How to correct sentinel 2 baseline v0400 offset? - offset

I'm processing Sentinel 2 L2A data in sen2r as downloaded from googlecloud and spotted an issue: if computing NDVI from bands 4 and 8 at 10 m resolution, I get an extreme offset after January 26th as exemplified by the last 7 values in the following image (this is just one pixel, but I find this consistently over many pixels):
NDVI-time series
Searching the web, I learned that the issue very likely is related to the fact that since January 26th Sentinel 2 products are processed using a new baseline (v0400) which will also affect L2A products. However, I did not find a solution for the problem if working in sen2r.
The relevant section of the description of the major product update states:
Provision of negative radiometric values (implementing an offset): The
dynamic range will be shifted by a band-dependent constant:
BOA_ADD_OFFSET. This offset will allow encoding negative surface
reflectances that may occur over very dark surfaces. From the user’s point
of view, the L2A Bottom of Atmosphere (BOA) reflectance (L2A_BOA) shall
be retrieved from the output radiometry as follows:
• Digital Number DN=0 remains the “NO_DATA” value
• For a given DN in [1; 1;2^15-1], the L2A BOA reflectance value will
The radiometric offset value will be reported in a new field in the
General_Info/Product_Image_Characteristics section of the Datastrip and User
Product Metadata. It will be initially set to -1000 Digital counts for all bands.
It is also noted that the percentage of negative surface reflectance pixels per
band will be also reported in the L2A_QUALITY report in the QI_DATA folder of
the tile.
Now my question is: how to fix this issue? I want to standardize my data over time, which does not make sense with that offset. So I need some kind of harmonization between the baselines. How would that work in sen2r?
Thanks in advance for any advice.

I suppose you may have solved this by now. But as you mentioned you will have to subtract the BOA_ADD_OFFSET from the pixel values in a band if you wish compare them with pre 22-01-25 images (Baseline v04.00).
In my processing I have preprocessed using GDAL to subtract the offset for both L1 and L2 images and clamped any resulting negative values to 0 (NODATA) before comparing them with pre 22-01-25 images.


Sentinel-2 images OFFSET: Should negative resulting OFFSET values be 0 (NODATA) or 1?

I’m processing Sentinel-2 images outside of snap and have a more general question about the new OFFSET values in Baseline 04.00 that I hope you may help me understand.
While comparing images between the current Baseline 04.00 and earlier Baseline versions I subtract the BOA_ADD_OFFSET value or RADIO_OFFSET_VALUE from the Baseline 04.00 images depending on product. This sometimes leads to, as expected, negative values in the resulting raster.
My question is: What is the correct way to present these values if clamping them to a floor of 0? Should they be regarded as NODATA (value 0) - Implying missing or faulty data?
Or should they be viewed as a minimum value (like 1)? The reasoning being that these have a registered value that is out of bounds, but assumed to be approximately 0.
I’d be grateful if you can enlightnen me on how to best reason about the negative values or refer me to a source that better describes how the offset works as the Sentinel-2 Products Specification Document doesn’t supply enough context for my understanding.
The answer has now been answered by Jan on the ESA Step Forum:
I would suggest that they should be regarded as NO DATA (value 0).
This would at least flag them as unreliable. This is based on my
understanding of negative reflectance values being linked to the
Atmospheric Correction processing step. And thus they are an unwanted
contribution to the output. So making them 0 identifies them as
non-nominal, and helps serve as an avoidance measure. Or a flag of
doubt. Giving them a value of 1 would potentially attribute them some
relevance, and may serve to confuse.

Boxplot is broken, only showing one line

so my data centres around different treatments and how they impact the day of germination. image of dodgy boxplot data
A while ago whilst making violin plots in R to show the distribution of when germination occurs according to treatment, I attempted to add a boxplot as a descriptive statistic and was met with only one line.
I contacted many people who simply had no idea what the issue was, I used this same data in another violin plot as part of a bigger data collection with more treatments including this one.
I moved on from this and found it odd, now when I have come to perform stats tests in SPSS, I have the same problem as imaged below. When I try a Mann Whitney U test I am told "cannot compute" due to not having solely two variables, when I try a Kruskal Wallis test I am met with the dodgy boxplot below and I am told pairwise comparisons cannot be done due to less than 3 test fields (i.e. 2).
I am at an absolute loss, I have tried rewriting the data out, copying data labels with 'stratified' 'strat' 's' etc and I have no idea where the problem could lie, if anyone could give me any guidance this would be really appreciated!
Thank you
The dependent variable in question appears to have only values 1, 2, and 3 in the Stratified group. If there is at least one case with a value of 1, at least one case with a value of 3, but most values at 2, then a box plot like you're seeing would be expected. In SPSS, run the EXAMINE procedure (Analyze>Descriptive Statistics>Explore in the menus), specifying the same dependent variable and grouping variable, and asking for percentiles. The box plots should match what you're getting, and in the percentiles table you should see that Tukey's hinges show the same value of 2 for the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles.
Tukey's hinges are the basis for the box and the line in box plots. The line is at the median or 50th percentile, and the upper and lower box edges are at the 25th and 75h percentiles, respectively. When all three coincide, you get just a line instead of a box.
There are two types of outlying values identified in box plots in SPSS. Points greater than 1.5 box lengths below or above the box edges are outliers, marked with circles, and points greater than 3 box lengths below or above the box edges are extremes, marked with asterisks. Since the box length here is 0, anything at other values is automatically an extreme.
Pairwise comparisons following a Kruskal-Wallis test are available only when there are at least three groups, since with only two groups the overall or omnibus test has already compared the two groups. I'm not sure what the issue was when trying to run a Mann-Whitney test.

Interesting results from LSTM RNN : lagged results for train and validation data

As an introduction to RNN/LSTM (stateless) I'm training a model with sequences of 200 days of previous data (X), including things like daily price change, daily volume change, etc and for the labels/Y I have the % price change from current price to that in 4 months. Basically I want to estimate the market direction, not to be 100% accurate. But I'm getting some odd results...
When I then test my model with the training data, I notice the output from the model is a perfect fit when compared to the actual data, it just lags by exactly 4 months:
When I shift the data by 4 months, you can see it's a perfect fit.
I can obviously understand why the training data would be a very close fit as it has seen it all during training - but why the 4 months lag?
It does the same thing with the validation data (note the area I highlighted with the red box for future reference):
It's not as close-fitting as the training data, as you'd expect, but still too close for my liking - I just don't think it can be this accurate (see the little blip in the red rectangle as an example). I think the model is acting as a naive predictor, I just can't work out how/why it's possibly doing it.
To generate this output from the validation data, I input a sequence of 200 timesteps, but there's nothing in the data sequence that says what the %price change will be in 4 months - it's entirely disconnected, so how is it so accurate? The 4-month lag is obviously another indicator that something's not right here, I don't know how to explain that, but I suspect the two are linked.
I tried to explain the observation based on some general underlying concept:
If you don't provide a time-lagged X input dataset (lagged t-k where k is the time steps), then basically you will be feeding the LSTM with like today's closing price to predict the same today's closing the training stage. The model will (over fit) and behave Exactly as the answer is known already (data leakage)
If the Y is the predicted percentage change (ie. X * (1 + Y%) = 4 months future price), the present value Yvalue predicted really is just the future discounted by the Y%
so the predicted value will have 4 months shift
Okay, I realised my error; the way I was using the model to generate the forecast line was naive. For every date in the graph above, I was getting an output from the model, and then apply the forecasted % change to the actual price for that date - that would give predicted price in 4 months' time.
Given the markets usually only move within a margin of 0-3% (plus or minus) over a 4 month period, that would mean my forecasts was always going to closely mirror the current price, just with a 4 month lag.
So at every date the predicted output was being re-based, so the model line would never deviate far from the actual; it'd be the same, but within a margin of 0-3% (plus or minus).
Really, the graph isn't important, and it doesn't reflect the way I'll use the output anyway, so I'm going to ditch trying to get a visual representation, and concentrate on trying to find different metrics that lower the validation loss.

MATLAB: Using CONVN for moving average on Matrix

I'm looking for a bit of guidance on using CONVN to calculate moving averages in one dimension on a 3d matrix. I'm getting a little caught up on the flipping of the kernel under the hood and am hoping someone might be able to clarify the behaviour for me.
A similar post that still has me a bit confused is here:
CONVN example about flipping
The Problem:
I have daily river and weather flow data for a watershed at different source locations.
So the matrix is as so,
dim 1 (the rows) represent each site
dim 2 (the columns) represent the date
dim 3 (the pages) represent the different type of measurement (river height, flow, rainfall, etc.)
The goal is to try and use CONVN to take a 21 day moving average at each site, for each observation point for each variable.
As I understand it, I should just be able to use a a kernel such as:
ker = ones(1,21) ./ 21.;
mat = randn(150,365*10,4);
avgmat = convn(mat,ker,'valid');
I tried playing around and created another kernel which should also work (I think) and set ker2 as:
ker2 = [zeros(1,21); ker; zeros(1,21)];
avgmat2 = convn(mat,ker2,'valid');
The question:
The results don't quite match and I'm wondering if I have the dimensions incorrect here for the kernel. Any guidance is greatly appreciated.
Judging from the context of your question, you have a 3D matrix and you want to find the moving average of each row independently over all 3D slices. The code above should work (the first case). However, the valid flag returns a matrix whose size is valid in terms of the boundaries of the convolution. Take a look at the first point of the post that you linked to for more details.
Specifically, the first 21 entries for each row will be missing due to the valid flag. It's only when you get to the 22nd entry of each row does the convolution kernel become completely contained inside a row of the matrix and it's from that point where you get valid results (no pun intended). If you'd like to see these entries at the boundaries, then you'll need to use the 'same' flag if you want to maintain the same size matrix as the input or the 'full' flag (which is default) which gives you the size of the output starting from the most extreme outer edges, but bear in mind that the moving average will be done with a bunch of zeroes and so the first 21 entries wouldn't be what you expect anyway.
However, if I'm interpreting what you are asking, then the valid flag is what you want, but bear in mind that you will have 21 entries missing to accommodate for the edge cases. All in all, your code should work, but be careful on how you interpret the results.
BTW, you have a symmetric kernel, and so flipping should have no effect on the convolution output. What you have specified is a standard moving averaging kernel, and so convolution should work in finding the moving average as you expect.
Good luck!

How to use Morton Order(z order curve) in range search?

How to use Morton Order in range search?
From the wiki, In the paragraph "Use with one-dimensional data structures for range searching",
it says
"the range being queried (x = 2, ..., 3, y = 2, ..., 6) is indicated
by the dotted rectangle. Its highest Z-value (MAX) is 45. In this
example, the value F = 19 is encountered when searching a data
structure in increasing Z-value direction. ......BIGMIN (36 in the
example).....only search in the interval between BIGMIN and MAX...."
My questions are:
1) why the F is 19? Why the F should not be 16?
2) How to get the BIGMIN?
3) Are there any web blogs demonstrate how to do the range search?
EDIT: The AWS Database Blog now has a detailed introduction to this subject.
This blog post does a reasonable job of illustrating the process.
When searching the rectangular space x=[2,3], y=[2,6]:
The minimum Z Value (12) is found by interleaving the bits of the lowest x and y values: 2 and 2, respectively.
The maximum Z value (45) is found by interleaving the bits of the highest x and y values: 3 and 6, respectively.
Having found the min and max Z values (12 and 45), we now have a linear range that we can iterate across that is guaranteed to contain all of the entries inside of our rectangular space. The data within the linear range is going to be a superset of the data we actually care about: the data in the rectangular space. If we simply iterate across the entire range, we are going to find all of the data we care about and then some. You can test each value you visit to see if it's relevant or not.
An obvious optimization is to try to minimize the amount of superfluous data that you must traverse. This is largely a function of the number of 'seams' that you cross in the data -- places where the 'Z' curve has to make large jumps to continue its path (e.g. from Z value 31 to 32 below).
This can be mitigated by employing the BIGMIN and LITMAX functions to identify these seams and navigate back to the rectangle. To minimize the amount of irrelevant data we evaluate, we can:
Keep a count of the number of consecutive pieces of junk data we've visited.
Decide on a maximum allowable value (maxConsecutiveJunkData) for this count. The blog post linked at the top uses 3 for this value.
If we encounter maxConsecutiveJunkData pieces of irrelevant data in a row, we initiate BIGMIN and LITMAX. Importantly, at the point at which we've decided to use them, we're now somewhere within our linear search space (Z values 12 to 45) but outside the rectangular search space. In the Wikipedia article, they appear to have chosen a maxConsecutiveJunkData value of 4; they started at Z=12 and walked until they were 4 values outside of the rectangle (beyond 15) before deciding that it was now time to use BIGMIN. Because maxConsecutiveJunkData is left to your tastes, BIGMIN can be used on any value in the linear range (Z values 12 to 45). Somewhat confusingly, the article only shows the area from 19 on as crosshatched because that is the subrange of the search that will be optimized out when we use BIGMIN with a maxConsecutiveJunkData of 4.
When we realize that we've wandered outside of the rectangle too far, we can conclude that the rectangle in non-contiguous. BIGMIN and LITMAX are used to identify the nature of the split. BIGMIN is designed to, given any value in the linear search space (e.g. 19), find the next smallest value that will be back inside the half of the split rectangle with larger Z values (i.e. jumping us from 19 to 36). LITMAX is similar, helping us to find the largest value that will be inside the half of the split rectangle with smaller Z values. The implementations of BIGMIN and LITMAX are explained in depth in the zdivide function explanation in the linked blog post.
It appears that the quoted example in the Wikipedia article has not been edited to clarify the context and assumptions. The approach used in that example is applicable to linear data structures that only allow sequential (forward and backward) seeking; that is, it is assumed that one cannot randomly seek to a storage cell in constant time using its morton index alone.
With that constraint, one's strategy begins with a full range that is the mininum morton index (16) and the maximum morton index (45). To make optimizations, one tries to find and eliminate large swaths of subranges that are outside the query rectangle. The hatched area in the diagram refers to what would have been accessed (sequentially) if such optimization (eliminating subranges) had not been applied.
After discussing the main optimization strategy for linear sequential data structures, it goes on to talk about other data structures with better seeking capability.