VS code strikethrought suggestions - visual-studio-code

I'm looking for a solution.
When I type some CSS inside VSC, the editor show me a list of possible choice. Then I select the desire one and the editor show me again a list of possible properties, but between all this properties their are some old one that are still use in web development if we want to make a website compatible with older browser.
I figure that some suggestion in VSC are display with strikethrought, so I'm looking to a solution to apply this to my personal snippets.


Associate file type to my vscode extension like a project file

I'd like to do something like a project file. When the user opens it, the webview of my extension would welcome the user instead of the default VSCode editor.
I know I can workaround it by adding extra context menu items or buttons, but in this case I'm curious if it's possible to override that it by default tries to open in the editor.
Is this possible either manually or automatically?
What you're after sounds exactly like what the upcoming webview / custom editor API hopes to accomplish.
The custom editor API aims to allow extensions to create fully customizable read/write editors that are used in place of VS Code's standard text editor for specific resources. These editors will be based on webviews. We will support editors for both binary and text resources.
See the following issue for more info and further links to the proposed API, example extensions etc:
Custom webview editor API (#77131)
Note that it usually takes a while for new APIs to make it into stable releases after being made available as "proposed APIs".

Visual Studio Code extension for saving and reusing my own custom code snippets / boilerplate?

I am looking for VSC extensions that will let me save my own code snippets and reuse them in any future projects with shortcuts like when I type html I am able to pick an option that generates whole document example that I can then continue modifying.
Ideally it should also have an option to export all custom settings so I can move them to another machine or back them up if I need to format the system.
I realized this was one of my major efficiency issues when I kept copying code from old projects to be reused in my latest work. I did check the extension search in VSC but so far only found such that already include existing snippet shortcuts.
I found 1 viable method so far with native VSC but post if you know of an even better way.
Press Ctrl + P and > then type Preferences: Configure user snippets and then selecting a language. To generate json fast I used: https://snippet-generator.app/
It saves snippets in AppData\Roaming\Code\User\snippets folder so that is good for backuping or exporting.
To reorder snippets to have custom ones at the top of the suggestions box for faster use go to: Workspace Settings > Text Editor > Suggestions > Snippet Suggestions and set it to top.

VSCode custom snippets list in activitybar/sidebar - extension recommendation?

Dear fellow VSCode users!
My collection of custom snippets has become rather vast lately, with all of documentation writing that I have to do. And it's becoming kind of difficult to remember all the shortcuts.
I know I can search for snippets and browse their list via the command palette, but it requires quite some extra typing and/or clicking.
Is there an existing extension that would add a new activity bar icon and provide a list of all user-defined snippets in the sidebar, allowing one to simply click on the desired snippet and thus insert it?
I imagine I'm not the only person on the planet to desire such a feature, but I honestly can't seem to be able to find it searching the Marketplace or using Google.
Thanks for all your suggestions.
Just made an extension. Snippets View. Tested only on Windows.
It's not complete yet, but has basic functionality...

Is there a way to create templates for text files in Eclipse?

In Eclipse, I really enjoy being able to create templates for things I commonly write in Java and XML. While there is some room for improvement, templates have proven to be quite the time saver. Today I was documenting some notes in the release notes. We have a specific format that we write said release notes in. I thought it would be handy to write a small template so that I could easily insert most of the boiler plate text when I amend the notes. So I dug around the eclipse settings and didn't see anything for plain text files. I googled around and also didn't see anything.
So is what I'm wanting to do possible in Eclipse? Is there a plugin I would need to enable such a feature?
I assume the closest you can get is using Snippets
Add the view by clicking Window -> Show View -> Snippets. In that view, right-click and select Customizeto create custom snippets. You can now add those snippets in your textfile by double-clicking them.
Maybe there is also some shortcut feature I didn't find yet...

Eclipse content assist (for PHP or anything) not using active working set

The Eclipse content assist for PHP (and I'm assuming for other types as well) isn't using the currently active working set - it's searching ALL files in the project. How do I change it to only use the active working set?
When doing a Ctrl+Shift+R search, it was also looking for all files in the project (not what I wanted), until I clicked the small black triangle in that window and selected the working set I wanted it to use. Now it successfully only shows the files that match my search string in the working set. However, this doesn't change anything in the autocomplete content assist feature (i.e. doing a Ctrl+Space to complete the name of a function or variable). Is there any way to accomplish this?
I'm using Eclipse Indigo release, so it's very recent.
I'm afraid it's not possible the way you put it. Eclipse Working Sets just give you a way to organize your projects.
However you may want to take a look at Mylyn, which is fully integrated with Eclipse platform. Here and here is a nice overview of what you can do with Mylyn. But briefly, what it allows you to do is to create a task and maintain a context associated with it. This way, only the relevant files will be displayed in Project Explorer and autocomplete would suggest you only task-focused options.