How can I fix this Unreadable fonts in Android emulator? - android-emulator

I have a react native application run in android emulator. The emulator's UI fonts are not readable at all.
My laptop resolution is 1366 x 768.
The emulator is using pixel_3_xl skin.


Android apps worked in usb debugging but not in android emulator (white screen)

I run "ionic cordova run android" using visual studio code.. but the apps shows white screen in the emulator.. it display properly if using USB debugging.. the device also display properly if install using the apk.. the reason why I want to use emulator because I want to debug "".. this is my emulator setting..
Emulator setting
Things that I have done is as per below
Choose ANGLE (D3D11) for OpenGL ES Renderer at the emulator advance setting
Choose Software - GLES 2.0 graphic for the Emulated Performance during create emulator
Try both R and Q for the system image during create the virtual device
Update the SDK based on the system image set at the emulator
System image selection
I compile the source code at different laptop (Laptop A) and it manage to display error at the web console using google inspect
it display "newtrustedfunctionforjit fn.bind is not a function"..
the issue is related to the chrome version 83 and the browser need an upgrade to solve the issue
The emulator is not using a browser (it using web view) hence I cannot update the google version
download new skin for newer android model into laptop A
download same skin on the laptop B (the laptop that I initially come with this post)
Below is the explanation from GitHub for angular
Explanation about the chrome issue
Below is my new System Image
Release Name S
API Level 31
ABI x86_64
Target Android 12 (Google APIs)
New System Image

How to set Android Emulator as default device in Flutter vs code?

every time I start vscode for flutter, I have to manually switch from chrome web to android emulator. I want to set the android emulator as the default device. Is there a way to do it?

How to launch Hello World Flutter on Desktop from Android Studio?

I am trying out flutter value proposition of multi platforming.
I am on Android Studio.
Hello world works on Android.
Hello world is not launched on Iphone Emulator even though it is shown in the drop down.
I don't see anything to launch the app in a desktop where i can resize the window at will
I don't see anything either to launch the app in the browser.
Any help? Especially for the desktop and web .. The iphone emulator is probably a setting.
I am on Android Studio 3.3.2 and XCode 10.1
Flutter for desktop is in very early stages, as described on the Flutter wiki; it won't work out of the box. If you want to experiment with it, you'll need to manually add desktop support to your project.
Similarly, Flutter for web is a technical preview that requires extra setup to try out.

screen space in Android emulator in visual studio for mac is very small

I have got the project up and running on android. But the problem with emulator is I cannot expand it to a bigger screen. Even if I expand the same amount of screen is visible.
The emulator I created is nexus 5 device running android 5.0.1 and uses a intel atom image x86

App crashing on Android Emulator but working on Genymotion emulator

I have an app which is working fine on Genymotion emulators. When I try to use it on an Android emulator, it keeps on crashing. The configuration of both emulators is same in terms of memory, heap size and API level.
How to make the app work on Android emulators?