VS Code Comments Panel - visual-studio-code

I was looking at the
"comments.openPanel": "openOnSessionStartWithComments"
setting in VS Code, but I don't quite understand how this works. I can't find any info on Google or StackOverflow about this.
The comments panel, which is supposed to appear along side the Problems, Output, Debug Console and Terminal tabs doesn't show up.
How can you show the comments panel and what is it for?

The comments API is finalized in the May 2019 release
Unless there is an extension that creates a CommentController the Comments panel will not show.


Is there a way to get a help panel in vscode similar to rstudio?

I wanted to ask if there was a simple way to get a help panel in vscode to show function/object documentation similar to the one in RStudio (See example here: http://mercury.webster.edu/aleshunas/R_learning_infrastructure/images/RStudio%20-%20help%20panel.png).
I know you can mouse over a function to get some details but I'd like an easier way to have the complete documentation in vscode without switching to a web browser.

How do I open interface overview on visual studio code

When I was watching a VSC tutorial I noticed an interface overview feature, what I understood it as was that it acted as a small helper, so that when you hovered over something it would give an explanation of what is does, I may be wrong. But, when I reopened VSC th option didn't apear anymore as it did when I first opened thee application.

Need clarification on vs code debug

Can anyone explain these three debug symbols on VSCode I have found on the internet?
My vs code has the one with the play icon.
All demos online on debugging have the one in the middle. How do I get that?
Also, node js debugging is installed but I think it shows as disabled, with no option I can find to enable it.
To answer your question directly [TL;DR]: you already have it if you are using the latest version of vscode. It will take you to the same view as the one on the right
If you look at the codicon libray ref the middle one you pointed out is not present.
Visual Studio Code made changes in February 2020 ref that incorporates running and debugging to be something more harmonious:
User studies revealed that new users have difficulties finding how to run their programs in VS Code. One reason is that the existing "Debugging" functionality is not something that they relate to "Running" a program. For that reason, we are making "Run" more prominent in the UI.
The main menu Debug has become the Run menu.
The Run and Debug view has become the Run view and the corresponding Activity Bar icon now shows a large "Play" icon with a small "bug" decoration.
So in other words, there is no difference. The 'Run' and 'Debug' view is synonymous and the icon reflects those changes. As they noted, the Debug view is now called the 'Run' view, but it still offers debugging and breakpoints.
There are 2 possibilities you are running into however:
The tutorials and guides you are using are out-dated (showing an outdated version of vscode)
The tutorial or guide is using an extension that offers debugging capabilities. Extensions have some control over the icon you see
The extension is for single file debugging, according to the June 2020 ref notes, vscode recommends the following:
For debug extensions that want to improve the single file debug experience by adding a "Run" and/or "Debug" button to the editor, we recommend following these guidelines for a consistent look and feel:
Contribute Run and/or Debug commands in the package.json (see Mock Debug):
Use the command titles "Run File"/"Debug File" or "Run Python File"/"Debug Python File".
Use the $(play) icon for Run and $(debug-alt-small) for Debug.
Where their codicon library was updated in June to reflect the following:
As you can see, none of them are prefixed with verbiage like 'run', but they all represent the same functionality.
Additionally, you may see this icon as well:
This represents the panel (view) where the output of your debug will go.

visual studio code editor not autocompleting, colour coding or giving suggestions

UPDATE: I solved my own problem. Solution is at end of this post
Original Post:
Hi, I had Visual Studio Code (VSCode) installed a long time back for use with Unity but ended up not using it and opted for Visual Studio instead because that was what my Unity course was using.
I am now learning HTML so I now want to use the Visual Studio Code as the editor.
When I type out my HTML code, VSCode is not autocompleting any of my code or giving me any suggestions or colour coding the text.
Troubleshooting steps done:
I completely uninstalled Visual Studio Code including the user data folders: .vscode in users and Code in Appdata/Romaning (which were advised on the visual Studio code website uninstall instructions).
I then installed a fresh version. But the same problem persists.
Update: I have learnt that the feature that I have an issue with is called Intellisense. CTRL-SHIFT-R is supposed to refresh this feature module. So did this and I get the message "No refactorings available". So perhaps I am missing a module or plugin that I am supposed to also install?
I'd appreciate someone's help to solve this.
Many thanks.
PS This is my first StackOverflow question, I hope it's not a forehead slapping debut!
I just solved my own problem...and it's probably a beginner's mistake...
I discovered at the bottom right corner of the editor, this a menu tray. One of these items showed "Plain Text". On clicking it, it showed a list of programming languages. Naturally HTML was one of them and I upon clicking it. The editor Intellisense auto completion, suggestions etc kicked in.
If I may comment, I wonder why this element is somewhat conspicuous. It's not obvious for a beginner to know to click on "Plain Text" at the bottom right corner without scouring the interface or try to find a third party tutorial video. Perhaps, I can give that as a feedback to the developers.
I just solved my own problem...and it's probably a beginner's mistake.
I discovered at the bottom right corner of the editor, this a menu tray. One of these items showed "Plain Text". On clicking it, it showed a list of programming languages. Naturally HTML was one of them and I upon clicking it. The editor Intellisense auto completion, suggestions etc kicked in.

VSCode extension for panel

I am new to VSCode and was wondering if it is possible to create additional tabs in the panel (With an Extension or just with VSCode). For example an interaktive Python window like in VS2019.
I haven't found anything on this topic, whether it is possible or not, so maybe you know if it is possible ( or planned for the future).
It is the same question that #Gama11 linked, but unfortunately it has not been answered so I can't mark it as duplicated. Right now it is not possible, but the January 2020 changes shows the experimental "Moving views from the Sidebar to the Panel". Even though This is only a preview of the features and many aspects of it are likely to change including the limitations mentioned above. it still gives me hope that this might be possible at some point.