Unhandled Exception: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The directory name is invalid - github

So this is frustrating me. I'm trying to do a push in github and I am getting this error.
Then it asks for my username and password. But asked me to create a token. I have seen how to do this in generating a token to be used as the password, but I do not believe that is solving this particular problem.
Thanks so much for all your help and please let me know if anyone needs more information.
Erro message in command prompt
Github screen shot if needed

Solved my problem, but I will post my solution here if someone would possibly have done the same think, but I think it's unlikely. My problem why I could not push to github was that when I created my Django application I created it in C:/Windows/system32/health_blog. Administrative permissions were keeping this thing from working, but it works now since I moved my app's folder.


User Not Found in Db2-mx

I'm currently enrolled in Relational Database Basics, IBM Course. On the lab assignment, one of the steps is to Go to UI in the services page. However, after following the correct steps and clicking on Go to UI, the following message appears:
HWCUSR0012E: User rsc83832 is not found, please ensure that the userId exists.
What am i doing wrong and how can i fix it?

Unable to publish to a new deployment

I am unable to publish to a new deployment. I get a Error 404. 404. That’s an error.
The requested URL was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
Could you please help me solve this issue?
Please check recent update from App Maker Team posted here: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/appmaker-users/XqBpaeDD2Lc
It seems like the data access infrastructure is having some troubles and the App Maker Team are working on it. Please check the above thread for updates. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Note: Please make sure you are using the following tag for future App Maker questions: appmaker
UPDATE: This should be fixed now, but please let us know if you still see any error during the preview / publishing process.

Issues in using facebook api for ios sdk

I have downloaded the source project from
I came across many issues over there, then I changed the source header path then changed the compiler version in the project settings, then all those were solved, now there is no errors, it runs, when I click FBLoginButton ,Facebook Login Dialog appeared but it looks empty,
I dont know why, The app key and app secret key were placed correctly.
I tried with device,if there would probm with simulator, still looks same.
what Im doing wrong, I had searched a lot, not found any solution, any ideas pls tell me
I have the same problem.
I have opened a bug here : https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/279606225487338
You can also vote for it, so that FB may take a look at it. Let's hope they solve it.
We had two apps in the app store which used this old api of facebook for login and they also g=have stopped working... So most probably Facebook has stopped support for this but I couldn't fond anything official. I guess we will have to incorporate the new Api.. :/ If I find something I will post here...

Problem with codesign. A sealed resource is missing or invalid

I have been with this problem already a few days unable to solve it.
Whats Cool JLD$ codesign -vvvv build/Distribution-iphoneos/Whats\ cool\?.app
build/Distribution-iphoneos/Whats cool?.app: a sealed resource is missing or invalid
/Users/JLD/Desktop/iOS Development/Whats Cool/build/Distribution-iphoneos/Whats
cool?.app/Whats cool?: resource modified
I have tried the solutions posted on all these threads to no avail:
How to solve "Application failed codesign verification" when uploading to iTunes Connect?
I even tried recreating the whole project again redoing all the IB connections and nothing works! It builds everything, but it is unable to code sign it! So I'm unable to upload it through the AppLoader.
I am doing all these following the instructions found at the provisioning profile on the Distribute application page.
I tried building from another mac. I have my distribution profile and my distribution certificate both set to WildCard. But it still doesn't work. I made a new app under a different name with another Bundle ID to no avail. I don't know what to try anymore!
I tried to make the new project from scratch. Copying the source code and remaking all the connections on IB to no avail. I even followed this link with instructions:
But to no avail. I don't know what else to do. I'm even considering using one technical incident to solve this problem once and for all.
Everything is done now locally so there shouldn't be any problems related with symbolic links and so.
Solved. The problem was a '?' character on the product name. Shouldn't be like that but that's how it is. Nowhere apple says that that makes a codesign verification issue.

The remote name could not be resolved: 'graph.facebook.com'

I'm using the FaceBook C# SDK for the first time.
Since I have a simple application I want to create I have picked up the sample Azure MVC application and modified it to point at my facebook application instance and secret as per the configuraiton guidance.
I want to retrieve a months status messages so I need authorisation which has worked thanks to CanvasAuthorize(Perms = "user_about_me") attribute.
However now when I goto the about view I get an error in the controller first:
dynamic result = fbApp.Get("me");
The actual error is listed as:
The remote name could not be resolved: 'graph.facebook.com'
Can anyone help me identify what I am doing wrong?
Many thanks,
That sounds like a temporary connectivity issue. The server (or your computer) is having trouble resolving http://graph.facebook.com. Try to going to http://graph.facebook.com/microsoft in your browser and see what happens.
Make sure that you have the correct fb_key and fb_secret values. In my case I have added them in the web config file but when I read the values I have given a wrong name to retrieve. client_id and client_secret values were not set. As a result this error popped out.