Create the .gcloudignore file by a command line - gcloud

Is there a gcloud command line to create the gcloudignore file ? I checked a little bit in their documenation and I didn't find my answer


docker-compose cannot find the yaml file

I've placed a docker compose file project.yaml at the location /etc/project/project.yaml
the file and well as the project directory have the same file permission, i.e. -rxwrxxrwx
but when I run docker-compose
sudo docker-compose -f ./project.yaml up -d
if errors out with the following
Cannot find the file ./project.yaml
I have checked various times and it seems there is no permission issue. Can anyone tell why we have this problem and what would be the solution
Beside using the full path, as commented by quoc9x, double-check your current working directory when you call a command with a relative path ./project.yaml
If you are not in the right folder, that would explain the error message.

how to eliminate command exception issue in gsutil

I have this command
gsutil rsync -r -x '".*.jpg$"' File Share\data\Home Drive gs://sdefs01/Home Drive
this is to exclude any .jpg file to be copied to my google bucket.
however, it returns an error:
commandexceptions: the rsync command accept at most 2 arguments.
the command example that I refer to is from google cloud support page.
please help.
You need to put the source directory path inside double quotes as it contains spaces.

Trouble creating symlinked folder

I am following the DrizzlexReact tutorial #
I've reached a point where I have to symlink my contract folder using the command: 'mklink \D contracts ....\build\contracts'.
When typed as is from the tutorial I get a "The syntax of the command is incorrect" error.
I've even tried quotes around the file names/paths. Nothing.
Any advice? Thanks
It was a '/D, as per mklink docs & not '\D', as per the tutorial.

"No such file or directory" when executing Perl script

I have a 3D modal for cup.obj. I need to convert to .h file so I downloaded this And put cup.obj file to this folder. Then I run from terminal cup.obj I didn't get .h file.
Ranganatha-GVs-Mac-mini:~ ranganathagv$ ./ cup.obj
-bash: ./ No such file or directory
Ranganatha-GVs-Mac-mini:~ ranganathagv$
The script probably hasn't the right permission set in order to be executable using the ./ syntax.
Two choices here, you can either:
Change the permission on the script using chmod +x, and using ./ cup.obj should work from there on, or
Run the script using perl cup.obj.
Hope this helps!

export PATH creating a redundant path

I need to add some perl scripts to PATH, but when I do, and try to run the scripts, it can't find the files. For some reason it is using a redundant path and doesn't find it. I dont know how to describe the problem but the code is pretty self-explanatory.
[lsk250#murphy portfolio-handout]$ pwd
[lsk250#murphy portfolio-handout]$ export PATH=$PATH:/home/lsk250/portfolio-handout/
[lsk250#murphy portfolio-handout]$
env: /home/lsk250/portfolio-handout//home/lsk250/portfolio-handout/ No such file or directory
sh: line 1: 17758 Aborted (core dumped) time_series_project 8 AWAIT 300 ARIMA 2 1 2 2> /dev/null
Any ideas whats the right export command I should use to get this right?
There is nothing wrong in how you export PATH variable except that you may already have your "pwd" there.
As far as I can see the is called from (or from some other script called from and so on) and I would check how it is called.
Perhaps you could also see if PATH is changed somewhere in your scripts.
i'm guessing the "shebang" line (#!) and/or file permissions on '' is incorrect.