Spring boot + mongo integration with key tab authentication for mongo 4.4.4 - mongodb

I am trying integrate mongo with spring boot 2.2.6 which uses 4.4.2 (mongo version)and authentication mechanism is by key tab.
I am getting option only to create mongoDB client by below code.
here how we can add key tab file and principal.
Thanks in advance.
Please provide the solution which compatible with mentioned version because old version like 3.8.2 of mongo I have already tried.


Spring boot admin client: Is there planned date for support Spring boot 3.0?

There is no version of Spring boot admin client for Spring boot 3.0. Is there planned release?
I'm trying to monitor my application in Spring boot 3 with Spring boot admin client.
I would like to say, it is brilliant tool and thanks maintainers for their work!
There are milestone releases, currently there is 3.0.0-M8, see https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin/releases/tag/3.0.0-M8
Some things still need to get fixed and all dependencies must be supporting Spring Boot 3.0 first. But you can already use the milestone and if there is anything missing/broken please provide feeedback via github issues.

How to check spring boot version compatibilty with spring data cosmos db?

I'm struggling to get cosmos db up and running after upgrading spring boot to 2.3.3.
Is there a compatibility chart please ?
Cosmos has support for Spring 2.3.x. There is a helpful getting started guide on the Spring data readme on GitHub that may point to your issue.

Spring Boot jdbc template and mongoDB

i'm new to Spring Boot so you may say i'm a newbie, so these last few days i've been working on the mongoDB database , so my problem is that i want to use the JDBC template on MongoDB using sts spring boot , i don't know really were to start , is it possible to work with mongoDB and jdbc template ? because i used it on an oracle database?
can you please guys guide me or suggest something , thanks for your help.
Usually in spring-boot I would prefer to use the Repository instead doing stuff via the template.
You should start reading here:
You could use MongoTemplate but the common way is to extend MongoRepository

Spring Boot and MongoDB - installable

My application is written with Spring Boot and uses MongoDB as DB. Normally I install this application at a server but now I have a request installing it at a client computer.
My question now would be if there is a possiblity to do this in a simple way?
I think you are looking at how to install a Java application on a desktop. See this post Creating an installer for Java desktop application

MongoDB datasource configuration in jbossas

I am using Openshift JBOSS server. I would like to configure external MongoDB in JBOSS.
Is it possible to configure MongoDB as a datasource in JBOSS server ?
You could try taking a look at this quickstart: https://github.com/openshift-quickstart/jbossas-mongoDB-quickstart. I was able to create a JBoss application with mongodb following the instructions listed there.
If you don't want to create a new application from scratch you should be able to borrow some of the code and apply it to your application and then just add the mongodb cartridge.