PyQt5 select text across multiple QTextEdit boxes - select

I am trying to create something similar to this in PyQt5:
I tried using a separate QTextEdit widget for each bullet point and overriding the enter key to go to the next textbox, but I don't know how to make multiple QTextEdit widgets selectable (and able to copy paste) like in the example.
How can I allow the user to drag to select text across multiple QTextEdit boxes? Or is there a better approach to this?

I don't know this application is made from Qt or not,but I have an idea.
Parhaps you might have made the most part of this application... I can't know them from your question.I write my opinion on the premise that you don't know QText handling at all.
QTextEdit,QTextDocument,QTextCursor are used fully.
1.To understand block.
2.To use QTextBlockUserData(If you want.)
3.To use QGraphicsItem as nodes.
4.To go other page,we add a new QTextEdit on QStackedWidget or replace the QTextDocument of QTextEdit.
5.To make sub-nodes block,you can coordinate the indentation of blocks.
QTextBlock is a read-only data in a document.
You make QTextBlockUserData and set it to the block.
If you select multiple blocks you want to drag & drop , you use QTextCursor and movePosition methods with sequence.
The nodes of this application can not be QTextListFormat,because we cannot handle mouse click on the style.But you can insert empty-style QTextListFormat.
The truth of the nodes may be QGraphicsItem.
You can allocate it each the start position of blocks and the item can also have the block data.
It will difficult to take care of the connection between the nodes and the blocks.
In advance, you must set QGraphicsView & QGraphicsScene.
I insert many data on the container.
Which should we control with nodes or block?
My trial.
1.Nodes & Text
2.To the other page
3.Sub nodes & blocks
4.close sub nodes & blocks
My trial is incomplete,but it will be completed with endurance.
Logically,I think I can go step until the good point with these combinations.
But it will be diffcult...
These nodes are made from QGraphicsItem and allocated each Blocks.
You must calculate the position and recalculate during editing.
The mouse cursor image is deleted on these images.
It is outrange of screenshot.


How to change what I've set a key to do in ahk

I'm trying to make a script for a game called Hearthstone. The script will be used to press a certain button and play a certain card. The only problem I have is that the cards change position based on how many you have. So I want to know how I could make buttons to choose the amount of cards in my hand.
I've come across the Hotkeys command but it seems to be more of a toggle thing. All the cards are bound from 1-10 and was thinking that I could make it so ^1-^10 represents how many cards I have but I don't know how I could do that.
Oleg's comment was more of my answer than I thought.
setting ^1 to ^1::numCards=1 and so on, I was able to set an if statement to do what I wanted something to do when the variable numCards equated to different things. Such as:
if numCards = 1
do thing
and so on...

Alternative to simulink transparent subsystem

I need to organize a set of elements in simulink. The first method is to create a subsystem. The problem with subsystem is that the elements inside it are no longer visible. An alternative method is to create a colorized box and put it behind a set of elements as a background. It makes a lot of troubles during selection of elements.
The ideal method is to have a subsystem which is transparent but you can see the elements inside it. So you can make it large and see inside it without opening it.
What is the feasible alternative method?
Knowing that there is no support by simulink doing this, the only possibility would be to use a mask icon which shows the content. The following is a very rough prototype for the mask code:
print(['-s' model], ['-dpng'], '-r300', loc);
Obviously this prototype has multiple issues which must be addressed when really using the code:
Remove the hard-coded directory.
Set in- and outports automatically.
create required folder structure. (folder s1 must be created once manually)
Scale the subsystem block to make the image look good
work properly if pwd is not the directory the model is stored in
You can make use of the 'Icon Drawing Commands' of the mask parameter's tab 'Icon and Ports' :-
Take a screenshot of the logic gates you want to be visible on the subsystem (the ones with a blue background color shown in your question)
Save the picture e.g 'mylogic.png'
Write this command in the 'Icon Drawing Command' field of Icon and Ports image(imread('Pause_Icon.png'));
You're done. But yes, make sure you have the picture file in the same folder as your model or simply add the folder containing the picture on your path.
Of course, if you update the blocks inside the subsystem, you'll have to update the mask icon with the new screenshot.

Bokeh - How to use box tool without default selections?

I have built a bokeh app that allows users to select windows in data and run python code to find and label (with markers) extreme values within these limits. For ease of interaction, I use the box select tool for the range selection. My problem arises when repeating this process for subsequent cases. After markers are placed for the results, they are rendered invisible by setting alpha to zero and another case needs to be chosen. When the new select box includes previous markers, they become visible based on the selection. How do I override this default behavior? Can markers be made unselectable? or can I add code to the customJS to hide them after they are selected?
Thanks in advance for any help!
There are a few possible approaches. If you just want non-selected glyphs to "disappear" visually, you can set a policy to do that as described here:
Basically, for bokeh.plotting, pass
as arguments to your call or whatever. Or if you are using the low level bokeh.models interface, something like:
renderer.nonselection_glyph = Circle(fill_alpha=0.0, line_alpha=0.0)
But be aware (I think you already are) that the invisible markers are still there, and still selectable if the user happens to draw a box over them with the selection tool.
If you truly want only a subset of the data to be visible and selectable after a selection, I'd say you want to replace the data in the column data source wholesale with the subset in your selection callback.

GWT manipulating DOM elements caveats

Following this question I have recently asked : Understanding Document.createElement()
Here is the context :
There is a text-zone in my GWT GUI that holds a text
Users can select a word (or a sequence of words) in this text-zone and transform it / them into a highlighted text
highlighted texts need to be able to listen to users : click, right-click, dragging & dropping operations
A scenario with 1000 highlighted text in the text-zone is not impossible.
I was wondering :
Is it a bad approach to manipulate DOM elements directly in GWT ? (Without using Widgets)
Is it a bad approach to do things like that Add listener to SpanElement ? Can it cause memory leaks ?
What is the best approach to achieve such things ? I've done some tests with a simple custom widget that uses a span element, and adding 1000 widgets to the RootPanel takes approximatively 6 to 10 seconds in DevMode. When I use DOM elements direclty, this operation duration goes under 1 second (even less than 200ms with optimizations).
Performance should not be a problem, according to some real tests I did after #Gilberto advices.
Still, I would love to have feedbacks for questions 1) and 2)
Adding listeners/handlers to hundreds of span elements/widgets is definitely a bad approach.
If you stay with GWT, you can attach a single event handler to your "text zone" widget, and then find which element has been the source of the click:
If you go with DOM elements, you can attach a single event listener to your "text zone" element and find out the event source when it bubbles to it. For example:

DataGridViewComboBoxCell selectioindexchange event

I have a data-grid and three column in it. one column is type of DataGridViewComboBoxCell, three items are in this grid combo box, now i have to invoke selection index changed event to change value according to combo value change in grid.
also help me to make a new event ....
please help...
I really can't understand your question.
But maybe these informations can help:
A ComboBoxColumn has always two kinds of controls. A presenting one (in most cases a label) which is individually for each row. And a editing one that will be shared for the whole column. So take a look into this documentation and the IDataGridViewEditingControl Interface.
Maybe these will give you a starting point on how to solve your problem.
In the Load event for the form, you need to get the cell that you want to add the handler to and cast it as a regular combo box. You can then add the event handler on SelectedIndexChanged, but it must be done programmatically, and depending on the language you are using.