$vRef.Value }; $v=1; foo ([ref] $v); $v
2 # value of $v was incremented via $vRef.Value
By contrast, you cannot use [ref] to create such a persistent indirect reference to data, such as the property of an object contained in a variable, and use of [ref] is essentially pointless there:
$Tree2 = #{ prop = 'initial val' }
$Pointer = [ref] $Tree2.prop # [ref] is pointless here
Later changing $Tree2.prop is not reflected in $Pointer.Value, because $Pointer.Value statically refers to the reference originally stored in $Tree2.prop:
PS> $Tree2.prop = 'later val'; $Pointer.Value
initial val # $Pointer.Value still points to the *original* data
PowerShell should arguably prevent use of [ref] with anything that is not a variable. However, there is a legitimate - albeit exotic - "off-label" use for [ref], for facilitating updating values in the caller's scope from descendant scopes, as shown in the conceptual about_Ref help topic.
You can create the pointer into your tree structure:
$Tree = #{ TextValue = "main"; Children = [ref]#() }
$Item1 = #{ TextValue = "sub1"; Children = [ref]#() }
$Item2 = #{ TextValue = "sub2"; Children = [ref]#() }
$Item3 = #{ TextValue = "subsub"; Children = [ref]#() }
$Pointer = $Tree.Children
$Pointer.Value += $Item1
$Pointer.Value += $Item2
$Pointer.Value.Get(0).Children.Value += $Item3
function Show-Tree {
param ( [hashtable] $Tree )
Write-Host $Tree.TextValue
if ($Tree.Children.Value.Count -ne 0) {
$Tree.Children.Value | ForEach-Object { Show-Tree $_ }
Show-Tree $Tree

Powershell pitfalls

What Powershell pitfalls you have fall into? :-)
Mine are:
# -----------------------------------
function foo()
# Expected 1, actually 4.
# -----------------------------------
if(#($null, $null))
Write-Host "Expected to be here, and I am here."
Write-Host "Expected to be here, BUT NEVER EVER."
# -----------------------------------
function foo($a)
# I thought this is right.
#if($a -eq $null)
# throw "You can't pass $null as argument."
# But actually it should be:
if($null -eq $a)
throw "You can't pass $null as argument."
foo #($null, $null)
# -----------------------------------
# There is try/catch, but no callstack reported.
function foo()
function bar()
throw "test"
# Expected:
# At bar() line:XX
# At foo() line:XX
# Actually some like this:
# At bar() line:XX
Would like to know yours to walk them around :-)
My personal favorite is
function foo() {
param ( $param1, $param2 = $(throw "Need a second parameter"))
foo (1,2)
For those unfamiliar with powershell that line throws because instead of passing 2 parameters it actually creates an array and passes one parameter. You have to call it as follows
foo 1 2
Another fun one. Not handling an expression by default writes it to the pipeline. Really annoying when you don't realize a particular function returns a value.
function example() {
param ( $p1 ) {
if ( $p1 ) {
PS> example $true
$files = Get-ChildItem . -inc *.extdoesntexist
foreach ($file in $files) {
Fails with:
You cannot call a method on a null-valued expression.
At line:3 char:25
+ $file.Fullname.substring <<<< (2)
Fix it like so:
$files = #(Get-ChildItem . -inc *.extdoesntexist)
foreach ($file in $files) {
Bottom line is that the foreach statement will loop on a scalar value even if that scalar value is $null. When Get-ChildItem in the first example returns nothing, $files gets assinged $null. If you are expecting an array of items to be returned by a command but there is a chance it will only return 1 item or zero items, put #() around the command. Then you will always get an array - be it of 0, 1 or N items. Note: If the item is already an array putting #() has no effect - it will still be the very same array (i.e. there is no extra array wrapper).
# The pipeline doesn't enumerate hashtables.
$ht = #{"foo" = 1; "bar" = 2}
$ht | measure
# Workaround: call GetEnumerator
$ht.GetEnumerator() | measure
Here are my top 5 PowerShell gotchas
Here is something Ive stumble upon lately (PowerShell 2.0 CTP):
$items = "item0", "item1", "item2"
$part = ($items | select-string "item0")
$items = ($items | where {$part -notcontains $_})
what do you think that $items be at the end of the script?
I was expecting "item1", "item2" but instead the value of $items is: "item0", "item1", "item2".
Say you've got the following XML file:
<Child />
<Child />
Run this:
PS > $myDoc = [xml](Get-Content $pathToMyDoc)
PS > #($myDoc.SelectNodes("/Root/Child")).Count
PS > #($myDoc.Root.Child).Count
Now edit the XML file so it has no Child nodes, just the Root node, and run those statements again:
PS > $myDoc = [xml](Get-Content $pathToMyDoc)
PS > #($myDoc.SelectNodes("/Root/Child")).Count
PS > #($myDoc.Root.Child).Count
That 1 is annoying when you want to iterate over a collection of nodes using foreach if and only if there actually are any. This is how I learned that you cannot use the XML handler's property (dot) notation as a simple shortcut. I believe what's happening is that SelectNodes returns a collection of 0. When #'ed, it is transformed from an XPathNodeList to an Object[] (check GetType()), but the length is preserved. The dynamically generated $myDoc.Root.Child property (which essentially does not exist) returns $null. When $null is #'ed, it becomes an array of length 1.
On Functions...
The subtleties of processing pipeline input in a function with respect to using $_ or $input and with respect to the begin, process, and end blocks.
How to handle the six principal equivalence classes of input delivered to a function (no input, null, empty string, scalar, list, list with null and/or empty) -- for both direct input and pipeline input -- and get what you expect.
The correct calling syntax for sending multiple arguments to a function.
I discuss these points and more at length in my Simple-Talk.com article Down the Rabbit Hole- A Study in PowerShell Pipelines, Functions, and Parameters and also provide an accompanying wallchart--here is a glimpse showing the various calling syntax pitfalls for a function taking 3 arguments:
On Modules...
These points are expounded upon in my Simple-Talk.com article Further Down the Rabbit Hole: PowerShell Modules and Encapsulation.
Dot-sourcing a file inside a script using a relative path is relative to your current directory -- not the directory where the script resides!
To be relative to the script use this function to locate your script directory: [Update for PowerShell V3+: Just use the builtin $PSScriptRoot variable!]
function Get-ScriptDirectory
{ Split-Path $script:MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path }
Modules must be stored as ...Modules\name\name.psm1 or ...\Modules\any_subpath\name\name.psm1. That is, you cannot just use ...Modules\name.psm1 -- the name of the immediate parent of the module must match the base name of the module. This chart shows the various failure modes when this rule is violated:
2015.06.25 A Pitfall Reference Chart
Simple-Talk.com just published the last of my triumvirate of in-depth articles on PowerShell pitfalls. The first two parts are in the form of a quiz that helps you appreciate a select group of pitfalls; the last part is a wallchart (albeit it would need a rather high-ceilinged room) containing 36 of the most common pitfalls (some adapted from answers on this page), giving concrete examples and workarounds for most. Read more here.
There are some tricks to building command lines for utilities that were not built with Powershell in mind:
To run an executable who's name starts with a number, preface it with an Ampersand (&).
& 7zip.exe
To run an executable with a space anywhere in the path, preface it with an Ampersand (&) and wrap it in quotes, as you would any string. This means that strings in a variable can be executed as well.
# Executing a string with a space.
& 'c:\path with spaces\command with spaces.exe'
# Executing a string with a space, after first saving it in a variable.
$a = 'c:\path with spaces\command with spaces.exe'
& $a
Parameters and arguments are passed to legacy utilities positionally. So it is important to quote them the way the utility expects to see them. In general, one would quote when it contains spaces or does not start with a letter, number or dash (-).
C:\Path\utility.exe '/parameter1' 'Value #1' 1234567890
Variables can be used to pass string values containing spaces or special characters.
$b = 'string with spaces and special characters (-/&)'
utility.exe $b
Alternatively array expansion can be used to pass values as well.
$c = #('Value #1', $Value2)
utility.exe $c
If you want Powershell to wait for an application to complete, you have to consume the output, either by piping the output to something or using Start-Process.
# Saving output as a string to a variable.
$output = ping.exe example.com | Out-String
# Piping the output.
ping stackoverflow.com | where { $_ -match '^reply' }
# Using Start-Process affords the most control.
Start-Process -Wait SomeExecutable.com
Because of the way they display their output, some command line utilities will appear to hang when ran inside of Powershell_ISE.exe, particularly when awaiting input from the user. These utilities will usually work fine when ran within Powershell.exe console.
PowerShell Gotchas
There are a few pitfall that repeatedly reappear on StackOverflow. It is recommend to do some research if you are not familiar with these PowerShell gotchas before asking a new question. It might even be a good idea to investigate in these PowerShell gotchas before answering a PowerShell question to make sure that you teach the questioner the right thing.
TLDR: In PowerShell:
the comparison equality operator is: -eq
(Stackoverflow example: Powershell simple syntax if condition not working)
parentheses and commas are not used with arguments
(Stackoverflow example: How do I pass multiple parameters into a function in PowerShell?)
output properties are based on the first object in the pipeline
(Stackoverflow example: Not all properties displayed)
the pipeline unrolls
(Stackoverflow example: Pipe complete array-objects instead of array items one at a time?)
a. single item collections
(Stackoverflow example: Powershell ArrayList turns a single array item back into a string)
b. embedded arrays
(Stackoverflow example: Return Multidimensional Array From Function)
c. output collections
(Stackoverflow example: Why does PowerShell flatten arrays automatically?)
$Null should be on the left side of the equality comparison operator
(Stackoverflow example: Should $null be on the left side of the equality comparison)
parentheses and assignments choke the pipeline
(Stackoverflow example: Importing 16MB CSV Into Variable Creates >600MB's Memory Usage)
the increase assignment operator (+=) might become expensive
Stackoverflow example: Improve the efficiency of my PowerShell scrip
The Get-Content cmdlet returns separate lines
Stackoverflow example: Multiline regex to match config block
Examples and explanations
Some of the gotchas might really feel counter-intuitive but often can be explained by some very nice PowerShell features along with the pipeline, expression/argument mode and type casting.
1. The comparison equality operator is: -eq
Unlike the Microsoft scripting language VBScript and some other programming languages, the comparison equality operator differs from the assignment operator (=) and is: -eq.
Note: assigning a value to a variable might pass through the value if needed:
$a = $b = 3 # The value 3 is assigned to both variables $a and $b.
This implies that following statement might be unexpectedly truthy or falsy:
If ($a = $b) {
# (assigns $b to $a and) returns a truthy if $b is e.g. 3
} else {
# (assigns $b to $a and) returns a falsy if $b is e.g. 0
2. Parentheses and commas are not used with arguments
Unlike a lot of other programming languages and the way a primitive PowerShell function is defined, calling a function doesn't require parentheses or commas for their related arguments. Use spaces to separate the parameter arguments:
MyFunction($Param1, $Param2 $Param3) {
# ...
MyFunction 'one' 'two' 'three' # assigns 'one' to $Param1, 'two' to $Param2, 'three' to $Param3
Parentheses and commas are used for calling (.Net) methods.
Commas are used to define arrays. MyFunction 'one', 'two', 'three' (or MyFunction('one', 'two', 'three')) will load the array #('one', 'two', 'three') into the first parameter ($Param1).
Parentheses will intepret the containing contents as a single collection into memory (and choke the PowerShell pipeline) and should only be used as such, e.g. to call an embedded function, e.g.:
MyFunction (MyOtherFunction) # passes the results MyOtherFunction to the first positional parameter of MyFunction ($Param1)
MyFunction One $Two (getThree) # assigns 'One' to $Param1, $Two to $Param2, the results of getThree to $Param3
Note: that quoting text arguments (as the word one in the later example) is only required when it contains spaces or special characters.
3. Output properties are based on the first object in the pipeline
In a PowerShell pipeline each object is processed and passed on by a cmdlet (that is implemented for the middle of a pipeline) similar to how objects are processed and passed on by workstations in an assembly line. Meaning each cmdlet processes one item at the time while the prior cmdlet (workstation) simultaneously processes the upcoming one. This way, the objects aren't loaded into memory at once (less memory usage) and could already be processed before the next one is supplied (or even exists). The disadvantage of this feature is that there is no oversight of what (or how many) objects are expected to follow.
Therefore most PowerShell cmdlets assume that all the objects in the pipeline correspond to the first one and have the same properties which is usually the case, but not always...
$List =
[pscustomobject]#{ one = 'a1'; two = 'a2' },
[pscustomobject]#{ one = 'b1'; two = 'b2'; three = 'b3' }
$List |Select-Object *
one two
--- ---
a1 a2
b1 b2
As you see, the third column three is missing from the results as it didn't exists in the first object and the PowerShell was already outputting the results prior it was aware of the exists of the second object.
On way to workaround this behavior is to explicitly define the properties (of all the following objects) at forehand:
$List |Select-Object one, two, three
one two three
--- --- -----
a1 a2
b1 b2 b3
See also proposal: #13906 Add -UnifyProperties parameter to Select-Object
4. The pipeline unrolls
This feature might come in handy if it complies with the straightforward expectation:
$Array = 'one', 'two', 'three'
a. single item collections
But it might get confusing:
$Selection = $Array |Select-Object -First 2
when the collection is down to a single item:
$Selection = $Array |Select-Object -First 1
When the pipeline outputs a single item which is assigned to a variable, it is not assigned as a collection (with 1 item, like: #('one')) but as a scalar item (the item itself, like: 'one').
Which means that the property .Length (which is in fact an alias for the property .Count for an array) is no longer applied on the array but on the string: 'one'.length which equals 3. And in case of the index $Selection[0] , the first character of the string 'one'[0] (which equals the character o) is returned .
To workaround this behavior, you might force the scalar item to an array using the Array subexpression operator #( ):
$Selection = $Array |Select-Object -First 1
Knowing that in the case the $Selection is already an array, it will will not be further increased in depth (#(#('one', 'two')), see the next section 4b. Embedded collections are flattened).
b. embedded arrays
When an array (or a collection) includes embedded arrays, like:
$Array = #(#('a', 'b'), #('c', 'd'))
All the embedded items will be processed in the pipeline and consequently returns a flat array when displayed or assigned to a new variable:
$Processed = $Array |ForEach-Object { $_ }
To iterate the embedded arrays, you might use the foreach statement:
foreach ($Item in $Array) { $Item.Count }
Or a simply for loop:
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Array.Count; $i++) { $Array[$i].Count }
c. output collections
Collections are usually unrolled when they are placed on the pipeline:
function GetList {
[Collections.Generic.List[String]]#('a', 'b')
To output the collection as a single item, use the comma operator ,:
function GetList {
,[Collections.Generic.List[String]]#('a', 'b')
5. $Null should be on the left side of the equality comparison operator
This gotcha is related to this comparison operators feature:
When the input of an operator is a scalar value, the operator returns a Boolean value. When the input is a collection, the operator returns the elements of the collection that match the right-hand value of the expression. If there are no matches in the collection, comparison operators return an empty array.
This means for scalars:
'a' -eq 'a' # returns $True
'a' -eq 'b' # returns $False
'a' -eq $Null # returns $False
$Null -eq $Null # returns $True
and for collections, the matching elements are returned which evaluates to either a truthy or falsy condition:
'a', 'b', 'c' -eq 'a' # returns 'a' (truthy)
'a', 'b', 'c' -eq 'd' # returns an empty array (falsy)
'a', 'b', 'c' -eq $Null # returns an empty array (falsy)
'a', $Null, 'c' -eq $Null # returns $Null (falsy)
'a', $Null, $Null -eq $Null # returns #($Null, $Null) (truthy!!!)
$Null, $Null, $Null -eq $Null # returns #($Null, $Null, $Null) (truthy!!!)
In other words, to check whether a variable is $Null (and exclude a collection containing multiple $Nulls), put $Null at the LHS (left hand side) of the equality comparison operator:
if ($Null -eq $MyVariable) { ...
6. Parentheses and assignments choke the pipeline
The PowerShell Pipeline is not just a series of commands connected by pipeline operators (|) (ASCII 124). It is a concept to simultaneously stream individual objects through a sequence of cmdlets. If a cmdlet (or function) is written according to the Strongly Encouraged Development Guidelines and implemented for the middle of a pipeline, it takes each single object from the pipeline, processes it and passes the results to the next cmdlet just before it takes and processes the next object in the pipeline. Meaning that for a simple pipeline as:
Import-Csv .\Input.csv |Select-Object -Property Column1, Column2 |Export-Csv .\Output.csv
As the last cmdlet writes an object to the .\Output.csv file, the Select-Object cmdlet selects the properties of the next object and the Import-Csv reads the next object from the .\input.csv file (see also: Pipeline in Powershell). This will keep the memory usage low (especially where there are lots of object/records to process) and therefore might result in a faster throughput. To facilitate the pipeline, the PowerShell objects are quiet fat as each individual object contains all the property information (along with e.g. the property name).
Therefore it is not a good practice to choke the pipeline for no reason. There are two senarios that choke the pipeline:
Parentheses, e.g.:
(Import-Csv .\Input.csv) |Select-Object -Property Column1, Column2 |Export-Csv .\Output.csv
Where all the .\Input.csv records are loaded as an array of PowerShell objects into memory before passing it on to the Select-Object cmdlet.
Assignments, e.g.:
$Objects = Import-Csv .\Input.csv
$Objects |Select-Object -Property Column1, Column2 |Export-Csv .\Output.csv
Where all the .\Input.csv records are loaded as an array of PowerShell objects into $Objects (memory as well) before passing it on to the Select-Object cmdlet.
7. the increase assignment operator (+=) might become expensive
The increase assignment operator (+=) is syntactic sugar to increase and assign primitives as .e.g. $a += $b where $a is assigned $b + 1. The increase assignment operator can also be used for adding new items to a collection (or to String types and hash tables) but might get pretty expensive as the costs increases with each iteration (the size of the collection). The reason for this is that objects as array collections are immutable and the right variable in not just appended but *appended and reassigned to the left variable. For details see also: avoid using the increase assignment operator (+=) to create a collection
8. The Get-Content cmdlet returns separate lines
There are probably quite some more cmdlet gotchas, knowing that there exist a lot of (internal and external) cmdlets. In contrast to engine related gotchas, these gotchas are often easier to highlight (with e.g. a warning) as happend with ConvertTo-Json (see: Unexpected ConvertTo-Json results? Answer: it has a default -Depth of 2) or "fix". But there is very clasic gotcha in Get-Content which tight into the PowerShell general concept of streaming objects (in this case lines) rather than passing everything (the whole contents of the file) in once:
Get-Content .\Input.txt -Match '\r?\n.*Test.*\r?\n'
Will never work because, by default, Get-Contents returns a stream of objects where each object contains a single string (a line without any line breaks).
(Get-Content .\Input.txt).GetType().Name
(Get-Content .\Input.txt)[0].GetType().Name
In fact:
Get-Content .\Input.txt -Match 'Test'
Returns all the lines with the word Test in it as Get-Contents puts every single line on the pipeline and when the input is a collection, the operator returns the elements of the collection that match the right-hand value of the expression.
Note: since PowerShell version 3, Get-Contents has a -Raw parameter that reads all the content of the concerned file at once, Meaning that this: Get-Content -Raw .\Input.txt -Match '\r?\n.*Test.*\r?\n' will work as it loads the whole file into memory.
alex2k8, I think this example of yours is good to talk about:
# -----------------------------------
function foo($a){
# I thought this is right.
#if($a -eq $null)
# throw "You can't pass $null as argument."
# But actually it should be:
if($null -eq $a)
throw "You can't pass $null as argument."
foo #($null, $null)
PowerShell can use some of the comparators against arrays like this:
$array -eq $value
## Returns all values in $array that equal $value
With that in mind, the original example returns two items (the two $null values in the array), which evalutates to $true because you end up with a collection of more than one item. Reversing the order of the arguments stops the array comparison.
This functionality is very handy in certain situations, but it is something you need to be aware of (just like array handling in PowerShell).
Functions 'foo' and 'bar' looks equivalent.
function foo() { $null }
function bar() { }
(foo) -eq $null
# True
(bar) -eq $null
# True
foo | %{ "foo" }
# Prints: foo
bar | %{ "bar" }
Returning $null and returning nothing is not equivalent dealing with pipes.
This one is inspired by Keith Hill example...
function bar() {}
$list = #(foo)
# Prints: 0
# Now let's try the same but with a temporal variable.
$tmp = foo
$list = #($tmp)
# Prints: 1
Another one:
$x = 2
$y = 3
$a,$b = $x,$y*5
because of operators precedence there is not 25 in $b; the command is the same as ($x,$y)*5
the correct version is
$a,$b = $x,($y*5)
The logical and bitwise operators don't follow standard precedence rules. The operator -and should have a higher priority than -or yet they're evaluated strictly left-to-right.
For example, compare logical operators between PowerShell and Python (or virtually any other modern language):
# PowerShell
PS> $true -or $false -and $false
# Python
>>> True or False and False
...and bitwise operators:
# PowerShell
PS> 1 -bor 0 -band 0
# Python
>>> 1 | 0 & 0
This works. But almost certainly not in the way you think it's working.
PS> $a = 42;
PS> [scriptblock]$b = { $a }
PS> & $b
This one has tripped me up before, using $o.SomeProperty where it should be $($o.SomeProperty).
# $x is not defined
[70]: $x -lt 0
[71]: [int]$x -eq 0
So, what's $x..?
Another one I ran into recently: [string] parameters that accept pipeline input are not strongly typed in practice. You can pipe anything at all and PS will coerce it via ToString().
function Foo
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
[string] $param
process { $param }
get-process svchost | Foo
Unfortunately there is no way to turn this off. Best workaround I could think of:
function Bar
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
[object] $param
if ($param -isnot [string]) {
throw "Pass a string you fool!"
# rest of function goes here
edit - a better workaround I've started using...
Add this to your custom type XML -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
Then write functions like this:
function Bar
param (
[parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$True)]
[string] $param
# rest of function goes here
Forgetting that $_ gets overwritten in blocks made me scratch my head in confusion a couple times, and similarly for multiple reg-ex matches and the $matches array. >.<
Remembering to explicitly type pscustom objects from imported data tables as numeric so they can be sorted correctly:
$CVAP_WA=foreach ($i in $C){[PSCustomObject]#{ `
County=$i.county; `
TotalVote=[INT]$i.TotalBallots; `
RegVoters=[INT]$i.regvoters; `
Turnout_PCT=($i.TotalBallots/$i.regvoters)*100; `
CVAP=[INT]($B | ? {$_.GeoName -match $i.county}).CVAP_EST }}
PS C:\Politics> $CVAP_WA | sort -desc TotalVote |ft -auto -wrap
County TotalVote RegVoters Turnout_PCT CVAP CVAP_TV_PCT CVAP_RV_PCT
------ --------- --------- ----------- ---- ----------- -----------
King 973088 1170638 83.189 1299290 74.893 90.099
Pierce 349377 442985 78.86 554975 62.959 79.837
Snohomish 334354 415504 80.461 478440 69.832 86.81
Spokane 227007 282442 80.346 342060 66.398 82.555
Clark 193102 243155 79.453 284190 67.911 85.52
Mine are both related to file copying...
Square Brackets in File Names
I once had to move a very large/complicated folder structure using Move-Item -Path C:\Source -Destination C:\Dest. At the end of the process there were still a number of files in source directory. I noticed that every remaining file had square brackets in the name.
The problem was that the -Path parameter treats square brackets as wildcards.
EG. If you wanted to copy Log001 to Log200, you could use square brackets as follows:
Move-Item -Path C:\Source\Log[001-200].log.
In my case, to avoid square brackets being interpreted as wildcards, I should have used the -LiteralPath parameter.
The $ErrorActionPreference variable is ignored when using Move-Item and Copy-Item with the -Verbose parameter.
Treating the ExitCode of a Process as a Boolean.
eg, with this code:
$p = Start-Process foo.exe -NoNewWindow -Wait -PassThru
if ($p.ExitCode) {
# handle error
things are good, unless say foo.exe doesn't exist or otherwise fails to launch.
in that case $p will be $null, and [bool]($null.ExitCode) is False.
a simple fix is to replace the logic with if ($p.ExitCode -ne 0) {},
however for clarity of code imo the following is better: if (($p -eq $null) -or ($p.ExitCode -ne 0)) {}