Is there a way to get a help panel in vscode similar to rstudio? - visual-studio-code

I wanted to ask if there was a simple way to get a help panel in vscode to show function/object documentation similar to the one in RStudio (See example here:
I know you can mouse over a function to get some details but I'd like an easier way to have the complete documentation in vscode without switching to a web browser.


VS code strikethrought suggestions

I'm looking for a solution.
When I type some CSS inside VSC, the editor show me a list of possible choice. Then I select the desire one and the editor show me again a list of possible properties, but between all this properties their are some old one that are still use in web development if we want to make a website compatible with older browser.
I figure that some suggestion in VSC are display with strikethrought, so I'm looking to a solution to apply this to my personal snippets.

VS Code Comments Panel

I was looking at the
"comments.openPanel": "openOnSessionStartWithComments"
setting in VS Code, but I don't quite understand how this works. I can't find any info on Google or StackOverflow about this.
The comments panel, which is supposed to appear along side the Problems, Output, Debug Console and Terminal tabs doesn't show up.
How can you show the comments panel and what is it for?
The comments API is finalized in the May 2019 release
Unless there is an extension that creates a CommentController the Comments panel will not show.

Link key/button to the I'l feeling lucky from Play Music

so I always have a tab in Chrome opened with google play music, it's actually pinned so it's just there.
I'm wondering if there is any way to link a hotkey to the I'm feeling lucky option, I've been looking for quite some time but didn't find anything of help.
Button looks like this:
I've looked and asked on the AHK forums but don't know how many people are active there so thought I might give it a try here as well. Googled around but sadly didn't find anything of use or what I did find was a bit too complicated for me and didn't know how to apply it to what I needed.
There is no straightforward solution for this in AHK.
You need control over your browser in order to achieve this without interrupting your current navigation.
For controlling chrome with AHK:
There are probably multiple ways of doing this, but the easiest I can think of would be to use the ImageSearch command to get you the coordinates of the button and using Click or MouseClick to click the button.
If you're unfamiliar with the syntax or how to use these commands, please see the online documentation here: ImageSearch, MouseClick, Click.
Please post your code if you need additional assistance and/or to help out others who might have the same or similar question in future.

VSCode custom snippets list in activitybar/sidebar - extension recommendation?

Dear fellow VSCode users!
My collection of custom snippets has become rather vast lately, with all of documentation writing that I have to do. And it's becoming kind of difficult to remember all the shortcuts.
I know I can search for snippets and browse their list via the command palette, but it requires quite some extra typing and/or clicking.
Is there an existing extension that would add a new activity bar icon and provide a list of all user-defined snippets in the sidebar, allowing one to simply click on the desired snippet and thus insert it?
I imagine I'm not the only person on the planet to desire such a feature, but I honestly can't seem to be able to find it searching the Marketplace or using Google.
Thanks for all your suggestions.
Just made an extension. Snippets View. Tested only on Windows.
It's not complete yet, but has basic functionality...

Wordpress search also shows

I'm trying Agolia to see if it is something for our websites. So I did a little test on one of our websites (click here, it works but you also get the original dropdown. Does anyone know how to prevent this?
The theme you are using does come shipped with a built-in autocomplete experience.
You should disable that one.
An easy fix for you would be to comment all the code in this file