open and play a scene in Unity3d - unity3d

I have done a project with many scenes in Unity3D.
In the first scene there are buttons, each of them will play a scene when clicked.
For example, if the player clicks the button “Show the balloon”, then the scene called Balloon (which contains a balloon object and its animation) will be opened.
How can I do it using JavaScript code?

See Application.LoadLevel(...).
From the documentation:
[...]. Before you can load a level you have to add it to the list of levels
used in the game. [...]
// Loads the level with index 0
Application.LoadLevel (0);
// Load the level named "HighScore".
Application.LoadLevel ("HighScore");

First thing you have to do is add all the levels you want into the Build Settings Property.
Go to Unity or File Menu, Build Settings, and drag and drop your scenes into the scroll window. Then it'll assign them a logical number (or you can reference by name).
Application.LoadLevel(0); // this loads the first level in the list
Application.LoadLevel("nameoflevel"); //does the same thing numerically except by name
Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel); //reloads current level
Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel + 1); //loads the next level in order
Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel - 1); //loads the prior level in order
Application.LoadLevel(Application.levelCount - 1); //loads the last level in list

The int version of LoadLevel takes the id from build settings.
You can also call the string version, which takes the scene name from the project view (Though it still has to be in build settings for it to be found)
Go to File->Build Settings and drag your scenes there then use following.
If you want to reload the current level, you can use
Application.LoadLevel (Application.loadedLevel);
You'll, of course, need to make sure to manually reset or destroy anything that was created by the scene and marked as DontDestroyOnLoad.
And yes, the only way to put levels in any order in your build is from the build settings menu. You can jump around to which level is loaded by specifying its name or build order, but if you wanted to insert your levels in order in the build sequence and just want to jump from one level to the next (ie, Menu->Level1->Level2->EndGame), you can use
Application.LoadLevel (Application.loadedLevel + 1);


How to make "next scene" button one script

When you clear Stage 1, a button is created. Press the button to move to stage 2.
When you clear stage 2, a button is created. Press the button to move to stage 3.
3, then 4, then 5..
Can I make this into one script when moving on to the next scene?
SceneManager.LoadScene("Stage2"); // <-- This method requires multiple scripts.
There are probably many ways .. but as AlexeyLarionov said:
Why not have a
public string targetSceneName;
// or also
//[SerializeField] private string targetSceneName;
configure it in the Inspector and then use
You might also be interested in having a Scene field in the Inspector to make this way easier ;)
Alternatively if these anyway are sequencial levels you can also simply go by build index and do e.g.
SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1);
A nice solution to this would be to have a StageManager class, which holds a List<string> levels of your levels by scene name and an int currentLevel for the current level. Then your StageManager class can have a convenience static method
public void LoadNextLevel()
string nextLevel = levels[currentLevel];
The convenience of this is that it would be easier to control the scene flow and less dependent on the order of the scenes in your build settings. If you make the levels properly public or add [SerializeField], you can then easily add new entries to the list and even rearrange them quite simply from the editor. Creating the class in such a way that the method is static would also be very convenient.

How to track down in which application is signal handler defined gtk/gtkmm for some button

The problem:
You wanna contribute to the some gnome/gtk/gtkmm project since you've noticed and know a way that things could be made better / you wanna fix some bug. Here are steps to get you started.
Example problem:
"Clean" button in Gnome Builder isn't doing anything to my project and since at this point I believe it is just empty function with placeholder button I wanna implement actual action.
Here are steps:
open application that you wanna modify in terminal where environment GTK_DEBUG=interactive environment variable is set. so run GTK_DEBUG=interactive gnome-builder
Gtk inspector should have opened and you should see bunch of Objects displayed. If you click on Object in inspector, that object should light up in your application
Gtk has clear hierarchy, so parent contains children, and your job is to detect in which parent is child that you want to modify
When you figure which parent you want click on arrow next to the name of that parent to reveal its children
Repeat steps 3. and 4. by applying 2. to get to the child that you want to modify
For example my path is IdePrimaryWorkspace -> GtkPopover -> GtkBox -> DzlPriorityBox -> GbpBuilduiOmniBarSection -> GtkBox -> GtkBox -> GtkButton
Double click last interactive entry (such as GtkButton
on the left, in drop-down switch to Properties view
find property that you want, mine is GtkActionable, and it's value is builder-manager.clean
open source folder in terminal of application that you are interested in (clone source of that application)
type in command tree | grep build-manager
if there are entries with that filename type in find . --name=filenameof.your.file
get file path, open that file in text editor/IDE, change stuff inside
submit patches

How to create blur effect to all the scene except for one object (focus on that object)?

I want to create a blur effect similar to the picture below:
the picture is taken from this site:
I tried the post-processing profile and played around with the depth of field in the post-processing volume but it blurs all the scene.
I came across a YouTube Video that explains how to implement similar results to what I am looking for but things have changed drastically in the settings. For example, at 1:57 (minute and 57 seconds) he clicks on Add Additional Camera Data which I am struggling to find in the latest versions of LWRP.
I am using Unity version 2019.2.9f1
How can I achieve the result in the picture above? (Blurring all the scene except for one object)
Your guidance will be appreciated.
NOTE: My project is in VR using SteamVR and VRTK
Though your question is a bit broad I took some time to show you how it can be done.
First of all you will need to import the Post Processing package via the PackageManager
Window &rightarrow; PackageManager
Make sure to be in the All Packages view, search for post, find the Post Processing package and hit Install
Now first of all go to the Layer settings (Layers &rightarrow; Edit Layers)
and add two additional Layers: e.g. PostProcessing and Focused
Now to the cameras. Afaik it makes no difference whether you are in VR or not, usually you have one MainCamera that is moved along with your headset. If there should be two of them in your project setup just repeat the same steps for the second camera.
Make sure the MainCamera doesn't render the two added Layers &rightarrow; remove them from the Culling Mask
Add a new Camera FocusCamera as child to the existing MainCamera. This way it is automatically moved along with the main Camera.
RightClick on MainCamera &rightarrow Camera
It should have all the settings equal to the MainCamera except:
Clear Flags : Don't Clear
If you set it to Depth Only the focused object will always be rendered on top of everything, even if it is actually behind other objects in 3D space. You decide which effect you want here ;)
CullingMask : only Focused
Depth : Anything higher than the MainCamera so this camera is rendered on top of it
Make sure to remove the AudioListener component.
Finally add a new PostProcessingVolume to the scene. I would add it as child to the FocusCamera! Why? - Because this way it is automatically disabled together with the FocusCamera!
RightClick on FocusCamera &rightarrow; 3D Object &rightarrow; Post Processing Volume
Set its Layer to the added PostProcessing
enable Is Global so the distance to the volume doesn't matter and add a new profile by hitting new &rightarrow; Unity &rightarrow; Depth of field
In your case you want to overwrite the Focus Distance so check the box on the left and set a value close to the camera like e.g. 0.5
Until now nothing has really changed in your scene.
Now go to the MainCamera and, a component PostProcessingLayer and set the Layer to our added layer PostProcessing
Now everything should be blurred in your scene!
Almost ready to go! Now Disable the FocusCamera and add this script to it
using UnityEngine;
public class FocusSwitcher : MonoBehaviour
public string FocusedLayer = "Focused";
private GameObject currentlyFocused;
private int previousLayer;
public void SetFocused(GameObject obj)
// enables this camera and the postProcessingVolume which is the child
// if something else was focused before reset it
if (currentlyFocused) currentlyFocused.layer = previousLayer;
// store and focus the new object
currentlyFocused = obj;
if (currentlyFocused)
previousLayer = currentlyFocused.layer;
currentlyFocused.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(FocusedLayer);
// if no object is focused disable the FocusCamera
// and PostProcessingVolume for not wasting rendering resources
// On disable make sure to reset the current object
private void OnDisable()
if (currentlyFocused) currentlyFocused.layer =previousLayer;
currentlyFocused = null;
This will allow you to focus a certain GameObject on runtime by changing its layer to the Focused layer we added, the only one that is rendered by the FocusCamera. So this object will be rendered on top of the image without any blur effect!
For demonstration I just added this simple script to every cube object in order to enable focus on mouse enter and disable it on mouse exit:
using UnityEngine;
public class FocusMe : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private FocusSwitcher focus;
private void OnMouseEnter()
private void OnMouseExit()
// reset the focus
// in the future you should maybe check first
// if this object is actually the focused one currently
And here is what it looks like
as said I don't know exactly what your VR setup looks like. If you have to MainCameras simply add two child cameras to them. You still will need only one PostProcessingVolume and only one FocusSwitcher so you would probably move them to another object and handle the camera disabling etc differently but I hope the idea gets clear enough.
Use a separate camera for objects you don't want to blur and set a higher depth value.
Set the ClearFlags to depth only and in the CullingMask select the layer of that one object(or more objects). Obviously you would require to have a different layer for unblurred objects.

How to have custom script icons other than using "Assets/Gizmos" in Unity3D

I know this was asked a lot of times probably .. but it is very often answered wrong.
What I want is:
Use a custom icon for specific components/scripts in the Inspector (e.g. Figure 2 and Figure 3) and the ProjectView (e.g. Figure 1)
What I do so far:
For each component/class that shall have the icon I have an accroding Icon file in the folder
Assets/Gizmos/<Path>/<To>/<Namespace>/<ClassName> icon
and in the Import Settigns set TextureType to Editor GUI and Legacy GUI
This is working fine .. and until now the only way how I could achieve that (having in mind the below section What I definitely do NOT want).
However, I wondered if there is really no better way having to have a unique Icon file for each script. This makes the project/UnityPackage unnecessarily huge. Also if I rename a class I always have to rename the according icon file as well ... This imply doesn't feel right!
Most Unity build-in Behaviours and Components have a unique icon. But also external Packages coming from the new PackageManager have built-in icons and sometimes a Gizmos folder but it is not following the above naming rule ... so apparently the icon is configured somehow else for them.
Therefore my questions:
Is there any better way to have those icons for scripts/components?
Preferably scripted and reusing ONE single icon file instead of having the same icon in multiple differently named files.
And/or also Where/How are those icons defined for the scripts coming from the PackageManager?
!NOTE! What I definitely do NOT want:
Show the Icon also in the SceneView for all GameObjects having those components attached (e.g. Figure 4). This is caused by either selecting the icon for this script via the Inspector as in Figure 5 (as allways suggested e.g. in this post or here and even by Unity - Assign Icons ) or using OnDrawGizmos or DrawGizmo. This is not happening using the approach I use currently with the Gizmos folder!
Because this was suggested in this answer: I also know that I could do that and turn them off via the Gizmos settings of the SceneView. But imagine I have like 25 different modules and various different icons each. I don't want to have to disable their Gizmos in the SceneView settings one by one on a per project basis! Even the provided script seems like a vast hackaround. Reflection would be the very last resort I would ever take. Also I'ld prefer to not even have those icons appear as possible Gizmos at all instead of disabling them all.
You can set the icon with figure 5 and then turn the gizmos for that icon off from the gizmos drop down.
Edit: Injunction with the step above you could try this script derived from here it uses reflection to find the class responsible for turning off the the gizmos and icons. This would execute any time your scripts recompiled to keep those icons off or if you added any new icons to the autohide icon file. Note: scriptClass will be an empty string for built in components eg.Camera, AudoSource
using UnityEditor;
using System;
using System.Reflection;
public class DisableAllGizmos
private static void OnScriptsReloaded()
var Annotation = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.Annotation, UnityEditor");
var ClassId = Annotation.GetField("classID");
var ScriptClass = Annotation.GetField("scriptClass");
var Flags = Annotation.GetField("flags");
var IconEnabled = Annotation.GetField("iconEnabled");
Type AnnotationUtility = Type.GetType("UnityEditor.AnnotationUtility, UnityEditor");
var GetAnnotations = AnnotationUtility.GetMethod("GetAnnotations", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
var SetIconEnabled = AnnotationUtility.GetMethod("SetIconEnabled", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
Array annotations = (Array)GetAnnotations.Invoke(null, null);
foreach (var a in annotations)
int classId = (int)ClassId.GetValue(a);
string scriptClass = (string)ScriptClass.GetValue(a);
int flags = (int)Flags.GetValue(a);
int iconEnabled = (int)IconEnabled.GetValue(a);
// this is done to ignore any built in types
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptClass))
// load a json or text file with class names
const int HasIcon = 1;
bool hasIconFlag = (flags & HasIcon) == HasIcon;
// Added for refrence
//const int HasGizmo = 2;
//bool hasGizmoFlag = (flags & HasGizmo) == HasGizmo;
if (/*Compare class names in file to scriptClass == true*/)
if (hasIconFlag && (iconEnabled != 0))
UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Script:'{0}' is not ment to show its icon in the scene view and will auto hide now. " +
"Icon auto hide is checked on script recompile, if you'd like to change this please remove it from the config",scriptClass));
SetIconEnabled.Invoke(null, new object[] { classId, scriptClass, 0 });
Shown in the inspector with a gizmo
Hide Icon from gizmos dropdown
Icon still appears in the inspector and in the project view but not in the scene
So I did a bit more research about built in types as well as packages coming from the package manager and the asset store. Anything that is external (packagemanager or assetstore) if it has a custom icon for the script and inspector it will Always have a gizmo in the scene view. As it has its icon set using your figure 5 example, as seen in the screenshots with the debug inspector.
Also if you want to set the icon with a script or hide it ,currently reflection is your only option as these APIs are not publicly accessible.
My Script showing the debug inspector for its script
PixelPerfect package script from the packagemanager in the debug inspector
PixelPerfect Icon showing in the scene
I was hoping to add this as a comment to your original question but not enough rep yet.

Loading two template files of same module in two positions

I am working on a new project and I am using Joomla version 1.5.22.
I need to display one horizontal search form in the middle of home page and the same search form in vertical style in all other pages but in left position.
So what I did is, I created two template files one for horizontal search(horizontal.php) and other for vertical search (vertical.php) and in mod_modulename.php I tried to load the respective modules based on a certain condition and changed the position left or middle according to it. The positions are changed in the database to get effected in the admin panel.
if(condition) {
modModulenameHelper::changeToVertical($position);//to change position in database to left
require( JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath( 'mod_modulename', 'vertical'));
else {
modModulenameHelper::changeToHorizontal($position);//to change position in database to middle
require( JModuleHelper::getLayoutPath( 'mod_modulename', 'horizontal'));
But I am not getting the correct output. It is loading the respective modules based on the condition. But the position is not assigned at first. And if I press Ctrl+F5 or refreshes, the page will be loaded with the desired output.
Why is this happening? Any Solution??
The problem is that you are changing the position after the fact. By the time you are changing the position, Joomla has already assigned the module to a position. It's an order of operations thing.
Instead, why not just use 2 instances of the module? Rather than going through this trouble, simply add a parameter to the module that allows you to select horizontal or vertical, then assign one to the home page menu item and another to the rest of the pages. This would also allow for putting the module in other positions instead of hard coding it in to the module.