In Scratch, how can the clone A of Sprite2 detect if it's touching another clone B of the same Sprite2 and delete both clones? - mit-scratch

This is for a mini program in Scratch.
What I want to do:
When a clone A of Sprite2 touches another clone B of the same Sprite2, both clones are deleted, but any other clone stays existing and executing.
What I have tried:
I have tried finding if there was an option like "touching another clone", but I haven't found it.
I also tried putting a sensor that detects if a clone is making contact with its same color (if[color{red}is touching color{red}] then) => (delete clone), but it didn't work, it entered an infinite loop where the page begun to get choppy so I deleted that.
I even made the function outside the sprite (where I could find the option (touching [sprite2] ?)) and then moved the function inside sprite2 but it ignores that new inserted function.
Do you know how this could be done?

As seen in your screenshot, the dropdown list of the 'touching' block shows a list of all sprites in the project (in this case Sprite1) except the current sprite (Sprite2).
Fortunately, it is possible to have a 'touching Sprite2' block within Sprite2.
It's a bit of a hack, but it works. Follow these steps:
Go to the code area of Sprite1. (Any sprite will do except Sprite2. If Sprite2 is the only sprite in the project, add a dummy sprite; you can safely remove it after step 4.)
From the 'sensing' group, drag a 'touching' block onto the code area.
Open the block's dropdown and select Sprite2.
Drag the block from the code area to Sprite2 (as seen in the sprite collection, bottom right).
Go to Sprite2. Notice there's a 'touching Sprite2' block there. Drag it to the script where you need it.
When using this to make clones disappear as they collide, you may notice that only one clone will disappear, and the other will survive.
This is a 'race condition': simultaneous events never happen exactly at the same time.
The first clone to detect the collision deletes itself, thereby erasing the incident before the other clone has had a chance to detect it.
In most cases, this can be fixed by adding a 'wait 0 seconds' block immediately above the 'delete this clone' block.
Waiting zero seconds may seem like a no-op, but it actually has effect:
it gives other threads (scripts, clones, sprites) the time to catch up with the current one.
Live demo:


PyQt5 select text across multiple QTextEdit boxes

I am trying to create something similar to this in PyQt5:
I tried using a separate QTextEdit widget for each bullet point and overriding the enter key to go to the next textbox, but I don't know how to make multiple QTextEdit widgets selectable (and able to copy paste) like in the example.
How can I allow the user to drag to select text across multiple QTextEdit boxes? Or is there a better approach to this?
I don't know this application is made from Qt or not,but I have an idea.
Parhaps you might have made the most part of this application... I can't know them from your question.I write my opinion on the premise that you don't know QText handling at all.
QTextEdit,QTextDocument,QTextCursor are used fully.
1.To understand block.
2.To use QTextBlockUserData(If you want.)
3.To use QGraphicsItem as nodes.
4.To go other page,we add a new QTextEdit on QStackedWidget or replace the QTextDocument of QTextEdit.
5.To make sub-nodes block,you can coordinate the indentation of blocks.
QTextBlock is a read-only data in a document.
You make QTextBlockUserData and set it to the block.
If you select multiple blocks you want to drag & drop , you use QTextCursor and movePosition methods with sequence.
The nodes of this application can not be QTextListFormat,because we cannot handle mouse click on the style.But you can insert empty-style QTextListFormat.
The truth of the nodes may be QGraphicsItem.
You can allocate it each the start position of blocks and the item can also have the block data.
It will difficult to take care of the connection between the nodes and the blocks.
In advance, you must set QGraphicsView & QGraphicsScene.
I insert many data on the container.
Which should we control with nodes or block?
My trial.
1.Nodes & Text
2.To the other page
3.Sub nodes & blocks
4.close sub nodes & blocks
My trial is incomplete,but it will be completed with endurance.
Logically,I think I can go step until the good point with these combinations.
But it will be diffcult...
These nodes are made from QGraphicsItem and allocated each Blocks.
You must calculate the position and recalculate during editing.
The mouse cursor image is deleted on these images.
It is outrange of screenshot.

Unity/NGUI Updating List at runtime

I was wondering if someone could explain to me how I update a list at runtime in Unity?
For example I have a spell book, which has 3 spells in it, when I drag them to my action bar they get re-parented to it, what I'm trying to do is get a list of each child under the actionbar transform,
My problem is where to actually do something like this if I try something like below in the update, it adds whatever's there many times, which I can understand since update runs every frame..
list = actionbarui.GetComponent(UIGrid).GetChildList();
for(var i =0;i < list.size; i++)
If I add a callback to the buttons so that whenever they're drag and dropped it runs the above code and add thing's additively, as in, if you drag just one "spell" on it will loop through once, which is fine, but as soon as you add another it loops through three times, that is, it already has one it then adds the same one again PLUS the new button that's just been dragged on for a total of 3.
I've tried changing the code to
list = actionbarui.GetComponent(UIGrid).GetChildList();
for each(var child : Transform in list.GetEnumerator())
But this simple doesn't add anything, I am unsure how to go about keep the lists update as they are dragged off and on, could anyone please explain how this is achieved?
Please ignore the second "list" code, it's implementing "BetterLists" as apart of NGUI, so doesn't follow standard list methods.
Thank you for reading
If I add a callback to the buttons so that whenever they're drag and dropped it runs the above code and add thing's additively, as in, if you drag just one "spell" on it will loop through once, which is fine, but as soon as you add another it loops through three times, that is, it already has one it then adds the same one again PLUS the new button that's just been dragged on for a total of 3.
That is the expected result here. You are running through the list of children and adding them to your buttonlist, so first time there is only one item to add, then when you add another child there are two items to add, thus resulting in three items.
Either don't have a for loop and do:
Or clear your buttonList before the for loop:
list = actionbarui.GetComponent(UIGrid).GetChildList();
for(var i =0;i < list.size; i++)
Alternatively to Dover8's response, you can first check if the buttonList already contains a reference to the child to be added. If it does, continue. Otherwise add the new child.
However, given the expense of doing the checks, and since you are already looping through the list already, I'd recommend that you follow his suggestion to clear the list before running the loop. It will probably give you the best performance out of these examples.
If there's a reason you can't or shouldn't clear the buttonList, and you still need to run through it, I'd recommend my suggestion. It really depends on which implementation works best for what you are trying to do. The point is that there are several ways to do this, and they have different performance profiles you need to consider.

KineticJS: Animate an item to go back to initial position when not dropped in drop target

I made an application which performs drag and drop of different items: images and shapes. I limited the drop target to a specific layer: rightLayer in my case using a simple test with if ... else. Everything works great, except that I want to make an item revert back to its original position in the leftLayer when it doesn't attempt the borders of rightLayer (just like jquery, but in kineticJS). Or just disappear instantly.
Here's a JSFIDDLE . For a better understanding, try this use case:
drag the rectangle,
drop it right before the grid,
click on an item from the left layer.
You can self-destruct any clone dropped other than in the dropzone with a test in dragend.
A Demo:
// destroy this clone if dropped outside the dropzone

Detect drop target with HammerJS

I'm using HammerJS to abstract drag, scale and rotate for desktop and mobile. All I'm missing is drop. How do I define an element as a drop target that throws an event when another element is dragged over or dropped onto it? Something like jQueryUI's droppable that will work with HammerJS?
Just solved that today.
On dropping object, set a global "look for me" flag. and then setTimeout() to shortly (say 30ms) set it back to false.
Hide (and move) the dropped object, putting it back after a short time allowing the onMouseOver and onMouseOut events to trigger on the drop target object.
Watch those events for the "look for me" flag.
I haven't really tried it much yet.
(My first post.)
The only one fast way for detect drop target element is to use
Like this:
function dragEnd($event){
var targetEl = document.elementFromPoint($, $;
your code

open and play a scene in Unity3d

I have done a project with many scenes in Unity3D.
In the first scene there are buttons, each of them will play a scene when clicked.
For example, if the player clicks the button “Show the balloon”, then the scene called Balloon (which contains a balloon object and its animation) will be opened.
How can I do it using JavaScript code?
See Application.LoadLevel(...).
From the documentation:
[...]. Before you can load a level you have to add it to the list of levels
used in the game. [...]
// Loads the level with index 0
Application.LoadLevel (0);
// Load the level named "HighScore".
Application.LoadLevel ("HighScore");
First thing you have to do is add all the levels you want into the Build Settings Property.
Go to Unity or File Menu, Build Settings, and drag and drop your scenes into the scroll window. Then it'll assign them a logical number (or you can reference by name).
Application.LoadLevel(0); // this loads the first level in the list
Application.LoadLevel("nameoflevel"); //does the same thing numerically except by name
Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); //reloads current level
Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel + 1); //loads the next level in order
Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel - 1); //loads the prior level in order
Application.LoadLevel(Application.levelCount - 1); //loads the last level in list
The int version of LoadLevel takes the id from build settings.
You can also call the string version, which takes the scene name from the project view (Though it still has to be in build settings for it to be found)
Go to File->Build Settings and drag your scenes there then use following.
If you want to reload the current level, you can use
Application.LoadLevel (Application.loadedLevel);
You'll, of course, need to make sure to manually reset or destroy anything that was created by the scene and marked as DontDestroyOnLoad.
And yes, the only way to put levels in any order in your build is from the build settings menu. You can jump around to which level is loaded by specifying its name or build order, but if you wanted to insert your levels in order in the build sequence and just want to jump from one level to the next (ie, Menu->Level1->Level2->EndGame), you can use
Application.LoadLevel (Application.loadedLevel + 1);