Spring Boot and MongoDB - installable - mongodb

My application is written with Spring Boot and uses MongoDB as DB. Normally I install this application at a server but now I have a request installing it at a client computer.
My question now would be if there is a possiblity to do this in a simple way?

I think you are looking at how to install a Java application on a desktop. See this post Creating an installer for Java desktop application


Spring boot admin client: Is there planned date for support Spring boot 3.0?

There is no version of Spring boot admin client for Spring boot 3.0. Is there planned release?
I'm trying to monitor my application in Spring boot 3 with Spring boot admin client.
I would like to say, it is brilliant tool and thanks maintainers for their work!
There are milestone releases, currently there is 3.0.0-M8, see https://github.com/codecentric/spring-boot-admin/releases/tag/3.0.0-M8
Some things still need to get fixed and all dependencies must be supporting Spring Boot 3.0 first. But you can already use the milestone and if there is anything missing/broken please provide feeedback via github issues.

Tomcat Server gets unresponsive

I am new in JPA and java Web App development.Please help me.
I am developing one java web application with Apache Tomcat Server [Version 7.0.70]. And It is multi-user system.
Platform : JVM Java 1.7
Framework : JPA
Database : My-Sql Workbench 6.3
Jars: MySQL Connector and Eclipse-link
Once deploying war file into server 10 clients parallel accessing to the server with 10 unique log-in sessions . After sometime [Uncertain] server gets un-responssive and no database operations working.
After this it need to restart the tomcat server. and system gets work finely. its a continuous process to handle the system.
Image : My Tomcat Server Error
This image content that shows error when server gets un-responssive
Is there any caching problem
Image persistence.xml : Persistence Unit Cashing
Thank you,
Please give me solution.

Connect Oracle MAF app to server database

I am using eclipse to develop an oracle MAF application. I set up the environment but i need now to connect my app to the oracle database on the server and i don't know how to start. Do i have to use the local sqlite database then sync with the server or connect directly to the server and how to do it?
thank you!
It's not possible to make a direct database connection MAF. You will have to expose your data in a web service and consume it in your mobile app.
One option you can consider is to expose the data in the database as a REST Service which you can invoke from a MAF application.
See this presentation on how to use OEPE to build a MAF application that invokes REST services: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRdLSOVslQg
Hope this helps. Thanks for your interest in OEPE.
Here is the simple tutorial which describes that how can you make a REST web service in Oracle MAF, deploy it to web logic server using Jdeveloper and access it from your browser. I hope it'll help you:
Pervasync just released a new version (6.0.2) of its sync framework that supports synchronization of Oracle MAF SQLite databases with central Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases.
You can try this sample tutorial which having the step by step explanation.
To make it work, you need to use JDeveloper 12c (download it from here). It will contain WebLogic server as well.
In additional you need to have Android SDK for emulator (or) you can make use of Android device to deploy and run the application.
For Android Device:
You can deploy the application into machine and configure the mobile client app using virtual IP of that machine. So that it can be accessed from outside of the network.
For Emulator:
you can run the webservice and client in same machine by configuring the webservice IP as this will route your client app into local machine (P.S: localhost does't works here)

MongoDB datasource configuration in jbossas

I am using Openshift JBOSS server. I would like to configure external MongoDB in JBOSS.
Is it possible to configure MongoDB as a datasource in JBOSS server ?
You could try taking a look at this quickstart: https://github.com/openshift-quickstart/jbossas-mongoDB-quickstart. I was able to create a JBoss application with mongodb following the instructions listed there.
If you don't want to create a new application from scratch you should be able to borrow some of the code and apply it to your application and then just add the mongodb cartridge.

New Relic Memcached plugin installation location - App server or memcached server(s)?

We have the New Relic PHP agent running on our 8 app servers. we have two memcached servers and would like to add the New Relic/ Meet Me Memcached plugin to grab memcached metrics. Should the memcached plugin be installed on the app servers or memcached servers? I read up on the installation instructions however this is not entirely clear.
When I haven't used memcached plugin yet, I do use MySQL, MongoDB and RabbitMQ plugings.
All of the can be installed or locally (on the same server where application located) or remotely.
I choosed the second way - so I installed all these plugins on my management server and plugins collect metrics from all my mysql,mongo and rabbit servers. [other way you should install plugins and JRE on many servers].