Sentinel-2 images OFFSET: Should negative resulting OFFSET values be 0 (NODATA) or 1? - offset

I’m processing Sentinel-2 images outside of snap and have a more general question about the new OFFSET values in Baseline 04.00 that I hope you may help me understand.
While comparing images between the current Baseline 04.00 and earlier Baseline versions I subtract the BOA_ADD_OFFSET value or RADIO_OFFSET_VALUE from the Baseline 04.00 images depending on product. This sometimes leads to, as expected, negative values in the resulting raster.
My question is: What is the correct way to present these values if clamping them to a floor of 0? Should they be regarded as NODATA (value 0) - Implying missing or faulty data?
Or should they be viewed as a minimum value (like 1)? The reasoning being that these have a registered value that is out of bounds, but assumed to be approximately 0.
I’d be grateful if you can enlightnen me on how to best reason about the negative values or refer me to a source that better describes how the offset works as the Sentinel-2 Products Specification Document doesn’t supply enough context for my understanding.

The answer has now been answered by Jan on the ESA Step Forum:
I would suggest that they should be regarded as NO DATA (value 0).
This would at least flag them as unreliable. This is based on my
understanding of negative reflectance values being linked to the
Atmospheric Correction processing step. And thus they are an unwanted
contribution to the output. So making them 0 identifies them as
non-nominal, and helps serve as an avoidance measure. Or a flag of
doubt. Giving them a value of 1 would potentially attribute them some
relevance, and may serve to confuse.


How to correct sentinel 2 baseline v0400 offset?

I'm processing Sentinel 2 L2A data in sen2r as downloaded from googlecloud and spotted an issue: if computing NDVI from bands 4 and 8 at 10 m resolution, I get an extreme offset after January 26th as exemplified by the last 7 values in the following image (this is just one pixel, but I find this consistently over many pixels):
NDVI-time series
Searching the web, I learned that the issue very likely is related to the fact that since January 26th Sentinel 2 products are processed using a new baseline (v0400) which will also affect L2A products. However, I did not find a solution for the problem if working in sen2r.
The relevant section of the description of the major product update states:
Provision of negative radiometric values (implementing an offset): The
dynamic range will be shifted by a band-dependent constant:
BOA_ADD_OFFSET. This offset will allow encoding negative surface
reflectances that may occur over very dark surfaces. From the user’s point
of view, the L2A Bottom of Atmosphere (BOA) reflectance (L2A_BOA) shall
be retrieved from the output radiometry as follows:
• Digital Number DN=0 remains the “NO_DATA” value
• For a given DN in [1; 1;2^15-1], the L2A BOA reflectance value will
The radiometric offset value will be reported in a new field in the
General_Info/Product_Image_Characteristics section of the Datastrip and User
Product Metadata. It will be initially set to -1000 Digital counts for all bands.
It is also noted that the percentage of negative surface reflectance pixels per
band will be also reported in the L2A_QUALITY report in the QI_DATA folder of
the tile.
Now my question is: how to fix this issue? I want to standardize my data over time, which does not make sense with that offset. So I need some kind of harmonization between the baselines. How would that work in sen2r?
Thanks in advance for any advice.
I suppose you may have solved this by now. But as you mentioned you will have to subtract the BOA_ADD_OFFSET from the pixel values in a band if you wish compare them with pre 22-01-25 images (Baseline v04.00).
In my processing I have preprocessed using GDAL to subtract the offset for both L1 and L2 images and clamped any resulting negative values to 0 (NODATA) before comparing them with pre 22-01-25 images.

Simulink: PID Controller - difference between back-calculation and clamping for anti-windup?

I need to implement an anti-windup (output limitation) for my PID controller. Simulink is offering two options: back calculation and clamping (documentation) which seem to deliver equal results. I know what back calculation is doing mathematically. It requires to define the back-calculation gain Kb. This gain is dependent on how long my controller is saturated, therefore it is actually a dynamic value (because I may have a high variation of saturation times). Do you see a way to control this value? (in this case it probably would be necessary to build my own PID Controller as shown in the documentation above or in the picture below.
Which brings me to the question, what is clamping actually doing? And what are other differences? Which one is faster, which one is more robust against stiff slopes? Does anybody has experiences using both?
Not sure if this fully answers the question, but the PID Controller documentation page, explains a bit more about clamping:
Stops integration when the sum of the block components
exceeds the output limits and the integrator output and block input
have the same sign. Resumes integration when the sum of the block
components exceeds the output limits and the integrator output and
block input have opposite sign. The integrator portion of the block
The clamping circuit implements the logic necessary to determine whether integration continues.
If you select the clamping option and look under the mask, you can probably see the details of the clamping circuit.
Additionally to am304's answer there are some more things to consider.
Clamping will always work. It detects when there is integrator overflow and sets the integral path of the PID-controller to zero to avoid windup by using a simple switch.
Clamping is a commmonly used anti windup method, especially in case of digital control systems. In serious applications however, there is also forward clamping involved - evaluating the controller input as well. This mechanism must me implemented manually.
Back Calculation
Back Calculation highly depends on the back calculation coefficient Kb. If you don't know how to actually calculate the parameter Kb don't use back-calculation. This method calculates the difference between the actual controller output and the saturated output and subtracts it from the I-Gain path, amplified by Kb.
In most of cases the default value Kb = 1 will lead to worse results than clamping, it is even possible that it has no effect at all. Kb should be calculated based on the sampling time or
in case a D-Gain is involded, based on D- and I-Gain. Appropriate literatur should be consulted to calculate the coefficient. Back calculation with a properly set coeffient enables better dynamics than clamping!

Shannon's Entropy measure in Decision Trees

Why is Shannon's Entropy measure used in Decision Tree branching?
Entropy(S) = - p(+)log( p(+) ) - p(-)log( p(-) )
I know it is a measure of the no. of bits needed to encode information; the more uniform the distribution, the more the entropy. But I don't see why it is so frequently applied in creating decision trees (choosing a branch point).
Because you want to ask the question that will give you the most information. The goal is to minimize the number of decisions/questions/branches in the tree, so you start with the question that will give you the most information and then use the following questions to fill in the details.
For the sake of decision trees, forget about the number of bits and just focus on the formula itself. Consider a binary (+/-) classification task where you have an equal number of + and - examples in your training data. Initially, the entropy will be 1 since p(+) = p(-) = 0.5. You want to split the data on an attribute that most decreases the entropy (i.e., makes the distribution of classes least random). If you choose an attribute, A1, that is completely unrelated to the classes, then the entropy will still be 1 after splitting the data by the values of A1, so there is no reduction in entropy. Now suppose another attribute, A2, perfectly separates the classes (e.g., the class is always + for A2="yes" and always - for A2="no". In this case, the entropy is zero, which is the ideal case.
In practical cases, attributes don't typically perfectly categorize the data (the entropy is greater than zero). So you choose the attribute that "best" categorizes the data (provides the greatest reduction in entropy). Once the data are separated in this manner, another attribute is selected for each of the branches from the first split in a similar manner to further reduce the entropy along that branch. This process is continued to construct the tree.
You seem to have an understanding of the math behind the method, but here is a simple example that might give you some intuition behind why this method is used: Imagine you are in a classroom that is occupied by 100 students. Each student is sitting at a desk, and the desks are organized such there are 10 rows and 10 columns. 1 out of the 100 students has a prize that you can have, but you must guess which student it is to get the prize. The catch is that everytime you guess, the prize is decremented in value. You could start by asking each student individually whether or not they have the prize. However, initially, you only have a 1/100 chance of guessing correctly, and it is likely that by the time you find the prize it will be worthless (think of every guess as a branch in your decision tree). Instead, you could ask broad questions that dramatically reduce the search space with each question. For example "Is the student somewhere in rows 1 though 5?" Whether the answer is "Yes" or "No" you have reduced the number of potential branches in your tree by half.

Virtual Memory Page Replacement Algorithms

I have a project where I am asked to develop an application to simulate how different page replacement algorithms perform (with varying working set size and stability period). My results:
Vertical axis: page faults
Horizontal axis: working set size
Depth axis: stable period
Are my results reasonable? I expected LRU to have better results than FIFO. Here, they are approximately the same.
For random, stability period and working set size doesnt seem to affect the performance at all? I expected similar graphs as FIFO & LRU just worst performance? If the reference string is highly stable (little branches) and have a small working set size, it should still have less page faults that an application with many branches and big working set size?
More Info
My Python Code | The Project Question
Length of reference string (RS): 200,000
Size of virtual memory (P): 1000
Size of main memory (F): 100
number of time page referenced (m): 100
Size of working set (e): 2 - 100
Stability (t): 0 - 1
Working set size (e) & stable period (t) affects how reference string are generated.
0 p p+e P-1
So assume the above the the virtual memory of size P. To generate reference strings, the following algorithm is used:
Repeat until reference string generated
pick m numbers in [p, p+e]. m simulates or refers to number of times page is referenced
pick random number, 0 <= r < 1
if r < t
generate new p
else (++p)%P
UPDATE (In response to #MrGomez's answer)
However, recall how you seeded your input data: using random.random,
thus giving you a uniform distribution of data with your controllable
level of entropy. Because of this, all values are equally likely to
occur, and because you've constructed this in floating point space,
recurrences are highly improbable.
I am using random, but it is not totally random either, references are generated with some locality though the use of working set size and number page referenced parameters?
I tried increasing the numPageReferenced relative with numFrames in hope that it will reference a page currently in memory more, thus showing the performance benefit of LRU over FIFO, but that didn't give me a clear result tho. Just FYI, I tried the same app with the following parameters (Pages/Frames ratio is still kept the same, I reduced the size of data to make things faster).
--numReferences 1000 --numPages 100 --numFrames 10 --numPageReferenced 20
The result is
Still not such a big difference. Am I right to say if I increase numPageReferenced relative to numFrames, LRU should have a better performance as it is referencing pages in memory more? Or perhaps I am mis-understanding something?
For random, I am thinking along the lines of:
Suppose theres high stability and small working set. It means that the pages referenced are very likely to be in memory. So the need for the page replacement algorithm to run is lower?
Hmm maybe I got to think about this more :)
UPDATE: Trashing less obvious on lower stablity
Here, I am trying to show the trashing as working set size exceeds the number of frames (100) in memory. However, notice thrashing appears less obvious with lower stability (high t), why might that be? Is the explanation that as stability becomes low, page faults approaches maximum thus it does not matter as much what the working set size is?
These results are reasonable given your current implementation. The rationale behind that, however, bears some discussion.
When considering algorithms in general, it's most important to consider the properties of the algorithms currently under inspection. Specifically, note their corner cases and best and worst case conditions. You're probably already familiar with this terse method of evaluation, so this is mostly for the benefit of those reading here whom may not have an algorithmic background.
Let's break your question down by algorithm and explore their component properties in context:
FIFO shows an increase in page faults as the size of your working set (length axis) increases.
This is correct behavior, consistent with Bélády's anomaly for FIFO replacement. As the size of your working page set increases, the number of page faults should also increase.
FIFO shows an increase in page faults as system stability (1 - depth axis) decreases.
Noting your algorithm for seeding stability (if random.random() < stability), your results become less stable as stability (S) approaches 1. As you sharply increase the entropy in your data, the number of page faults, too, sharply increases and propagates the Bélády's anomaly.
So far, so good.
LRU shows consistency with FIFO. Why?
Note your seeding algorithm. Standard LRU is most optimal when you have paging requests that are structured to smaller operational frames. For ordered, predictable lookups, it improves upon FIFO by aging off results that no longer exist in the current execution frame, which is a very useful property for staged execution and encapsulated, modal operation. Again, so far, so good.
However, recall how you seeded your input data: using random.random, thus giving you a uniform distribution of data with your controllable level of entropy. Because of this, all values are equally likely to occur, and because you've constructed this in floating point space, recurrences are highly improbable.
As a result, your LRU is perceiving each element to occur a small number of times, then to be completely discarded when the next value was calculated. It thus correctly pages each value as it falls out of the window, giving you performance exactly comparable to FIFO. If your system properly accounted for recurrence or a compressed character space, you would see markedly different results.
For random, stability period and working set size doesn't seem to affect the performance at all. Why are we seeing this scribble all over the graph instead of giving us a relatively smooth manifold?
In the case of a random paging scheme, you age off each entry stochastically. Purportedly, this should give us some form of a manifold bound to the entropy and size of our working set... right?
Or should it? For each set of entries, you randomly assign a subset to page out as a function of time. This should give relatively even paging performance, regardless of stability and regardless of your working set, as long as your access profile is again uniformly random.
So, based on the conditions you are checking, this is entirely correct behavior consistent with what we'd expect. You get an even paging performance that doesn't degrade with other factors (but, conversely, isn't improved by them) that's suitable for high load, efficient operation. Not bad, just not what you might intuitively expect.
So, in a nutshell, that's the breakdown as your project is currently implemented.
As an exercise in further exploring the properties of these algorithms in the context of different dispositions and distributions of input data, I highly recommend digging into scipy.stats to see what, for example, a Gaussian or logistic distribution might do to each graph. Then, I would come back to the documented expectations of each algorithm and draft cases where each is uniquely most and least appropriate.
All in all, I think your teacher will be proud. :)

Mixing sound files of different size

I want to mix audio files of different size into a one single .wav file without clipping any file.,i.e. The resulting file size should be equal to the largest sized file of all.
There is a sample through which we can mix files of same size
[( )(Example 4)].
I modified the code to get the mixed file as a .wav file.
But I am not able to understand that how to modify this code for unequal sized files.
If someone can help me out with some code snippet,i'll be really thankful.
It should be as easy as sending all the files to the mixer simultaneously. When any single file gets to the end, just treat it as if the remainder is filled with zeroes. When all files get to the end, you are done.
Note that the example code says it returns an error if there would be clipping (the sum of the waves is greater than the max representable value.). This condition is more likely if you are mixing multiple inputs. The best way around it is to create some "headroom" in the input waves. You can do either do this in preprocessing, by ensuring that each wave's volume is no more than X% of maximum. (~80-90%, depending on number of inputs.). The other way is to do it dynamically in the mixer code by multiplying each sample by some value <1.0 as you add it to the mix.
If you are selecting the waves to mix at runtime and failure due to clipping is unacceptable, you will need to modify the sample code to pin the values at max/min instead of returning an error. Don't just let them overflow or you will get noisy artifacts.
(Clipping creates artifacts as well, but when you haven't created enough headroom before mixing, it is definitely preferrable to overflow. It is a more familiar-sounding type of distortion, similar to what you get when you overdrive your speakers. See this wikipedia article on clipping:
Clipping is preferable to the alternative in digital systems—wrapping—which occurs if the digital hardware is allowed to "overflow", ignoring the most significant bits of the magnitude, and sometimes even the sign of the sample value, resulting in gross distortion of the signal.
How I'd do it:
Much like the mix_buffers function that you linked to, but pass in 2 parameters for mixbufferNumSamples. Iterate over the whole of the longer of the two buffers. When the index has gone beyond the end of the shorter buffer, simply set the sample from that buffer to 0 for the rest of the function.
If you must avoid clipping and do it in real-time and you know nothing else about the two sounds, you must provide enough headroom. The simplest method is by halving each of the samples before mixing:
mixed = s1/2 + s2/2;
This ensures that the resultant mixed sample won't overflow an int16_t. It will have the side effect of making everything quieter though.
If you can run it offline, you can calculate a scale factor to apply to both waveforms which will keep the peaks when summed below the maximum allowed value.
Or you could mix them all at full volume to an int32_t buffer, keeping track of the largest (magnitude) mixed sample and then go back through the buffer multiplying each sample by a scale factor which will make that extreme sample just reach the +32767/-32768 limits.