Is there any method in IBM-Cloud-VPC Python SDK that can be used to shut down VSI in IBM Cloud VPC? - ibm-cloud

I tried this IBM-Cloud-VPC-Python-SDK - But, I don't find any methods in the IBM-Cloud-VPC-Python SDK for shutting down VSI (Virtual Server Instance)

I think it is documented here:
response = service.create_instance_action(


Is there an API for IBM Cloud PowerPC Virtual server instances - power-iaas?

I am looking to implement support for legacy AIX services that can scale.
What I would like is to create an AIX VM or at least start a VM programatically.
Is there an API for this.
I have found CLI at
I have checked
I have checked the requests made by the web page.
I see it uses
with payload like
"query":"mutation doServer($serverId: String!, $action: String!)
{\n PowerDoServer(serverId: $serverId, action: $action)
{\n success\n __typename\n }\n}\n"}
You could check the referenced API docs for IBM Cloud compute. There is a set of APIs dealing with Power Virtual Machines and it has a REST API to create a new instance.

connection to couchbase with flutter

I am new to Flutter and Couchbase, trying to connect to a sample bucket travel-sample using fluttercouch plugin, but getting error "unable to set target endpoint to ws//" for setting endpoint as ws// Could some one explain to me what will be the endpoint for me and are there any changes needed else where. I am trying to test the server on the master repository of fluttercouch plugin. Here is the main.dart and bucket overview.
Couchbase Lite (the library underlying FlutterCouch implementation) cannot directly sync with Couchbase Server. A Couchbase Sync Gateway has to be deployed with the next instructions to allow syncing between the server and the mobile database:
"enable_shared_bucket_access": true,
"import_docs": "continuous",
You can find further documentation about Couchbase Sync Gateway in the Couchbase Documentation.
The primary point of confusion is you're trying to connect your fluttercouch plugin directly to Couchbase Server, and it's designed for Couchbase Lite, which is what runs on on a mobile device. I don't have enough experience with flutter to tell you what that endpoint should be, but it looks like you're targeting the wrong thing at the moment.

Issue connecting composer to Blockchain on Bluemix - identity or token does not match

I have fabric composer 0.72 installed on my mac, and I was able to follow this thread to get it connected to my Blockchain (v.61 of Fabric) on Bluemix.
Now I am trying to build an ubuntu (16.04) docker container and run composer-rest-server there. When I try to connect to my blockchain service from my docker container (using the same id, WebAppAdmin, that I used on my mac) I get an error:
Discovering types from business network definition ...
Connection fails: Error: Identity or token does not match.
It will be retried for the next request.
{ Error: Identity or token does not match.
at /home/composer/.nvm/versions/node/v6.10.3/lib/node_modules /composer-rest-server/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:417:17 code: 2, metadata: Metadata { _internal_repr: {} } }
I tried copying the cert from my mac to my docker container:
but when I did that I got a different error that says "signature does not verify". I did some additional testing, and I discovered that if I used an id that I had not previously used with composer (i.e. user_type1_0) then I could connect, and I could see a new cert in my .composer-credentials directory.
I tried deleting that container and building a new one (I dorked something else up) I could not use that same userid again.
Does anybody know how security and these certs are supposed to work? It would seem as though something to do with certificate generation/validation is tied to the client (i.e. hardware address), such that if I try to re-use an id on a different machine, the certs or keys or something don't match. I have a way to make things work, but it doesn't seem like it's the right way if I can't use the same id from different machines.
Hi i tried to recreate this by having blockchain running on a unix machine and then i copied my connection profile and certificate to my mac and then edited my connection profile to update the ip address and key store. I then did a composer network ping and it worked fine.
I am using composer v0.7.4 so you could try that?
I have also faced this issue, and concluded that
There is inconsistent behavior while deploying network using composer on Cloud environment includeing Bluemix. Problem is not with composer, but with fabric 0.6.
I am assuming that this issue is also indirectly related to following known bugs into fabric 0.6, which will not be fixed in fabric 0.6.
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
at ClientDuplexStream._emitStatusIfDone (/home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.5/lib/node_modules/composer-cli/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:189:19)
at ClientDuplexStream._readsDone (/home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.5/lib/node_modules/composer-cli/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:158:8)
at readCallback (/home/ubuntu/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.5/lib/node_modules/composer-cli/node_modules/grpc/src/node/src/client.js:217:12)
So far, We have understood that following three JIRA are root cause , where essentially the cloud networking layer ends up killing the idle event hub connection after a period of inactivity and the fabric SDK cannot handle this. FAB-3310
or FAB-2787
There is no alternative way of fixing this issue with Bluemix or any cloud environment with fabric 0.6
You may not experience this issue with Fabric 1.0, but there is still possibilities as all above mentioned defects are not fixed yet.

Couchbase 4.1 - N1QL by endpoint

I use Reactive Couchbase (this is Scala port for Java SDK -
And for query this use http endpoint (http:// mycouchbaseadress:8093 /query?q=N1QL Comand) but response for server is "Unrecognized parameter in request: q".
I Find in stackoverflow to start cbq-engine so try to launch 'cbq-engine -couchbase http:// mycouchbaseadress:8093 /' but have error ''flag provided but not defined: -couchbase"
My couchbase version is 4.1 community
Do you know how I can send my n1ql query to server by endpoint?
It seems like there is a bug in ReactiveCouchbase, or at least its N1QL support was developed against an outdated beta version of the feature.
With Couchbase Server 4.0 GA and above, you don't need to run cbq-engine (this was the process used during N1QL's beta).
The problem is that in the code, the q= parameter is used where it should now be statement= (or a JSON body).
There is a open pull-request that happens to fix that issue among other things, but it's been opened a long time.

Scala Lift - Connect to remote MongoDB

I currently have my app running on my local machine, in Boot.scala I have:
MongoAddress(MongoHost("", 27017), "platform")
I've successfully deployed the app to a cloud provider, and am in the process of setting up a database #
What would I need to change to enable the app to connect? I've taken a look here:
But am a little confused by the connection details provided by mongohq, all they provide is:
Mongo URI
Thanks in advance for any help, much appreciated :)
I am not familiar with MongoHQ in particular, but you should be able to put something in Boot like this:
new Mongo(new ServerAddress("<host>", <port>)),
Where the <*> variables are the particular part of the connection URI that were provided to you when you signed up for MongoHQ.