How can I fix the problem which My substrate node server is been stopped after few hours automatically? - server

Please help me.
When I run my substrate node server by running this command "./target/release/node-template --dev --ws-external --rpc-external", server works well and start generating blocks first.
But after few hours, my server is been stopped and also stopped generating blocks automatically.
How can I solve this problem?
Here is Terminal Error.
enter image description here
Best Regards.


VSCode Remote Server stuck on initializing server

I'm currently trying to access a remote server using VS Code's Remote SSH extension. I haven't had a problem when using it before (that was around a month ago) but today when I tried to access the server I ran into some trouble.
I have the hostname and everything configured in a config file, and so I just click on that option and type in the password. However, VS Code seems to be stuck on "Opening Remote..." for the past hour or so. The dialogue I get in the terminal is as follows:
username#host's password:
Running remote connection script
Acquiring lock on /home/username/.vscode-server/bin/abcdefghijklmnop1234567989/
Installing to /home/username/.vscode-server/bin/abcdefghijklmnop1234567989...
Downloading with wget
Does anybody know what the problem might be? Is this normal?
As soon as I posted this the connection was successfully made. However, I would also like to still know what the problem was and if it normally takes around an hour, and what this process might be doing. I also believe it would be helpful to the community overall.
Thank you.
I've faced the same issue just now and realized that firewall protection has something to do with it.
As soon as I disabled it, the remote connection was established and I managed to see my code again.

How to remain running status of zopectl and plone?

Last week my lab's power outage occurred and the web server went out.
And after then, my webpage doesn't work anymore. My webpage is using plone and zope.
So I first went to the directory /Plone/zinstance/bin
typed ./instance
then did zopectl start
then I typed ./plonectl start.
But the problem is the following : everytime I start zopectl and plonectl, the daemon process soon died.
The command line is like this.
I don't know what is the problem and what should I do. Anyone who knows well about plone and zopectl please help me.
Try ./instance fg. If you have an error it will be displayed in the console.
(fg - means running it in the foreground)

ConnectionPool::PoolShuttingDownError thrown once in a while by application_controller rails using Mongodb replicaSet

I have a RoR application running on two different server. They run the same version of the app and are similar in configuration. I have a Mongodb replica set running on both the server with a third server as an arbitrary server.
Everything runs fine. The data is syncing perfectly. But after 2 weeks of running, one of the server started giving ConnectionPool::PoolShuttingDownError. I checked the log and I can see the error was raised application controller. I didn't change any code on any of the server.
The server raising the error is fine till it gets 6-7 simultaneous request. Or when you refresh the page 6-7 times together. It gives this error once and then again you refresh the page and its back to normal. This is weird and I can't understand why one server has this problem while the other one don't and that too sometime.
I am using Mongoid with Moped, Rails 4.1.0 and Ruby 2.1.5. I also checked available connections using db.serverStatus().connections which is around 51158 and ulimit of max process is 257185.
I searched a lot but I am still unsure of the cause of this problem. It will be great if someone can put some light on this issue. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

CentOS - Process 'ksoftirqdx' Memory Hog

By running the 'top' command on my server, I notice the process 'ksoftirqdx' which is running at over 220%. I have tried to have a Google around and even on stackoverflow. However, I'm unsure of how I should proceed.
I'm new to server configuration, and just rely on the server to run a node.js setup.
Any help will be much appreciated.
CentOS 6.5

Network interface needs to be manually started

I have a CentOS 6.3 machine that when rebooting does not bring up its network interface.
I have to manually connect it via the GUI each and every time by choosing 'System eth0':
Please let me know how I can fix this!
Thanks a million,
Changing line in
Fixed this
After I reboot the CentOS 6.4, the network interface is not getting the IP, also when I try to start or restart network service nothing happened.
I used system-config-network tools, and compare the config files, it adds below lines to the end, and after reboot it's OK.
before I have below configurations, but it's not working.
I hope this helps.