Couchbase 4.1 - N1QL by endpoint - scala

I use Reactive Couchbase (this is Scala port for Java SDK -
And for query this use http endpoint (http:// mycouchbaseadress:8093 /query?q=N1QL Comand) but response for server is "Unrecognized parameter in request: q".
I Find in stackoverflow to start cbq-engine so try to launch 'cbq-engine -couchbase http:// mycouchbaseadress:8093 /' but have error ''flag provided but not defined: -couchbase"
My couchbase version is 4.1 community
Do you know how I can send my n1ql query to server by endpoint?

It seems like there is a bug in ReactiveCouchbase, or at least its N1QL support was developed against an outdated beta version of the feature.
With Couchbase Server 4.0 GA and above, you don't need to run cbq-engine (this was the process used during N1QL's beta).
The problem is that in the code, the q= parameter is used where it should now be statement= (or a JSON body).
There is a open pull-request that happens to fix that issue among other things, but it's been opened a long time.


Not Found http://localhost:3000/openapi.json -loopback 3

Please help me,I'm stuck at this point.
Steps done succesfully,
1)Install loopback 3
2)datasource is created ,generated models from mysql and generator script
3)updated model-config.json
4)loopback has run with no errors
Web server listening at: http://localhost:3000
Browse your REST API at http://localhost:3000/explorer
---This was command prompt
5)when trying to access that Not Found http://localhost:3000/openapi.json
LoopBack 3 does not support OpenAPI v3, we support the older v2 specification only (it's usually referred to as Swagger).
The API spec in Swagger JSON format is available at the following URL:
Please check out the recently announced LoopBack 4 version if you are interested in OpenAPI v3: the announcement and the new website.
I faced same error
Clear your browser cache then run URl

Upgrading to Spring cloud 1.0.1 zuul url encoded parameters not working

We use zuul as an gateway to dispatch incoming requests to services.
When we upgraded from 1.0.0, we noticed two issues, one of which we got a workaround to.
The second issue is that in some of the incoming have encoded uris to deal with special characters in the request, e.g. ....rovi//45846 which needs to be changed to rovi%2F%2F45846 in order to pass in.
So for a rest uri like the following POST http://localhost:8902/contentservice/content/subscriptionPackages/624460160/channels/rovi%252F%252F45846
If I make this request directly to the service, it works correctly.
But if I route it through zuul as POST http://localhost:8765/contentservice/content/subscriptionPackages/624460160/channels/rovi%252F%252F45846 then it disappears.
Now if I take the % out it is passed in and treated as an error in the contentservice when I step through the content service front end controller (off course).
What has changed between spring cloud 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 in the zuul functionality to stop this from working. As it definitely was working in 1.0.0.
So the spring cloud team has fixed this in the snapshot releases and you can fixed more detail here

WARN org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound - Request method 'POST' not supported

Os is Mac Os Maverick.
In a jhipster context (last version, 1.2.2), I get an error when I request the default application on an entity I have just generate using yo jhipster:entity generator.
I run a yo jhipster to create a vanilla application with mongodb as database, java 7 and nothing special.
Then I run grunt build and grunt server for hot reload on the client part and mvn spring-boot:run for the server side app.
When I go to the http://localhost:8080/ url, I get the normal page. I can sign in with either the user or admin login.
I run the yo jhipster:entity foo to get an exemple of rest service in the back end.
When I request for the foo resource with the URL http://localhost:8080/#/foo, I get the page to CRUD the resource as it is said on the jhipster website.
But when I try to create a foo item with the modal form, I get an error on the back end server log ([WARN] org.springframework.web.servlet.PageNotFound - Request method 'POST' not supported).
I can't figure out how to solve this.
Do I miss something in the documentation ?
Do you have any idea, hint ?
I have the same issue using H2 as development database instead of mongodb.
This might be due to MongoDB, if you have a date field.
We will release very soon a new and improved Entity sub-generator, which should work better for you. While testing it, I had a serialization issue with MongoDB and a date field, and I corrected it in this new version. This is due to Jackson which can't serialize Joda Time dates (the correct annotations were only generated for SQL databases, not NoSQL databases)

wso2 api manager 1.6.0 publisher - published api call to addAPI silently fails

WSO2 API Manager 1.6.0 introduced a new problem, a REST Post to addAPI returns success but the added API record is incomplete, thus unusable. Inspecting the log file, I traced the issue to /publisher/site/themes/default/templates/overview/template.jag#3, a change in the jaggery file template.jag causes a java null pointer exception on line 3 with the following code 'var endpoint_config = parse(api.endpointConfig);'
With API Manager 1.5.0 this same REST API call worked but it took 3 min to complete on a VMWare box running SLES 11 SP2. Adding an API via the web interface also took 3 min. Trying both on Mac OS X and Windows, it took about 3 secs to run. With API Manager 1.6.0 on the same environments, the web interface now runs under 6 secs and the added API is correct. Now adding an API via the REST call results in an incomplete record being created, tested on both VMWare with SLES 11 SP2 and Mac OSX Mavericks.
Anyone experienced this issue?
It seems documents related to publisher APIs have not been updated yet. With API Manager 1.6.0 there has been a change in the way endpoints are stored. To make the REST API call working can you try with a request similar to following;
curl -X POST -b cookies http://localhost:9763/publisher/site/blocks/item-add/ajax/add.jag -d"action=addAPI&name=YouTube1&context=%2Fyoutube1&version=1.0.0&tier=Gold&responseCache=disabled&visibility=public&*&resourceCount=0&resourceMethod-0=POST&resourceMethodAuthType-0=Application&uriTemplate-0=%2F*&resourceMethodThrottlingTier-0=Unlimited&tiersCollection=Gold"
When decoding the request you can see that endpoint is now defined as a JSON

Sending events to the dev version of a ruleset via HTTP

I've been writing an endpoint that sends events to a KRL ruleset via HTTP GET (based on the documentation here), in this format:{domain}/{eventname}/{appid}
That works great when the version of the app I want to test is the same one that's deployed. I don't always want to deploy before testing it, though. Using the stated format for calling the dev version doesn't work. It still calls the deployed version of my ruleset:{domain}/{eventname}/{appid}:kynetx_app_version=dev
What am I doing wrong?
is a query parameter so it needs to come after a '?' or a '&'
Changing your query to the following should get it to work{domain}/{eventname}/{appid}/?{appid}:kynetx_app_version=dev