Spring Boot jdbc template and mongoDB - mongodb

i'm new to Spring Boot so you may say i'm a newbie, so these last few days i've been working on the mongoDB database , so my problem is that i want to use the JDBC template on MongoDB using sts spring boot , i don't know really were to start , is it possible to work with mongoDB and jdbc template ? because i used it on an oracle database?
can you please guys guide me or suggest something , thanks for your help.

Usually in spring-boot I would prefer to use the Repository instead doing stuff via the template.
You should start reading here:
You could use MongoTemplate but the common way is to extend MongoRepository


Integrating Elasticsearch with MongoDb and Springboot

I have a Springboot application with mongodb as database. I need some reference or guidance to integrate elasticsearch for search purposes. I have seen some resources saying I need to replicate mongodb for that but some don't have that.
Any reference to this would be highly appreciated. Thanks!

How to check spring boot version compatibilty with spring data cosmos db?

I'm struggling to get cosmos db up and running after upgrading spring boot to 2.3.3.
Is there a compatibility chart please ?
Cosmos has support for Spring 2.3.x. There is a helpful getting started guide on the Spring data readme on GitHub that may point to your issue.

which ORM is used with spring boot + mongodb

am working with spring boot + mongodb project and i've been searching lately to know which orm am using but am still confused, i didn't find any clear information, some says hibernate and other says it's Spring Data, even though i know that hibernate works just with MySQL bases but for the NoSQL bases i didn't find any clear information about which ORM am using.
You can use Spring data mongodb.
It's the easiest one to integrate Springboot with mongo.

Eclipse Java EE: How to create a connection profile for MongoDB?

I would like to establish a NoSQL database connection for my project (using JPA and EclipseLink) to a MongoDB running on the default (localhost:27017).
I activated JPA 2.1 under my Project Facets and got stuck at the further configuration, especially the part with the Connection Profile (see images below).
What Connection Profile do I have to choose? Does one of the available profiles even match my concern (MongoDB)? Am I on the right path at all or is my approach nonsense?
Any help would be highly appreciated. I am open for all kind of suggestions.
Let me know if you need more information.
Choice of Connection Profile
Do you really need to use JPA on your application?
I think you have easier options to start your project.
Morphia -> Closely emulates JPA model
Spring Data MongoDB -> If you are into Spring ecosystem.
Unfortunately, Eclipse connection profile does not support non-relational databases by default. You have to search for an additional plugin on Eclipse marketplace.

Solr + Eclipse + Jetty + custom jsp

i wish to design a jsp page which uses solr to index and search for queries. I would like to know how to do that with eclipse, jetty, solr and jsp. Please advise. Thanks.
You don't want to expose Solr directly to the web. Think of it as a special kind of database that needs to be protected. So, it will be a standalone service and you ignore that it is running as part of a container (Jetty). With Solr 5, just released, this is now the official position.
So, then you design your client anyway you want in the other service and it should talk to Solr using SolrJ client.
Or you could use something like Spring Boot with Spring Data Solr, which does not use JSP, but does make it easier to build a web interface quickly and to talk to Solr using it's own client library.